The Man From Alcoa


Paul O'Neill was supposed to be the "grownup" in the Bush Cabinet, the guy
with government savvy from many years in Washington and the
industrial-strength smarts of a successful CEO. Instead, he sounds more like
Uncle Bonzo, flapping his gums with crank pronouncements on how the world
ought to work. Some people (including many reporters and editors) pretend not
to hear his rants. Except--good grief--this guy is Secretary of the Treasury.
O'Neill's verbal excursions are reminiscent of a former President known as
the Gipper, whose legendary pop-off remarks (trees are the biggest polluters)
seemed amusingly daft until it became obvious Ronald Reagan was dangerously

Reforming Social Security and Medicare? O'Neill wonders aloud why we need
them at all. "There's a concept that has a lot of appeal to me," he mused.
"Able-bodied adults should save enough on a regular basis so that they can
provide for their own retirement and for that matter for their health and
medical needs." Otherwise, he explained to the Financial Times, elderly
people are just dumping their problems on the broader society. On June 18,
the Secretary went to Wall Street to rally the financial guys in behalf of
his crusade. The brokerages and banks will pony up $20 million for TV ads
selling Social Security privatization. The package is called "reform," but
O'Neill's musings indicate that the lasting objective is destruction.

The risks of nuclear power? "If you set aside Three Mile Island and
Chernobyl, the safety record of nuclear is really very good," he explained.
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?

Corporate taxation? A ridiculous scam, O'Neill complains. Don't just reduce
the tax on business profit--abolish it! Abolish the corporate income tax?
"Absolutely. In economic logic, there is no reason to have the phony process
as though somehow individual human beings didn't pay the taxes that are
embedded in the prices of goods and services." What about the capital gains
tax on business? "Left to work in the most satisfying theoretical way, if
there weren't any corporate and business taxes, there sure as hell wouldn't
be corporate and business capital gains taxes. Therefore, there wouldn't be
any need to lower the rates because there wouldn't be any rates at all."

AIDS treatment drugs for Africa? A waste of money, an unnamed senior Treasury
official suggested to the New York Times, because Africans lack the "concept
of time" needed to take pills at the prescribed hourly intervals. O'Neill was
widely believed to be the unnamed source. He was taken off the hook somewhat
when another Bush official, the new administrator of the Agency for
International Development, made the same point on the record. Many Africans,
Andrew Natsios explained to the Boston Globe, cannot tell time because they
only know morning, noon and night (plus, they don't own watches). So how
could they possibly take their medicine at the right times? Religious Action
Network, Africa Action and the Health GAP Coalition sent angry protests to
Secretary of State Colin Powell, but also to the Treasury Secretary.
O'Neill's evasive reply made them even angrier.

These and other glimpses into Paul O'Neill's thinking reveal the mind of a
stone-age Republican, notwithstanding his progressive assertions on matters
like worker safety and global warming. Like Reagan's rambles, O'Neill's
breezy, righteous self-certainty provokes mirth as well as alarm. But it
would be a mistake to dismiss them as Bonzo's harmless ruminations. O'Neill
reflects the warped sensibility of some leading industrialists, people who
are not simply flaky right-wingers but who run things. In his peculiar
perspective on society, the most flagrant injustices are inflicted upon the
wealthy and powerful, and they ought to be eradicated. While the prospects
for achieving this are unpromising, O'Neill's sermonettes on the tax system
and other abominations are probably helpful to the White House political
agenda--stroking the corporate interests that got left out of the first
tax-cutting round as well as the right-wing frothers. O'Neill confided that
the President is "intrigued" by his out-of-the-box thoughts. Phase out Social
Security? Repeal corporate taxation? He can't be serious. That's what they
used to say about the Gipper.

At the outset, one might have assumed the loose-lipped performance was
attributable to a business executive's inflated sense of privilege--a man
accustomed to saying exactly what he thinks and expecting everyone to
genuflect to his superior wisdom. The President introduced O'Neill as "a
steady voice" who would calm the nerves of people and markets, but in the
early going O'Neill sent international financial markets spinning (in the
wrong direction) when he said, "We are not pursuing, as is often said, a
policy of a strong dollar. In my opinion, a strong dollar is the result of a
strong economy." Speculators jumped--the dollar reeled, the euro soared. The
Treasury Secretary had to swallow his remarks and reassure markets that the
Clinton Administration's strong-dollar policy remains unchanged. After
elaborating his strong objections to financial bailouts by the IMF, O'Neill
was compelled to retreat again and endorse the vast new bailouts the IMF
provided Turkey and Argentina.

