-Caveat Lector-

Have you seen any stories like these in your local newspaper lately?


Order to murder came from 'devil,' expert testifies

By William Cole
Advertiser Courts Writer
 © COPYRIGHT 2001 The Honolulu Advertiser
Wednesday, April 4, 2001

The man accused of murdering a vacuum cleaner salesman in Waialua said
he was on a "mission" to kill people and chop up their bodies after
voices commanded him to do so, a psychiatrist testified yesterday.

Dr. Robert Collis interviewed Michael Robert Lawrence after he was
charged with second-degree murder in the 1999 disappearance of Melchor

When Collis asked Lawrence why he was at Hawai'i State Hospital,
Lawrence "said he was hearing voices telling him to kill him (Tabag) and
chop him up. He said he chopped him up and brought him to the dump,"
Collis testified in Circuit Court yesterday.

According to Lawrence's lawyer, Tabag unwittingly became a victim of the
defendant's psychosis when he knocked on Lawrence's door on March 27,
1999, with the goal of selling him a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

Lawrence, 25, is on trial without a jury before Circuit Judge Virginia
Crandall on charges that he murdered the 41-year-old vacuum cleaner
salesman whose body was never found. Lawrence's lawyer is raising the
insanity defense.

During defense opening arguments yesterday, Deputy Public Defender
William Jameson said Lawrence spiraled into a world of delusional

Isolating himself from the outside world, he became fixated on an
unplugged computer monitor he once placed on the roof of his parents'
Waialua home, Jameson said.

Lawrence "became sicker and sicker" and troubling voices became a
command, Jameson said. "His mission was to kill and chop people up."

"What he (Tabag) found was a man — Michael Lawrence — who thought and
believed Mr. Tabag would be the first of several (victims) to come,"
Jameson said. "Michael calmly struck the victim in the head and then
stabbed him and then dismembered him."

City Deputy Prosecutor Kevin Takata said a refuse transfer station
between Hale'iwa and Waimea Bay is the "dump" talked about by Lawrence,
but police did not search there for Tabag's body because they heard
about the dump more than a year after Tabag disappeared, and also
because rubbish there is routinely moved to two other spots on the

Yesterday, Collis reported other bizarre behavior by Lawrence. While at
the O'ahu Community Correctional Center, Lawrence didn't speak to anyone
for weeks on end, collected his urine and smeared feces around the cell,
Collis said.

Lawrence also told Collis that Bill and Hillary Clinton were his
parents, that he was part of Microsoft, that he worked for the CIA and
as an insurance agent, and that the "devil" gave him his mission to

Lawrence, his ankles shackled and wearing a green OCCC jumpsuit, sat
looking down yesterday, his curly long hair shrouding his face.

Lawrence faces life in prison with the possibility of parole if he is
convicted of second-degree murder.

If he is acquitted by reason of insanity and deemed dangerous, he will
be committed to the state mental hospital.

Two mental health experts who examined Lawrence — Collis included —
concluded he was "substantially impaired" at the time of the killing.

A third expert, along with an expert hired by the state, said Lawrence
was not substantially impaired.


Copyright 2000  -- The Detroit News.

Beating death spurs bystander law
Plan would require injury witnesses to notify authorities
Thursday, October 5, 2000

By Associated Press

    KALAMAZOO -- The beating death of an aspiring social worker in a bus
station where at least five adults ignored the attack has prompted two
legislators to draft a "Good Samaritan" law.   The legislation being
drafted by state Sen. Dale Shugars, R-Portage, and Rep. Jerry Vander
Roest, R-Galesburg, would require that people witnessing someone gravely
injured immediately notify authorities.

   The proposal is a response to the Aug. 17 beating death of Kevin
Heisinger, 24. He was headed home to Chicago from orientation at the
University of Michigan's social work program when he was attacked. Brian
Williams, 40, of Ypsilanti has been charged in Heisinger's death and
ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

   Authorities have said Williams has suffered from schizophrenia for 20
years, and reportedly told his brother he heard voices telling him to
kill.  He allegedly beat Heisinger to death in a restroom while at least
five people sat within earshot of the attack and did not notify police.

