-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edward F. Immler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: Chandra Levy Timeline 7/15

> * are items added from the chandralevey.com timeline.
> **Stanislaus County Sheriff events.
> ***4/28 event added (from 5/15 Modesto Bee article)
> ****7/6 Condit interview w/DC Police
> @per 8 July 2001 Washington Post
> @@per NewsMax 9 July
> Ed
> ==== = =======   =====
> 1977
> ----
> 4/14?            Chandra Ann Levy (L) born in
>                  Cleveland, Ohio (Fresno Bee)
> ...
> 1980             Family moves to Modesto, CA,
>                  when L is three (Fresno Bee)
> ----
> ....
> 1995             Assumed year of L's HS graduation
>                  in Modesto (Fresno Bee)
> ----
> ....
> 1999
> ----
> June             Assumed date of B.A. CSU San Francisco
>                  (Journalism)
> Fall             Enrolled in USC's public administration program,
>                  at the school's satellite campus in Sacramento.
>                  through which she landed internships in the office
>                  of L.A. mayor Richard Riordan and, later, with
>                  California Gov. Gray Davis (People 6/25/01)
>                  Davis introduced L to Jennifer Baker. L's job was
>                  helping process death row pardon applications.
>                  (actual dates of internships unclear)
> 2000
> ----
> Sep.             L arrives in Washington from California. First apartment
>                  was in Arlington, but she then moved to Du Pont Circle
> Oct.             Internship in Public Affairs/Bureau of Prisons begins
> Oct.             Levy attends Barbara Boxer constituent breakfast (SFC)
> Oct.             L first went to the congressman's office in early
>                  October with her friend Jennifer Baker, a fellow
>                  Californian who was working as an intern for Condit
>                  (some reports put the two's first visit in November with
>                  Baker getting unpaid internship as a result)
> Nov.             Condit & L pose for photo in his office (SacBee) (1st
>                  they met per Baker)
> Nov.             L visits her Aunt in Maryland from Washington during
>                  Thanksgiving. The two discuss Levy's romantic life,
>                  according to the Washington Post, a discussion which
>                  contradicts the denials later issued by Condit's office
>                  about an affair between the intern and the congressman
>                  (Slate)
> Dec.             After visiting her parents in California, L returns to
>                  Washington. (Slate)
> 12/23            L sends an e-mail to a friend about a secret romance.
>                  Modesto Bee reports that the e-mail says, 'My man will
>                  coming back when Congress starts up again. I'm looking
>                  forward to seeing him' and that she has misled Jennifer
>                  Baker about her boyfriend. Levy writes in the e-mail
>                  she told Baker she was dating someone from the FBI so
>                  Baker wouldn't ask any questions. She said in another
>                  e-mail that the man she was seeing paid for her return
>                  ticket to D.C. Levy told another friend that she was
>                  someone in politics (Slate)
> 2001
> ----
> Jan.             About now L was telling both her aunt and her landlord
>                  that she might leave her apartment and move in with her
>                  boyfriend (Slate)
> 01/20            L attends one of President Bush's inaugural balls (WP)
> ...
> Feb.             L begins wearing a bracelet, from a man she refused
>                  to name (NYP)
> Feb.             When her landlord called in February to see if she would
>                  breaking her lease, L said no, that things hadn't worked
>                  out with the boyfriend. The relative speculates the plan
>                  may have just been wishful thinking on Levy's part
> @ Feb. 14: Receives Godiva chocolates and card for Valentine's Day.
> ...
> Mar.             L applies for a job at the FBI (NYDN)
> ...
> @April: Friday before Passover, visits aunt. Parents arrive next day.
> Levy shows aunt the bracelet she says was given to her by Rep. Gary A.
> Condit.
> Apr.             During Passover L sees the relative who visited during
>                  Thanksgiving, and again they discuss Levy's romantic
>                  reports the Washington Post. The relative tells
>                  Chandra's mother, the news. Susan calls Chandra and asks
>                  her if she's been seeing Condit. Susan Levy says Chandra
>                  replies, 'How did you know?' (Slate)
> 4/14 S           L's 24th BD party. Chandra "bursting with plans" (NYDN)
> @April 14: Levy's birthday celebrated at godparents' house in the
> area.
> @April 20: Bureau of Prisons tells her internship is over.
> ...
> 4/23 M           Internship "abruptly" ended (BOP says routinely
>                  ended) (NYDN)
> 4/24 T
> 4/25 W
> 4/26 T
> 4/27 F
> 4/28 S           Condit's wife arrives in D.C. (WP)
> *4/28 S          Levy leaves two messages on landlord's machine saying
>                  her job had ended abruptly. She e-mails that she would
>                  like to move out soon - May 5 or 6 - because "I have no
>                  real reason to stay around here."
> ***4/28 S        Levy leaves message on Sven Jones' (had worked with Levy
>                  since February) machine with invitation to meet for
>                  lunch in Georgetown. Jones out of town.