The criticism rankled the Secretary. "I made a mistake of assuming it was all
right to talk about the intellectual fabric around that subject [currency
values]," he grumped. "It's apparent it's not possible to do that, so I'm not
going to try anymore." On the contrary, O'Neill has continued his efforts to
educate us on complex subjects and clearly enjoys the role of "intellectual"
provocateur. After expressing a string of off-the-wall propositions, he asked
an interviewer: "Is that radical enough?" In fact, his ideas are not so much
radical as retrograde, resembling Vice President Cheney's views on energy and
the environment. O'Neill is exhuming golden oldies from the Daddy Warbucks
era of Republican ideology.

His disquisition on corporate taxation, for example, revives the mythical
proposition--business doesn't pay the taxes, consumers do--that was very
popular among business conservatives more than a generation ago (it
originated in the early twentieth century, when the income tax was
introduced). Now and then, a conservative economist with an ivory tower grasp
of the subject will revive the same theory and set corporate hearts aflutter,
until their accountants explain the real-world facts. Aside from modest
dividends, corporations do not distribute their profits to shareholders but
retain the money in-house to use for financing new investments (preferable to
borrowing the funds from banks or financial markets). Thus, if corporate
earnings were not taxed at the source, business profits would accumulate each
year as tax-free income (maybe what O'Neill has in mind).

The government, in exchange for repealing the corporate rate, might
conceivably compel companies to distribute all their profits to the
shareholders, but no one in business wants that. Alternatively, in theory,
the profits might be attributed to the individual shareholders for tax
purposes, so they would have to pay the taxes on the income. But that's an
accounting nightmare for both taxpayers and the government, since the stock
market's daily churning continuously changes the ownership of shares and
would slice up any tax obligations into small, moving fractions. The more
fundamental fallacy in O'Neill's reasoning is that the bulk of privately
owned corporate shares are already exempt from taxation because they are held
in some form of tax-sheltered status--pension funds, personal IRAs,
tax-exempt foundations. The owners don't pay anything on their income from
equities. As a practical matter, the corporate tax is the only nick the
government gets to take on business profits--and it's already weakened.

The reason corporations lobby so fiercely to reduce the corporate tax rate
and gut the code with crippling loopholes is simple--they know it's their
money, not the consumers'. They intend to hang on to as much of it as
possible; so far they've been quite successful. In the 1960s corporate taxes
yielded 35 percent of total federal income-tax collection, but that
proportion shrank steadily as more and more business tax breaks were enacted.
Reagan's splurge of tax-cutting in 1981 achieved the nadir: Corporate tax
revenue fell to 10 percent of the whole. Some of those losses were recovered
by the tax reform legislation of 1986, which closed many loopholes, and
corporate tax payments swelled further when profits surged in the early
1990s, rising to 21 percent by 1995. But the corporations have since figured
out how to have it both ways--rising profits and falling tax obligations. The
corporate share of tax revenue actually declined during the recent economic
boom, back down to 17 percent in 2000.

As chief executive at Alcoa, O'Neill was not the worst of the looters, but he
did better than average at beating the tax collectors. In 1996 Alcoa enjoyed
profits of $399 million and paid nothing. In fact, it collected a rebate of
$17.6 million from the Feds--a tax rate of -4.4 percent derived from
accounting ploys not available to mere mortals. For the three-year period
from 1996 to 1998, Alcoa paid an effective tax rate of only 15.9 percent on
$1.7 billion in profits--less than half the statutory rate of 35 percent and
right in line with what ordinary working stiffs pay on their incomes. The man
himself, meanwhile, earned $59 million in his last year at Alcoa, enjoying
fabulous stock options that are one of the devices Alcoa uses to reduce its
taxes. So why all the whining? It's not the money, it's an "intellectual"

Gaming the tax code is resurgent again in corporate America and was
documented by Robert McIntyre of Citizens for Tax Justice in an alarming
study released last October (largely neglected amid pre-election tumult).
Among 250 of the biggest corporations, McIntyre found forty-one that, like
Alcoa, had dodged taxes altogether in one or more years from 1996 through
1998. They paid less than zero on $25.8 billion in profits and collected $3.2
billion in rebates. In 1998, the needy cases included PepsiCo, Pfizer, J.P.
Morgan, Enron, Weyerhaeuser, General Motors, MCI Worldcom and CSX. O'Neill is
right to say the tax code is an "abomination" in need of reform. He only has
the direction wrong.