   No one is believed to have witnessed the attack. But police said
several people heard Heisinger cry "stop" and "help" -- and one man went
into the restroom, saw the victim lying in a pool of blood and walked
out.  A second man found Heisinger unconscious and also left without
calling for help. A 9-year-old boy finally notified personnel at the bus
terminal, where the city Department of Public Safety has a substation.

   The adults later gave investigators no explanation for not helping
Heisinger, police said. Shugars hopes to introduce the law, patterned
after similar measures in California and Minnesota, when the Legislature
reconvenes Nov. 9.

   "Senator Shugars was very upset at the lack of compassion to an
individual who was being physically abused and ended up being murdered,"
Bea Raymond, the lawmaker's chief of staff, told the Kalamazoo Gazette
in a report Saturday. "I mean, just a simple scream for help might have
stopped this individual's death. And it's sad that it took a child. And
it was still too late."  Some Michigan laws contain Good Samaritan
language, but are narrower in scope than the measure being proposed by
Shugars and Vander Roest. One grants immunity from civil damages to
health personnel who provide care at the scene of an emergency. Other
laws require care providers, teachers, social workers, counselors,
nurses and police to immediately report abuse or neglect of elderly
adults or children.


Jacksonville (FL) Times-Union
Sunday, May 27, 2001

Story last updated at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 27, 2001
Broward teen charged with fatally beating father with bat

The Associated Press

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. - A teen-age high school dropout who told
investigators he was acting on God's orders confessed to beating his
father to death with a baseball bat, police said. Ronald Morgan, 18, a
once-promising baseball player whose parents two weeks ago called police
to force him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation, was being held without
bond Sunday at the mental health unit of the Broward County Jail.

Morgan was charged with first-degree murder and aggravated assault in
the beating death of his 48-year-old father, Rick Morgan, Friday night
at the family's home at the Holly Lake Mobile Home Park. Morgan was a
disturbed youth with a history of drug abuse and a criminal record,
according to Sgt. Michael Arnett of the Pembroke Pines police. Last
year, he was arrested on charges of possession of narcotics, carrying a
concealed weapon, tampering with evidence and possession of drug
paraphernalia, he said.

Morgan tried to strangle his mother, Rosemarie Morgan, a few days before
his father's slaying because she had him committed against his will,
Arnett said. After the beating, the teen drove his father's pickup truck
to the home of his grandmother, Mary Licausi, in Boca Raton. Licausi and
the teen's uncle, Joe Licausi, later told police he had a lot of blood
on his face and clothing and he told them in a matter-of-fact tone, "I
killed my father, and I think I need to kill my mother," Arnett said.

Morgan said God told him in a dream to his kill his parents, Arnett
said. "He just walked in and said, 'I just killed dad,'" Arnett said.
"Then he went to the kitchen to wash up and said he was going to get a
pack of cigarettes." Once Morgan left, his grandmother called Boca Raton
police, who arrested him and contacted authorities in Pembroke Pines.
Morgan spent Friday night in a Boca Raton police cell, then was
transferred to Broward County Jail Saturday. He confessed he killed his
father to Pembroke Pines detectives on Saturday morning, police said.

Morgan told detectives he was still angry over being forced to undergo
the psychiatric evaluation. His parents had brought him to Boca Raton
Community Hospital on May 9, said Morgan's lawyer, Barry Butin. He was
delusional and making threats.

After being evaluated, he was transferred to South County Mental Health
Center in Delray Beach. But on May 14, the center called his mother and
told her to come pick him up. Morgan's family felt he shouldn't be
released yet and is considering suing the center, Butin said.

Earlier this week, Morgan choked his mother, intending to kill her, but
said he stopped because God told him to kill his father first, Arnett
said. "We don't know whether she reported it," Arnett said. Rosemarie
Morgan declined to comment Saturday, and did not immediately respond to
a message left Sunday on her answering machine. Residents of the mobile
home park told police the father and son had fought, sometimes
violently, but still remained close. They said that when the teen
dropped out of high school and turned to drugs, his father struggled to
help his only child. Repeatedly, neighbors said, Rick Morgan got his son
into drug treatment programs, and repeatedly, his son would drop out.


