-Caveat Lector-

[HILARIOUS] PICTURE: The "Real" Gary A. Condit:

< http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/NaltyNews/condit.htm >



FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2001

Smith: Condit wanted multiple male partners

Mistress says congressman fantasized about 'bunch of guys' during phone sex

By Paul Sperry

WASHINGTON - Anne Marie Smith, the United Airlines flight attendant who
claims to have had a yearlong fling with U.S. Rep. Gary Condit, charges
that the congressman talked about other men during phone sex, according to
her lawyer.

Washington police investigating the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy,
who also was seeing Condit, know about the disturbing phone conservations,
the lawyer says, and are looking closely at anyone Levy might have been
involved with through the married California Democrat. Levy has been
missing since April 30 or May 1, and police have not ruled out foul play.

Smith, who was based in San Francisco before recently going on leave, had
several long-distance phone conversations with Condit over the past year in
which Condit allegedly urged her to participate with him in sexual acts
with "other guys," her lawyer James H. Robinson said. "What was really
unusual was his phone sex, in which he would talk about his sexual
fantasies," Robinson told WorldNetDaily. "He said he had friends who he
wanted to get involved in strange things."

Robinson says he doesn't know to which "friends" Condit was referring,
saying only that they were male friends.

He said Condit once intimated to his client over the phone: "I have a
fantasy about a bunch of guys and one woman - you."

Michael Lynch, Condit's chief of staff in Modesto, Calif., did not respond
to a request to discuss the phone sex charges.

Robinson, speaking from his Seattle home, where Smith has been staying,
asserted that the alleged phone sex was always one-way and that Smith
"never participated" in, or egged on, his fantasies.

He adds that Smith, although she says Condit is very "charming" and
"controlling," did not entertain any of Condit's alleged fantasies, and
says his client does not know if Condit acted out his multi-partner
fantasies with Levy or other women.

Robinson, however, says that Smith suspected that Condit may have engaged
in bondage-and-discipline activities at his Adams Morgan condo. On one
visit to his condo, Smith noticed "neckties tied together that were tied to
the feet of the bed and shoved underneath the bed," Robinson said. "They
looked like they'd been there awhile." When Smith confronted Condit about
the ties, he joked it off, Robinson said, saying "Oh, oh, honey, I was just
thinking about doing that with you."

"She didn't believe him," Robinson said.

Also, he says that Condit made one closet in his condo completely off
limits to Smith, making her suspect he kept bondage-and-discipline
equipment in there.

"She had to use a hall closet by the front door for her suitcases,"
Robinson said.

The lawyer, who's been licensed to practice in Washington state for three
years, says he does not know whom Condit had in mind for the alleged

"I shudder to think," he said.

But he notes that Condit had many Hell's Angels friends, some of whom are

"He once told Anne that his brother, who's a policeman, would kill him if
he found out he was going to a party thrown for a cop-killer," Robinson

Condit's brother, Burl, is a Modesto police sergeant.

Smith and her lawyer have accused Condit of pressuring her to sign a false
affidavit in the Levy investigation, and have provided evidence to the U.S.
attorney's office here. Suborning perjury is a felony.

Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.


Washington DC

Levy case gets new investigator

WASHINGTON, July 19 - One of the best-known investigators in the FBI, one
who has a reputation for solving difficult cases is now working on the levy

FBI Special Agent Brad Garrett was at D.C. police headquarters Thursday.
Garrett is now working on the Chandra Levy case.

Garrett is known for solving the unsolvable. Garrett hunted down CIA
shooter Mir Aimal Kasi in Pakistan and brought him to the United States.
Garrett was most active in closing the Starbucks Coffee shop murder case.
Now the FBI Special Agent has been assigned to the Chandra Levy

In the meantime, D.C. police are planning to release the web sites used
Levy the day she disappeared. Police officials have said Chandra was in her
apartment, on her computer for several hours May 1. Police said she visited
travel web sites, newspaper web sites, and sites about Congressman Gary

Police are planning to release the names of those sites hoping that someone
will recognize something and come forward with a key clue in the case.


Star Magazine found Darrell Condit in Florida

News/Current Events

Breaking News


Source: Star Magazine
Published: 7-19-01
Author: Geraldo Rivera

Tonight on Geraldo Rivera, the editor of Star Magazine showed off the
upcoming issue. They found Darrell Condit outside Tampa Florida. He was
living in a $20 a night hotel, and working construction. He has spent a
total of 18 years in jail, and according to Star, his rap sheet is 32 pages
long. He worked on a construction site up through April, dissapeared for a
week, then returned in early May using a cane. Tampa Police today went to
the hotel, but Darrell Condit already was long gone. He was staying there
under the alias of his former bunkmate in a
federal prison in California.

Darrell Condit first denied who he was, but later admitted it, and told
Star magazine he had nothing to do with it. Star Magazine has photos taken
of Darrell from their meeting with him just this week.

The Washington Times
January 13, 2000, Thursday
Final Edition


Agent quizzed in Starbucks hearing

By Jim Keary

An FBI agent testified yesterday that he continued to question Carl D.
Cooper about the triple slayings at a Georgetown Starbucks although Mr.
Cooper continued to deny his involvement.

FBI special agent Bradley J. Garrett said he continued to quiz Mr. Cooper
because he believed he knew about the killings of the three coffee shop

"Why did you keep pressing him?" Steven R. Kiersh, Mr. Cooper's attorney,
asked Mr. Garrett.

"It is an important case," Mr. Garrett said. "I believed he would
eventually talk about it."

Mr. Garrett testified for most of the day during a hearing in U.S. District
Court to determine whether statements made by Mr. Cooper about the killings
are admissible in his trial. The charges of federal murder, racketeering
and conspiracy name Mr. Cooper as the lone killer of the three employees.

Mr. Cooper, 29, of the 1200 block of Gallatin Street NE, is accused of the
July 6, 1997, slayings of Emory Allen Evans, 25; Mary Caitrin Mahoney, 24;
and Aaron David Goodrich. Police believe they were killed during a botched

The federal racketeering charge says he was the ringleader in a series of
armed robberies, assaults and murders from Pennsylvania to the District.

Because he is accused of federal racketeering charges, Mr. Cooper could
face the death penalty. U.S. Attorney Wilma Lewis has not decided whether
she will seek the death penalty in the case.

Mr. Cooper was arrested March 1 at his Northeast home on charges of
wounding an off-duty Prince George's County police officer during a robbery
in a county park. Mr. Garrett took Mr. Cooper to the FBI's Washington Field
Office to interrogate him before he was extradited to Maryland.

During the three-hour interrogation, Mr. Cooper denied knowing about the
Starbucks killings.

Mr. Cooper confessed to the killings to Prince George's County detectives
after he was taken to Maryland, but Mr. Garrett testified yesterday that
Mr. Cooper recanted his confessions when he returned to the District on
March 16. Mr. Cooper was brought back to the District after being charged
with the Starbucks killings.

"He said: 'I admitted to everything under the sun. I said what they wanted
me to say. They didn't advise me of my rights. My statements will be
suppressed. I know my rights,' " Mr. Garrett testified regarding what Mr.
Cooper told him.

Also during the hearing yesterday, Prince George's police Sgt. Richard
Fulginiti testified that as he drove Mr. Cooper from the District to
Maryland, Mr. Cooper immediately started talking about the Starbucks

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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