-Caveat Lector-

                     Kyoto = Kick the United States

July 4, 2001                                    by: Phyllis Schlafly

The anti-Bush brigade in the United States and abroad has coalesced around the
Kyoto Protocol, thinking it is a neat hammer with which to hit our
President. They are
bragging that his strong stand against this fraudulent treaty is the
principal factor in his
slight drop in the polls, which the media were glad to feature as
front-page news.

Here are some of the groups, all of which enjoy wide access to the media,
that are
riding the Kyoto bandwagon for their own purposes.

  1. The anti-growth socialists, particularly the European countries that
have moved
      left in recent years. The socialist mindset opposes economic growth and
      instead welcomes scarcity of resources so that big government can
      or ration the scarce resources.

      The private enterprise system, on the other hand, produces abundance
so that
      a rising tide lifts all boats. It is clear that the Kyoto
restrictions would restrict
      economic growth.

  2. The foreign dictators in the United Nations who look upon the UN as a
      where they can demand that the United States redistribute our wealth
to them.
      Our foreign aid never gets to the poor people who need it; it is
gobbled up by
      the ruling tyrants.

  3. The cult of radical environmentalists who believe we should
subordinate our
      standard of living to the supremacy of global ecology or, as Al Gore
said in the
      title of his book, force us to put "Earth in the Balance." These
groups have great
      sums of money available through the UN NGOs (non-governmental
      organizations) and tax-exempt foundations.

      But there's nothing balanced about the ideology or the treaty. The
ideology is
      the new religion of worshipping Mother Earth.

  4. The leftist radicals who formerly demonstrated for the Communists but
are now
      using their street skills for the radical environmentalists.

  5. The Democrats who will use any available issue to attack George W. Bush.
      Minority Leader Dick Gephardt just made headlines with his endorsement of

      This issue is so attractive to the Democrats because big media
chatter about it
      all the time. Furthermore, the Kyoto goals demand more federal
regulations and
      higher taxes, both favorite Democratic Party goals.

  6. The leftwing scientists who distort science for political purposes.
      Science used to mean the science of politics, but Kyoto has taught us
a new
      definition: the politics of science.

The rationale for the Kyoto Protocol is the fear of a monster called global
warming: the
earth is getting warmer, the ice will melt, the oceans will rise and flood
our cities. The
advocates of the Kyoto Protocol are using the new June report of the National
Academy of Sciences to sell this thesis and clobber George W. Bush.

But the Kyoto propagandists have maliciously misrepresented this report.
The full
report makes clear that there is no scientific consensus about long-term
trends or what causes them.

Yes, climate is constantly changing and the earth is warmer than it used to
be, 0.5
degrees Celsius higher than a century ago. We are grateful we don't live in
the Ice

But scientists do not agree that past climate change was caused by CO2 and they
cannot forecast what the climate will be in the future. They don't agree on
how much
change can be attributed to greenhouse gases and how much to water vapor,
and storms.

Some 17,000 American scientists have signed a Petition that reads as
follows: "We
urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement
that was
written in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997, and any other similar proposals. The
proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the
of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind."

Continuing, this petition reads: "There is no convincing scientific
evidence that human
release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or
will, in
the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the earth's
atmosphere and
disruption of the earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial
scientific evidence that
increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects
upon the
natural plant and animal environments of the earth."

The Kyoto Protocol, agreed to by Al Gore in 1997, would require the U.S. to
our emissions to 7 percent below our 1990 levels. Yet, as Bush pointed out,
China is
wholly exempted from Kyoto's restrictions even though it is the world's
emitter of greenhouse gases.

Bush agreed to continue to pursue climate research. But he pointed out that
the U.S.
has spent $18 billion on climate research since 1990, more than Japan and
all 15
nations of the European Union combined.

Science has become politics in disguise. Global controls will be hurtful to
both our
ecology and our economy.

Phyllis Schlafly column 7-04-01

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