Conyers Teen Called Suicidal
Defense Psychiatrist Says Shooting Suspect Heard Voices
By Helena de Moura

Tuesday, August 10 , 1999
Copyright 1999 Reuters

Police escort school shooting suspect T.J. Solomon into the Rockdale
County Courthouse in Conyers, Ga., on May 20 after he allegedly opened
fire on other students at Heritage High School. (John Bazemore/AP Photo)


At a hearing to determine whether a teen shooting suspect should be
tried as an adult, a witness says the boy had suicidal thoughts and was
obsessed with death.

C O N Y E R S, Ga., Aug. 10 — A Georgia boy accused of wounding six
classmates in a May school shooting was plagued by suicidal thoughts and
believed he heard voices giving commands, a psychiatrist testified
today. T.J. Solomon, 15, is charged with 21 counts of child cruelty,
aggravated assault and weapons possession in the May 20 shooting at
Heritage High School in Conyers, about 25 miles east of Atlanta. All six
of the shooting victims survived. The hearing was held to determine if
Solomon would be tried as a juvenile or an adult. “He heard voices
telling him to do strange things, but they were robotic voices, not
human voices,” said Dr. Eddy Regnier, who teaches psychiatry at Harvard
University and who was hired by defense attorneys to examine the boy.

     If the court grants Rockdale County District Attorney Richard
Read’s motion to try him as an adult, Solomon could face more than 350
years in prison. If tried as a juvenile, the most he could receive under
Georgia law is five years.

Boy Not Improved, Witness Says

Regnier said that the youngster suffered from “major depression with
severe psychotic features,” and appeared to have two personalities. “On
the one side is this really nice guy,” Regnier said. “But on the other
side is a kid harboring angry feelings, who had made two suicide
attempts, who spent his time thinking of death. He’s bringing guns to
school. He’s talking to friends, and what are they talking about? ‘I’m
going to shoot you.’”

     The psychiatrist said the boy, who placed the barrel of a gun into
his mouth immediately after the school shootings but was talked out of
pulling the trigger by an assistant principal, has not improved since
his arrest. “I see a child that has deteriorated,” the psychiatrist
said. “He’s autistic-like. He seems not to care. He says he has no need
for friends. His teachers think he’s a ticking time bomb, but no one
acts on it.” Regnier said the boy told him that he once went to the
basement of his family’s home, got one of his stepfather’s guns and put
it in his mouth, intending to pull the trigger. The boy said he was
stopped when he heard someone coming downstairs. Since his arrest,
Solomon has been under suicide watch at a juvenile jail. Authorities
said he threatened to kill himself using metal from the braces on his

Suspect Was Withdrawn

Earlier in the day Solomon’s stepfather, Robert Daniele, told the court
the boy was withdrawn in the months leading up to the shootings.
Daniele, who manages a trucking firm, said Solomon was a standout
baseball player when the family lived in North Carolina but lost
interest in the sport when the family moved to Georgia in 1996. “He was
one of the best players on his baseball team in North Carolina,” Daniele
said. “He really loved baseball but just gave it up. The stepfather said
the boy, whose lawyers have said he was taking the hyperactivity drug
Ritalin, would listen to music for hours, silently rocking back and

     “I attributed this to being a teen-ager,” he said. “I guess now,
looking back with the understanding I have now, there was something
different. He had something bottled up.” In the days following the
shooting, classmates said the boy’s girlfriend had just broken up with
him. Daniele discounted those reports. “When I was a teen-ager, I used
to love getting calls from my female friends,” he said. “But T.J. never
wanted to talk to them. Whenever they called, he would tell his mother
and sister that he didn’t want to talk to them.” The hearing was
expected to continue Wednesday, when students return to Heritage High
from their summer recess.


Man held, victim identified in slaying-dismemberment
The Detroit News -- Saturday, July 17, 1999

Associated Press

SUMMIT TOWNSHIP -- A diner cook accused of killing his waitress wife and
dismembering her body in the mom-and-pop restaurant they operated was
arraigned Friday on an open count of murder. Police say that Kevin Artz,
43, was carrying a cardboard box containing his wife's head when they
arrived at the diner on Thursday. They said they saw him place the box
on a porch of a nearby home.  They found other body parts inside the
restaurant. Her body had been dismembered in the kitchen, sheriff's
Capt. Tony Philipps told the Jackson Citizen Patriot. Philipps said
investigators weren't sure whether the entire body had been recovered.