> *4/28 S          Condit's wife arrives in Washington and stays until May
>                  according to the congressman's lawyer.
> 4/29 S           Condit and L last speak by phone (per Condit)
>                  L calls aunt announcing she had "big news!" (NYDN)
>                  L videotaped at 7-11 in Arlington, VA though she
>                  has no car (NYDN)
> 4/30 M           L calls Condit several times. Condit does not
>                  return the calls (Fox)
>         7:30 pm  Chandra Levy last seen at Washington Sports Club.
>                  Staffer says, "She was excited about going home to
>                  California" (Fox)
> *4/30 M           Levy cancels membership at Washington Sports Club. She
>                   leaves the gym sometime after 7 p.m. ET.
> 5/01 T 10:45 am    Chandra emails mother about flight home in general,
>                    there seems to have been no flight selected by then.
> @May 1: Susan Levy receives an e-mail from daughter Chandra with a copy
> of bargain rates offered by Southwest Airlines
> 5/02 W           Condit's wife departs D.C. (USAT, Time)
>                  (or 5/3, WP, WT, Slate)
> *5/02 W          Landlord calls Levy to check on final departure date.
>                  There is no answer.
> *5/03 T          Landlord calls and e-mails Levy, thinking something
>                  is wrong because of her usually meticulous nature.
>                  There is no response Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
> *5/03 T          Levy's parents call the apartment's building manager
>                  and ask him to open Chandra's apartment and see if
>                  she's there. The manager refuses, saying he can't
>                  by law.
> 5/04 F
> 5/05 S           Parent's call D.C. police this day or next (reports
> *5/05 S          Susan Levy later calls Condit, according to The
>                  Washington Post, to ask for help. During the call,
>                  she asks Condit if he was having an affair with
>                  Chandra; he denies it.
> 5/05 or 6        Condit allegedly tells Anne Marie Smith he may be in
>                  trouble and have to disappear for awhile
> 5/06 S           Levy's father contacts DC police after 'five days' of
>                  trying to contact Chandra. Feels brushed off
>                  Levy's mother calls Condit at his home in Ceres, a
>                  suburb of Modesto this evening asking for help (Slate)
> *5/06 S          Police ask to see Levy's apartment after parents say
>                  Chandra suffers from bad allergies and could be in
>                  need of medical attention. Door is opened. Police
>                  take a cursory look around and leave.
> 5/07 M           Condit calls police on his way to the airport to
>                  return to Washington (Slate)
> *5/07 M          Condit's office says the congressman asked police about
>                  setting up a reward for finding Levy and asked the
>                  FBI to help with the investigation. The FBI did get
>                  involved, but at the request of Washington police.
> *5/07 M          The building manager says two more police returned to
>                  apartment and took a thorough look around on May 7 or 8.
> 5/08 T
> 5/09 W           L's scheduled travel date to Modesto (5/10 AP report)
> *5/09 W        Levy misses graduation ceremony at the University of
>                Southern California. A homicide detective shows up at
>                her apartment building to distribute flyers.
> 5/10 T         DC Police enter DuPont Circle apartment, find _tickets_*,
>                identification, cell phone and packed bags. (Press Assn)
> *5/10 T        Condit and Levy's parents announce the formation of a
>                $25,000 reward fund.  Condit adds $10,000 from
>                campaign treasury along with the statement:  "Chandra
>                is a great person and a good friend.  We hope she is
>                found safe and  sound."
> 5/11 F         L's scheduled graduation ceremony at USC
> 5/12 S         Condit's $10K reward fund contribution in press by
>                now (SacBee)
> **5/12 S        Stanislaus Sheriff arrives in DC to attempt liason.
> 5/13 S
> 5/14 M          DC Police interview Condit before this date (AP), but
>                 Condit omits mention of wife's visit (NYDN)
> **5/15 T        DC Police reject Stanislaus Sheriff assistance.  Sheriff
>                 Liason returns to Modesto.
> *5/16 W         ..Levy's parents meet with Washington police, the FBI
>                 and a U.S. attorney for about three hours. Police say
>                 cadaver dogs have found nothing in parks or along the
>                 Potomac and Anacostia rivers.
> *5/16 W         WRC-TV reports Condit told police Levy was a friend who
>                 visited him at his home.
> *5/17 T         Condit releases a statement: "All of us should focus our
>                 efforts on getting her home ... it is not appropriate for
>                 any of us to make any further public comments about the
>                 facts of this case or to speculate about a matter that is
>                 under police investigation."
> *5/17 T         Police say they will get a warrant for the next search of
>                 Levy's apartment, so any evidence that turns up can be
>                 admissible in court.
> *5/18 F         The Washington Post quotes a deputy police chief saying
>                 Levy had visited Condit's apartment several times. The
>                 police chief later denies the statement.
