Well it is cool and raining as we await the sun for its back to the
lake; however, I did want to forward this for the making of hash can be
very deadly if not done in a proper manner - not that anyone on list
would ever consider attempting this.

Remember many years back the Sultan in Morocco as I recall he was a
Sultan, outlawed hash and nearly had a revolution as if things were not
already bad enough......no more hash also in this Casbah......

Strange in countries where Hash was not against the law, no big deal;
the moment people are forbidden to smoke free hash and marijuana - boy
that Mafia moves in on it and plae great value.

In USA the big stuff started when it ws reported the kids were giving
the Dons a run for their money in making their own drugs, peddling pot,
etc....and suddenly in Columbus a young kid who was giving them some
trouble, ws found murdered for this territory was then controlled by
Meyer Lansky's henchman an a hit man named Ralph DeLeo who murdered many
people but the Sicilian CFR Govenor, whom Clinton appointed Ambassador
to India later after he was voted out in Ohio - this man pardoned the
bum an set him free.......wonder how much that cost someone.

So my son grew a little plant in his bedroom which I found out later to
be pot - I used to waer it and he thought it was funny when I would tell
him the littlei plant, was dying....guess it has to die first to be born
again pot plant.

So what barnyard alchemist wrote this one up?


Maybe this explains explosive nature of Hash....and I do not mean the
corned beef kind.

%%                    How to make hash                    %%
%%                                                        %%
%%                      By: Mr. Crue                      %%
   The most amazing thing about hashish is the price on the black
market. An ounce of hash usually sells for anywhere between $60 and $100
(old book). I say the price is amazing because with one kilo (2.2 lbs)
of grass, a person can easily make seven or eight ounces of hash.In
other words, you
   can basicly increase your money sharply br doing this.
                               ^% The process %^

   The process for extracting the essence of marijuana is a simple one,
but it requires the utmost care. You need a kilo of grass to begin with
(woohh), and a screen to sift it through.

1) A kilo of grass usually comes in a block, compressed together, so
break down the block and gently put it through the screen.

2) Remove all dirt and foreign objects, but don't take out the stems.
The seeds should also be taken out, as they are much to greasy for good

3) Now that you have seperated the kilo and sifted it, place it in a
large pot and cover with rubbing alcohol (about one and a half gallons
per kilo).

4) Now boil the mixture for about three hours. Be sure to use a hot
plate or electric stove rather than gas as alcohol is highly inflammable
and should never be exposed to a naked flame.
5) After three hours, strain liquids out of the pot, and store in a
plastic container labeled "Solution 1." Now take the mush you have left
and repeat the boiling with fresh alcohol for another three hours.

6) After two alcohol extractions, each time using fresh alcohol, follow
the same procedure, but substitue water for alcohol. The water must be
boiled at a higher temperature than the alcohol, but only for an hour.
This boiling procedure with water should be performed twice.

7) Once these procedures have been performed, strain off the liquids
again and store in another container, and label "Solution 2". Now reduce
volumes of both solutions by boiling in seperate pots, turn down the
heat as each solution begins to thicken.

8) When each solution is reasonably thickened, combine them and boil a
little more on the hot plate. At this point the solution should have the
consistency of modeling clay.

9) Now heat a cupful of terpentine, and add to the mush. Be extra
careful with the terpentine, as even the vapors are inflammable. Add 2
ozs. of pine resin and stir pot for ten minutes, under low heat.

10) Now pour mush into a baking tin, two or three inches deep, and heat
in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. After this, you should have
some really good hash but, if the hash doesn't dry up after this step,
just leave it in
    the oven a few more minutes or until it dries out.

* Hash can be smoked either in a pipe or with tobbaco in a cigarette.
Traditionally, hash is smoked in a hookah or water pipe. But it's your
choice...  Have fun!
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