    Patricia Artz, 46, had been reported missing by her family after
they had not heard from her since Tuesday.  Authorities say one charred
body part was found near a grill in the restaurant's kitchen. Evidence
indicates that Artz may have placed body parts in hot water, causing the
flesh to come off the bone, he said.  "What they largely found was
bones," Prosecutor John McBain said.
Pathologists made preliminary identification Friday afternoon using
dental records, he said. He expects the identification to be confirmed
within a few days.

Artz was arraigned Friday before Judge Carlene Lefere. Lefere set
preliminary examination for July 27. She also began steps to appoint an
attorney for Artz after he was unclear about whether he would hire his
own lawyer. Lefere ordered him held without bond in Jackson County Jail.
If convicted, Kevin faces up to life in prison.  The Artzes lived in the
living quarters attached to Kip's Pizza Taco House, Philipps said.

McBain said the slaying may have occurred in the living room. He said
police found traces of blood in the living room and evidence that Artz
tried to clean blood from both the living room and the kitchen. McBain
said authorities were still trying to determine a time and cause of
death.  "The body was so significantly destroyed that it may be
difficult to determine an exact cause of death," he said.
Patricia's younger brother, Joe Powers, said in a telephone interview
with the Citizen Patriot that her family never had any indication there
was any problem between the two.  "I thought they loved each other," he
said. "I thought he was the best thing that ever happened to her."
Friends told the newspaper that Artz underwent some form of neurosurgery
about a month ago after suffering fits of vomiting. The business had
been closed down since the surgery as he recuperated. Eric Jorgensen, a
longtime acquaintance and regular customer, said Ms. Artz phoned him
last week to say she was concerned about her husband's short- and
long-term memory loss since the surgery. "His family says they don't
think that he has been himself since the surgery," Philipps said.

 McBain said he was not fully aware of Kevin's medical history, but he
said his office was preparing for a possible insanity defense.


Dew Escapes Death Sentence, Gets Life

Dave Brannen, News Director
February 2, 2001 5:55 AM

It's life in prison for the convicted killer of Ormond Beach resident,
Donald Barton. In fact, 20-year old Jason Dew was handed two consecutive
life sentences, one for killing the 39-year old street-sweeper and a
second for robbing him. The jury opted for the life recommendation and
the judge went along when he sentenced the North Carolina man. Dew
claimed he heard voices that told him to kill the man. 20-year old Billy
Ray Aaron, the other man accused in the July, 1999 slaying, is expected
to go on trial in the coming months.


Published by The [Nashville] Tennessean -- Thursday, 7/29/99


School shooting defendant quoted as saying he heard voices

By Associated Press

A Lincoln County High School student charged with killing a classmate
"heard voices" in the weeks before the shooting, a child psychiatrist
testified yesterday. Jacob Davis, 19, is on trial in Nashville for
charges that he gunned down Robert Nicholas "Nick" Creson, 18, in the
school's parking lot on May 19, 1998, a few days before they were to
graduate. William Kenner of Nashville testified for the defense that
Davis was "losing touch with reality" in the days before the shooting.
He said the teen-ager was depressed because his girlfriend was sleeping
with Creson and he was exhausted from juggling his job, his romance and
his school work.

The voices were "very loud" after a confrontation between the two in a
drama class that day, Kenner said, "and seem to have precipitated these
actions." "These actions," included Davis driving home to get the
.22-caliber rifle and returning to school. He waited for Creson in the
back parking lot and shot him three times.

Davis then sat on the ground with his head in his hands until he was
arrested. The defense team is trying to show that Davis suffered
"diminished mental capacity" at the time of the shooting that made him
unable to form the intent required for first-degree murder. If the jury
agrees, it could convict Davis of a lesser crime such as second-degree
murder or voluntary homicide.

State psychologists called by the prosecution disputed Kenner's finding
that Davis was suffering from severe depression with psychotic features,
those features being the voices he heard in his head. The state's
psychologists said Davis was depressed, but rejected the psychotic
features contention.