> *5/18 F         Several tenants in Condit's apartment building tell
>                 ABCNEWS they have been contacted by a homicide detective.
> *5/18 F         Levy's friends, family and supporters hold a vigil in
>                 Sacramento, Calif.
> **5/22 T        Stanislaus Sheriffs (Modesto) back on case.
> *5/24 Th        In another conversation with Susan Levy, Condit describes
>                 his relationship with Chandra as "professional."
> 6/07 T          WP says that Condit told law enforcement officials that
>                 L had spent the night in his apartment, Condit hires
>                 California attorney Joseph Cotchett (Slate)
> *6/07 T         ...Condit's spokesman lashes out: "Congressman Condit did
>                 not make those statements to the police." The Post
>                 refuses to retract its story.
> *6/11 M         Condit's new lawyer, Joseph Cotchett, fires off a letter
>                 to The Washington Post demanding a retraction. Cotchett
>                 insists Condit never told police that Levy spent the
>                 night, but the letter says nothing about the allegation
>                 itself.
> *6/14 Th        Levy's parents urge Condit to break his public silence.
>                 "I think he could come out and share what he does know.
>                 We would appreciate his help."  Condit's office says
>                 "he's cooperated all along."
> 6/15
> 6/16 S          In Modesto Bee, Cotchett, after denying on television
>                 L spent the night at Condit's now says he can't answer
>                 the question and that it's irrelevant (Slate)
> *6/19 T         ...Levy's parents return to Washington to meet with their
>                 new attorney, Billy Martin, and to increase pressure on
>                 lice - and Condit.
> 6/20 W           Levys reveal that they have earlier hired Billy Martin,
>                  who once represented Monica Lewinsky's mother
> 6/21 T           Condit meets with L's mother and Billy Martin in DC
> *6/21 T          Condit meets with Susan Levy, mother of the missing
>                  intern.
>                  Also present were Martin and Condit's new criminal
>                  lawyer, Abbe Lowell.
> 6/22 F           Condit announces he has hired Abbe Lowell (Slate)
> 6/23 S           Condit, along with Lowell, meets with DC Police second
> *6/23 S          ...After a week of scheduling conflicts on both sides,
>                  and police finally sit down for a second interview.
>                  called the meeting "productive" but said it did nothing
>                  hed light on Levy's whereabouts.
> 6/28             News reports emerge of allegations of a year long
>                  Condit affair with UAL flight attendant being
>                  investigated by FBI
> 7/2              Flight attendant says Condit asked her to lie
> 7/3              Statement by Condit denying an attempt to influence
>                  stewardess statement
> 7/4              Flammini alleges he took Condit to a stewardess liason
>                  about a year ago in CA
> 7/4              Washington TImes reports 6 women spoke with police
>                  about affairs with Condit
> 7/5              Condit's website advertises for new interns.
> 7/5              Ad for new interns dropped.
> 7/5              Condit's wife meets with police in Washington
> 7/5              Washington Post states aunt described affair
> 7/5              Retired DC detective says 10 women claim affairs
>                  with Condit
> 7/6              Statement of Linda Zamsky (aunt) released by PR firm
> 7/6              SF Chronicle told grand jury will investigate L
>                  disappearance
> ****7/6          DC Police interview Condit for 90 minutes (3rd
> 7/7              NY Post article states ABC reporter dated Condit
> 7/7              Police Official Denies Grand Jury Report
> ****7/7          DC Police announce 7/6 Condit Interview
> ****7/7          CNN says Condit admitted sexual relationship to police.
> @@7/9            Former girlfriend claims evidence of sadomasochistic sex
>                  seen in Condit's apartment.  Relationship ended late
> @@@7/9 Philadelphia KYW Newsradio website says "CBS is reporting Levy
told a
> friend before her disappearance that she had made a doctor's appointment.
> When pressed on what the appointment was for, Levy said she might be
> pregnant.
> @@@@7/9 Jones says answers "Possibly" to CBS's Cowan question about
> "Pregnant?" on CBS "Early Show"
> 7/10  Condit Apartment Searched.  Samples of unknown substances found in
> bathroom and on a blind taken.
> 7/12  Condit refused to turn over pants with red stain (NewsMax)
> 7/12  Chandra's computer/cell phone used day after she went missing and
> was pregnant with Condit's child (per Drudge reporting about National
> Enquirer)
> 7/13  NewsMax briefly posts an article that discusses Condit's
> with DC gay biker/leather community.  Proposes a  Caribbean male
> took Chandra, dumped the body, and headed back to Haiti or whereever.
> Article removed after being a headliner for most of the day.  (Now
> at etherzone.com).
> 7/13  Condit passes polygraph administered by private individual.  DC
> still want him to take theirs.
> 7/13    DC police obtain scrapings of stained pants (over objections by
> Condit's attorney).
> 7/15  Parents say Chandra never made return plane reservations.  Last
> discussed prices for airline tickets. (CNN)

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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