Fraud: The American Way of Life
by Al Martin

Certain FBI agents who have not been allowed to retire (and who have been
alluded to previously in this column) have started to leak internal FBI
documents to a British newspaper in an effort to exert leverage on the Bureau.

They will leak out just enough for the Bureau to get nervous and then shake
down the Bureau for whatever they can get. These agents, who used to call
themselves "The Un-Retireables," are in FBI counter-intelligence, and they
include Robert G. White and Merton Cashman.

Documents in their possession are being leaked to the Sun, the British
tabloid publication. They've already received a $30,000 payment. Using "The
Old Story Route," they'll try to bounce the story around in Europe and bring
it back into the United States. Eventually they'll try to extort the FBI.
That's the typical way it's done, particularly if you have documents that are
worth a lot of money.

One of the documents concerns a CIA "informant" who was being paid $20,000 a
month. He was getting a six-figure salary working in a computer chip company.
It was suspected that somebody was stealing the ideas and selling them to
another country. What turned out is that he was still being paid one year
after he was dead. They never replaced him. And they claim it was a natural
death. And the FBI guy is laughing and saying, "And they think we [at the
FBI] have corruption?"

The guy who's the senior over the one who died (who was supposedly paying him
continuously and reporting back what great work he was doing) now has a great
little condo in St. Lucia.

The funniest part is not that he was dead, but that reports were written
seeming to be from him during the time he's dead.

One of the FBI teams in China evidently broke in somewhere and got their
hands on these records. In those records was a copy of a report by this guy
about the new chip making technique. When they contacted Washington, they
found out that this guy whose report they found was actually dead.

If the other documents being leaked were just typical embarrassing classified
documents that could expose a few things and ruin twenty different guys'
careers, then that's about $20,000 or $50,000 per file. But this stuff
inculpates Louis Freeh and Janet Reno. So they're expecting it could be worth
a couple million dollars.

Eventually The Sun will publish some oblique story, inferring that they know
something, just to let the right people know. Nobody cares about the public.
The public is just being used as a springboard. Then it will go through what
is known as "The Normal British Route." The Sun will do something. Then The
London Observer will do something. The London Times. The Telegraph. Then it
will come back to the Washington Times. The New York Post. This is the same
route that Iran-Contra information often took during a time in which it could
not be published in the US.

The information would then undergo this "authentication process." Information
would first be "authenticated" by European publications. Then it could be
reprinted by mainstream media in the US, quoting so-called "authentic"
European sources. This scheme to get information published in the US was
first initiated by the renowned Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Telegraph.

Every time a new story is written about these leaked FBI files, there will be
a little more released - until finally someone approaches somebody with a
suitcase full of money. And then it stops.


Government Fraud News: The Pentagon has announced that it's grounding its
entire fleet of Apache helicopters due to "malfunctioning tail rotors."

In fact, it is not the tail rotors that are malfunctioning, but the
micro-processing unit that synchronizes the tail rotor to the main engine.

The micro-processing unit is supposed to be manufactured by Hewlett Packard
-- but it really isn't. The contract is given to HP and it has Hewlett
Packard's name on the micro-processing unit, but they in fact subcontract it
out to a Chinese company. Then when it comes back they just put their
nameplate on it.

The sub contractor is rumored to be the Ding Ah Ling Company of Shanghai
("Ah" being "and" in Mandarin Chinese.) It's suspected that the Ding Dong
Company is an Ecuador-based wholly owned subsidiary…

Just kidding, but seriously -- that's why the entire Apache helicopter fleet
had to be grounded.

In fact, the gross failure of this weapons system was reported by Al Martin
Raw many months ago as an exclusive news item on this website.


FBI Arrests Update: James Hill, an FBI employee in Las Vegas who was
allegedly selling information, was arrested last week. The FBI is widening
its investigation, and there is now a total of nine individuals in custody
over this incident.