"He said he heard voices calling his name," said Dr. Rokeya Farooque
from the Middle Tennessee Mental Health Institute. "Voices calling his
name is not indicative of a major mental illness." The prosecution
introduced a letter written in March, two months before the shooting, in
which Davis said he wanted to hear Creson's skin "tear and pop" while
he, Davis, recited lyrics by the pop band Smashing Pumpkins.

"I want to put a three-inch diameter hole is his chest," Davis wrote. In
another letter, according to Assistant District Attorney Eddie Bernard,
he wrote: "I lust to kill him."

Bernard noted Davis has an IQ of about 130, was a top student and had
been offered an academic scholarship to Mississippi State University. He
noted that hearing voices was first mentioned by Kenner, not volunteered
by Davis.

"You're telling me somebody with a 130 IQ is sitting in jail facing
first-degree murder charges, and you ask him if he's hearing voices, he
isn't smart enough to say 'yes?' " Bernard asked Kenner.

Kenner said he did not think Davis was making it up. State psychologists
agreed they had found Davis to be open and honest during their
evaluation of him.

Kenner testified Davis told him he had been emotionally devastated the
night before the shooting. He said Davis was with his girlfriend
shopping at a Wal-Mart for a pregnancy test. The girl told Davis she'd
shopped in the same place for the same reason with Creson just weeks
earlier, during a time she and Davis had been dating.

"He was literally floored," Kenner said, describing Davis as deeply
hurt, crying on the floor of the Wal-Mart.


©Copyright 2000 News Tribune
Friday, January 14, 2000

Jury rejects insanity defense, convicts teen of killing his mother

CLAYTON, MO. (AP) -- A jury early today convicted a St. Louis County
teen-ager of first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of his mother,
rejecting an insanity defense. Vincent Greer, 17, was also found guilty
of assault for shooting and wounding his father. And, he was found
guilty of two counts of armed criminal action. Sentencing will be Feb.
18. The jury recommended life in prison.

The jury in St. Louis County Circuit Court returned its verdict at 12:25
a.m. today, after 12 hours of deliberations. The deliberations followed
two hours of closing arguments by St. Louis County prosecutor Bob
McCulloch and defense attorneys Brad Kessler and John Hullverson.

At 7:15 a.m. Nov. 26, 1997, Greer, then 15, ambushed his father, Stanley
Greer, in the basement of their home in St. Ann; He then smashed through
a glass patio door into the kitchen, put a rifle to the head of his
mother, Donna Greer, 36, and shot her.

The facts of the shooting were unchallenged by the defense. The issue
facing the jury was Greer's mental state. Both sides agreed that Greer
suffered from a mental illness, and mental health experts from both
sides said Greer knew at the time he was shooting his parents.

To find Greer innocent, McCulloch told the jurors, they had to find not
only that Greer suffered from a mental illness but that he was
"incapable of knowing the wrongfulness of his conduct."

"Obviously, a perfectly normal, well-adjusted 15-year-old doesn't shoot
his parents," said McCulloch, who argued that Greer shot his parents for
"a completely stupid reason. An adolescent thought: I'm grounded; I'm in
trouble with my parents. It will be easier if I do all this."

Hullverson, however, put the case another way.

"Did he shoot his parents because he didn't want to be under their rules
or was his mind taken away from him by a mental illness that he did not
ask to have?"

Added Kessler: "Donna Greer was a good mom. She was a good person. She
was killed by a mental disease."

Kessler said the defense had shown Vincent Greer's yearlong downward
slide from an "All-American boy" to a victim of schizophrenia. He cited
the testimony of Stanley Greer; Vincent Greer's sister, Lindsay; other
relatives; friends; teachers; and two psychiatrists.

As part of his mental illness, Kessler said, Vincent Greer heard voices
and those "command hallucinations" told him to kill his parents.

McCulloch relied on the testimony of Patricia Carter, a psychologist,
who ruled out schizophrenia and concluded Vincent Greer understood right
from wrong.

"You might as well be a weatherman when you try to predict a mental
illness," said McCulloch of the psychiatric testimony in the case. "The
question is: Was he incapable of knowing what he did was wrong?"


