George W.'s daddy's daily intelligence briefings: Who is really running

By Larry Chin

July 20, 2001—Senior White House and CIA officials have confirmed that former
President George Herbert Walker "Poppy" Bush remains intimately involved with
the American foreign policy agenda.

Although he publicly maintains that his idiot son is in control and in
charge, the elder Bush continues to be briefed by the CIA when he comes to
Washington, as well as in his office in Houston. All former presidents are
granted this "privilege." However, George H.W. Bush requests these briefings
far more frequently than other ex-presidents. The elder Bush has also
initiated foreign policy decisions, repeatedly intervening on his son's

If there are any doubts that the current Bush administration is no more than
an extension of the last Bush regime, one need only note the following news
items (which are barely reported by the corporate media):

1. For the second time in two months, "Poppy" intervened on his son's behalf
by contacting Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to clarify the
administration's Middle East policies. The crown prince, an old Bush family
friend and Gulf War crony with whom Bush has entertained regularly since the
1980s, was no doubt reassured that the global energy interests of the world's
wealthy would be protected, and advanced. Just as it was during the elder
Bush's administration.

2. Last month, as the administration struggled to formulate its policy
towards North Korea, the elder Bush sent his son a memo penned by "Asia
expert" Donald Gregg. Gregg's ideas were incorporated into a policy review.

Gregg's CIA/NSC ties with the Bush family spans 25 years, and his CIA career
spans 30 years. His "Asia expertise" includes four tours of Vietnam, the
Operation Phoenix death squad campaign and the Air America heroin smuggling
operation. During the Vietnam War, Gregg reported to Theodore Shackley,
covert operations chief under then-CIA director George H.W. Bush, and
supervised covert op and assassin Felix Rodriguez. CIA agents Bush, Rodriguez
and Shackley were all participants in the Bay of Pigs operation in the early

Gregg's friendship with the Bushes continued into the following decade. In
1980, Gregg was on the plane that carried George H.W. Bush to his secret
"October Surprise" meetings with Iranian officials. (Bush brokered a deal in
which Iran would continue to hold American hostages until after the 1980
election of Ronald Reagan, in exchange for $40 million in laundered funds.)
In a later investigation, Gregg failed a polygraph test regarding his

As national security adviser for George H.W. Bush in the 1980s, Gregg
assisted Felix Rodriguez, Lt. Colonel Oliver North and others in the Contra
"resupply" and cocaine smuggling operation. When arms dealer and CIA agent
Richard Brenneke questioned Gregg about drug shipments into Texas, Gregg
reportedly admonished him, "Do what you were assigned to do. Don't question
your betters."

Although pursued by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh, Gregg, Bush and other
Iran-Contra conspirators evaded jail time thanks to Bush administration
stonewalling and George H.W. Bush's infamous Christmas Eve pardons.

While the corporate media devotes 24-hour coverage to Gary Condit walking in
and out of his office, it refuses to enlighten our uneducated and ignorant
masses about the elder Bush's active role in his idiot son's puppet regime,
the continuing involvement of former CIA operatives in American foreign
policy, and the fact that Iran-Contra figures, such as Elliott Abrams.
receive National Security Council jobs.

The snakes that truly "run things" have been around for a long time. And they
are poisonous.

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