Eight further arrests have been made in state and federal offices in Las
Vegas, including an employee of the Nevada Secretary of State's Office. The
employee is closely connected to the infamous Frankie Sue DelPapa, former
head of that office and a personal friend of George Bush as well as a member
of the Bush Cabal. It was she who once called her own office "Corruption
Central" - with a smile on her face no less. (For more details, see Chapter
24 of "The Conspirators" by Al Martin.)

Someone is evidently exerting pressure against the local media in Las Vegas
(it's suspected to be the FBI) to keep this latest news out of the press.


Redstone Fraud Update: Illegal weapons transactions at the Redstone Arsenal
continue apace. The Friendly Colonel has closed up shop on Trans Global
Shipping and Storage. He has balled up his old cocktail napkin outfit and
thrown it in the trash. He has since started a new cocktail napkin company,
the Gulf Coast Shipping and Storage Company, with a non-existent corporate
office in Clearwater, Florida.

"Mr. Murphy," the Chinese Arms Dealer, has a partner called "Mr. Weinstein."
"Mr. Weinstein" speaks with a heavy Irish brogue and may or may not be
associated with the IRA. They are shipping a large quantity of a weapons
system called "lancet."

The Friendly Colonel is now actually supplying the bankers' boxes to ship
these things. So imagine high explosives traveling in cardboard boxes on the
highways of America. To make more money, he tells them that Department of
Transportation regulations require that these things be enclosed in bubble
packs and "5 mil high-grade special duct tape." These guys evidently don't
know the difference. They just tell him -- "Give us a quote. We don't know.
We don't care."

The Friendly Colonel is buying the banker boxes at Home Depot and they charge
him a buck a piece. He then charges these guys $68 a piece because these are
"Special Banker Boxes." He pays $5.48 a roll for the duct tape at Home Depot,
but since it's the special DOT approved duct tape, he charges them about $136
a roll.

Remember these are transactions in which every step of the process is
illegal. The selling of the weapons is illegal. The merchants themselves are
illegal because they're not registered. The weapons are shipped under all
sorts of different names. They're mislabeled. There's no customs clearance.
There are no safety precautions. They're being shipped through Ryder this
time. It's all being shipped from Huntsville, Alabama to New Orleans.

The Friendly Colonel had to actually get five of their big trucks which had
"$29.95 a day" painted on them. He had to have it painted over so these
people won't know how much he was actually paying for them He's paying an
extra $45 a day on the rental to have it painted over because he's actually
charging them $350 a day for each truck.

Not to be forgotten is that "Mr. Murphy" still thinks that "Ru-Raul" is
different than "U-Haul."

The rental company has a labor pool deal with unemployed drivers and they're
providing him with the labor at $8 an hour and he's billing "Mr. Murphy" and
Mr. Weinstein" $30 an hour for a "specialist." They're "specialists" because
they have a driver's license.

The Friendly Colonel reports that business is booming. Word has gotten around
and people think he has a whole fleet of trucks. They believe that Gulf Coast
Shipping and Storage has offices everywhere. Nobody checks anything out.
There's no paperwork. Everything is done by corporate offshore checks that
nobody can trace.

Al Martin Raw readers will be happy to know that the five trucks have arrived
safely at their destination. And now "Mr. Weinstein" wants to do this on a
weekly basis.

The Friendly Colonel actually even got a call from the Department of Defense
to get more involved in helping him move these illegal weapons systems. A
major told him that the problem in shipping all these illegal weapons is that
the Department of Defense is desperately short of transport capability. All
the capability they can deliver to facilitate these illegal weapons sales has
to be covert. They have to hide planes. They have to pretend planes are in
one place and they're actually in another place. They tell him that there are
only so many assets they can devote to this. And they desperately are in need
of private transportation companies.

As reported in recent GAO reports, the highest growth sector of the American
economy is fraud -- especially at the Department of Defense and HUD.

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