Psychiatrist says teen unable to aid in defense
Patrick Lee Harned, charged in the killing of a 7-year-old girl, faces 2
counts of aggravated murder

The [Portland] Oregonian
Wednesday, February 9, 2000


By Jonathan Nelson, Correspondent, The Oregonian

ASTORIA -- A psychiatrist testified Tuesday that anti-psychotic drugs
have quieted the voices in Patrick Lee Harned's head but that the
Astoria teen still can't help his lawyers defend him.

Dr. William Sack said the drugs he recently prescribed for Harned are
helping. But Sack said he doubts Harned would be able to assist his
lawyers at trial a year from now.

Sack's testimony came during a hearing to determine whether Harned, 17,
is competent to stand trial on two counts of aggravated murder in
connection with the Feb. 11, 1999, slaying of 7-year-old Ashley Ann
Carlson. Harned's lawyers have said if their client goes to trial they
intend to use a mental defect defense. The hearing is scheduled to
continue today.

Police say Harned strangled Carlson, then buried her body under the
floorboards in his parents' home.

Sack concluded Harned is showing early signs of schizophrenia after the
teen talked of hearing voices telling him to kill. Sack said he thinks
Harned's mental state has deteriorated in the past year.

But Clatsop County District Attorney Josh Marquis suggested Harned's
behavior is consistent with someone charged with such a serious crime.
Marquis repeatedly emphasized that in numerous medical examinations
Harned talked of being released in three years if he is found mentally
incompetent to stand trial. Marquis said Harned's recitation of the law
demonstrates he not only understands the charges against him but also
what it would take to beat them.

"What is the difference between a person telling lies and someone who is
delusional?" Marquis asked Sack. "How do you tell the difference?"

"It's difficult," Sack acknowledged.

Death Penalty News -
Monday, April 6, 1998 --TEXAS:

In Angleton, testimony is scheduled to begin today in the capital-murder
trial of a Houston man accused of shooting 4 people to death in 1996.
Virgil Martinez, 29, a former security guard, was arrested at a mental
hospital in Kerrville 2 weeks after killing his ex-girlfriend, her two
young children and another man during a shooting rampage near Alvin,
authorities say.

Veronica Fuentes, 27, her 3-year-old daughter, Casandra, 5-year-old son,
Joshua, and John Gomez, an 18-year-old Houston man described as a family
friend, were killed Oct. 1, 1996.

Neighbors and Brazoria County Sheriff's Department officials said the
killings were linked to Fuentes' breakup with Martinez two months
earlier.  The 4 victims suffered multiple gunshot wounds,investigators

Authorities say Martinez fled to Del Rio after the shootings and then
wound up in a mental hospital in Kerrville under an assumed name after
he called Del Rio police to complain that he heard voices telling him to

During jury selection last week, Martinez's court-appointed attorneys
told prospective jurors that he denies any involvement in the slayings.

A neighbor of the slain woman testified at a preliminary hearing in
October 1996 that she heard Veronica Fuentes cry "No, Virgil" before she
saw him shoot Fuentes in the yard of Fuentes' mobile home. A sheriff's
deputy also testified at that time that John Gomez, shortly
before he died, told him Fuentes' ex-boyfriend had shot him.

Jury selection in the case was completed Wednesday before state District
Judge Ogden Bass, who has placed a gag order on attorneys involved in
the case.

(source:  Houston Chronicle)


>From the Tulsa World
Nursing home employee charged in near-smothering
By From staff and wire reports

SPIRO -- A felony charge has been filed against a nursing home employee
who allegedly told police that he heard voices telling him to smother a
resident at the facility. John Patrick McKenzie, 33, of Stoney Point, is
charged with assault and battery with intent to kill in the Feb. 1

A Spiro nursing home resident told a nurse that an employee had tried to
smother him with a pillow. When police questioned McKenzie, he allegedly
told them that he was upset because he couldn't find his time card. He
also said he heard voices. McKenzie was being held in the LeFlore County
Jail in lieu of $100,000 bail. A mental evaluation is planned.


MARtin F. ABErnathy --- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] ----- 7/13/01

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