Beyond corporations, the talking Secretary seems to be driving toward a
larger point: Wealth accumulation should not be taxed in any form. It's hard
to say for sure because his remarks are often elliptical to the point of
incoherence. But the new Treasury boss did overrule his own department's
policy staff and withdraw from an inquiry by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development into offshore tax havens that allow wealthy
people to hide investment money and evade taxes at home [see Lucy Komisar,
"After Dirty Air, Dirty Money," June 18]. O'Neill parroted the right-wing
line that this modest reform effort might discourage low tax rates in
Caribbean islands where the money is parked.

Though the Secretary waxes philosophical on the subject of wealth and taxes,
his personal behavior could be mistaken for that of a regular old greedhead.
When he took office, O'Neill brushed aside the conflict-of-interest rules and
decided he wouldn't sell his shares in Alcoa, the bulk of his $62 million in
assets. He relented once an uproar ensued, but the Secretary sold off his
shares v-e-r-y slowly, while Alcoa's stock price was rising nearly 30
percent. Unlike some of the rest of us, this man has saved up for retirement.
Besides, he is already receiving an annual pension of $926,000 from his old
employer. The repeal of the inheritance tax will save his heirs $30-75
million, by McIntyre's estimate. So, hey, who needs Social Security anyway?
O'Neill envisions instead a relatively small welfare program limited to the
truly deserving lame and halt.

On the subject of tax theory, O'Neill strikes a tone of moral indignation.
"We've gotten to the issue of thinking about taxing income and wealth as
though they are two separate things," he mused. "And you can make an
argument--I think a fair argument--that people should be taxed on period
income, which means the amount of income that comes in some particular
calendar period." This sounds like he thinks the passive accumulation of
wealth over many years from appreciating stocks and other assets should not
be taxed--a cute way of saying, Let's repeal the capital gains tax on
individuals too, along with the inheritance tax. Others interpret his remarks
as obliquely favoring a national sales tax to replace the lost revenue from
corporations--putting the full burden on consumers, where he thinks it

O'Neill's perspective demonstrates how far the moral fulcrum has gravitated
in the conservative era. A generation ago, it was assumed that income earned
from human labor was morally more deserving than income accumulated passively
from invested wealth. "Unearned income," as it was then called, was taxed at
a higher rate than wage and salary income. The preference for human labor was
repealed in the Reagan tax cut, and now O'Neill seems to envision the next
step: giving full preference to wealth by not taxing it at all.

Should we worry about this loose talk? Not much, thinks Bob McIntyre, who has
been a watchdog critic of tax-code inequities for two decades. "To do any of
these things he wants would almost certainly cost a ton of money, and they
already broke the bank with the tax cuts," McIntyre said. And with Democrats
taking charge of the Senate, the political obstacles have recently become
more formidable.

Nevertheless, the corporate-conservative movement has prospered by taking the
long view of politics--talking up the most improbable propositions, year
after year, and creating a framework for public debate that makes looting the
Treasury sound like a moral crusade. This appears to be O'Neill's noble
mission too--beating the drum for "tax reform" by grossly falsifying the
fundamentals. The odds are against immediate action, of course, but his
righteous chatter starts us down the road and ought to be vigorously refuted,
right now, before it poisons the climate of public understanding. Ten years
ago, while Democrats smirked, the Republicans started popularizing the "death
tax" as a cause for righteous indignation. They found farmers and small
business owners to front for the issue, even though it was obvious that only
the very wealthy would benefit. This year, the long-running agitation paid
off for George W. Bush when the inheritance tax was repealed--despite the
gross injustice. A lot of Democrats voted for it too.

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