-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

I never respected former President Clinton and always considered him trash,
no matter that he held high office, but this really takes the cake.
    What will it take to bring charges of treason against this scum bag? He
tarnished the image of the White House, one of our most prestigious
locations. His people trashed their offices when they left. He contributed
to the Chinese obtaining our nuclear secrets, and if truth were really
known, may have actually sold the secrets for campaign contributions. He
authorized the sale of sensitive equipment and high speed computers to our
enemies. He locked up vast reserves of environmentally clean coal in order
to make it necessary for the U.S. to buy the same coal from another of his
contributors. He locked up millions upon millions of acres of our parks and
forests so that the American people cannot even visit them.
    And now, he has disobeyed the ruling of the U.S.Supreme Court and may be
on the verge of creating an international crisis.
    Does anyone have the courage to tell it like it is, he is a traitor to
his country. And I don't give a damn if the FBI is monitoring my mail. That
is how I feel.

Dave Russell, CCPR
Crestview, Fl

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