-Caveat Lector-

April 21 or 22 was Condit's birthday;  wonder when the watch case bought
by this other woman, was purchased along with the watch?

Wonder what this young black girl, the obviously self ordained
preacher's daughter, does?   For a living, that is.   Could it be she
worked at a health spa?   Noted Condit's chauffer had a massage table on
his patio as he worked out with these huge weights, yet he had a big
beer belly.

Condit alleged to have worked out often; perhaps this accounts for
Chandra being member of this Health Group place where last seen?

When did Condit fire the chauffer; also Condit according to one news
report had access or owned a car - reported a red vehicle and also a van
had been in his use.   Naturally he would never use an automobile where
he could be traced so possibly used rentals?   But he was know to have
these automobiles which means possibly he used another name;  also
Chandra not permitted to take any ID with her when with him, if he would
be arrested for anything she would have to give another name to
arresting officer?

As for this Select Inelligence Committee - a title which the House
conferred upon itself - you can see now why CIA does not want these two
year transients in on secret information and this is another obvious
reason why Chandra thought she would get job with CIA throuh Condit who
could not deliver when Democrats lost the election to Bush?

Seems like Condit hung around the parks a lot doesn't it?   As for the
self ordained preacher's story, Hells Angels and blacks do not
mix.....homosexuals have own Hells Angel's groups and this bunch heavy
into the drug running and murder inc.

So to whom would Condit go to tell of a problem; and by the way, the
Movie where this guy played a role that looked like Condit - was FARGO -
further, when Chandra lost that job it is obvious someone pushed her out
the door at someone's request - oh so timely, but once she was out, she
was out and the door was closed.

She had become a liability - an obstacle and problem.......this Chauffer
with his heavy equipment, lifting weights - with a beer belly?   And a
massage table in background?

What did the little black girl do for a living and why so scared to talk
to FBI - perhaps she merely has seen things - maybe Condit hung out at
the chauffer's residence?   Why was chauffer sacked such a trusted
friend - to color him out of the picture?

Looks like Chandra was colored out and like movie FARGO, kidnapped and
killed - taken for a ride by a friend?

Maybe, the only time Chandra ever visited Condit's apartment, was the
day of her death and she was not a welcomed guest?

It was obvious the pickets outside Condits office were paid pickets or
part of the Democrat Committee - dresed like just plain old folk, but
the press caught this in pictures........also might be interesting to
see if Union involved someway.

Jimmy Traficant who has FBI hot on his trail, and is up on RICCO charges
with the big money democrat contractor who shelled out so much payolla
he must have been choking - they must truly be enjoying this all.......

We see now what the FBI has been up against, right?   We see why also a
man like Freeh got in the door, hobnobbing with the KGB breaking bread
while KGB Agent (one of many no doubt) sat in the same Church as Freeh -
and in the same office for how many years?

One knows now why Hoover kept the sex files - and it was Adam Clayton
Powell, his old friend who put out the story of King running down a hall
naked with a naked lady, who was no lady? Hoover kept those files to
himself; however, it seems Larry Flynt has access to them now - but then
Flynt is so deranged now and drug addicted for some time, who really is
in charge and who was really always in charge - and became involved with
Jimmy Carter then President through Carter's sister - Carter who had
nephew in prison with Manson who was bosom buddy - you wonder why Hoover
had kept files for security reasons?

Is Condit the type of man who should be on the Intelligence Committee
for the House with access to classified information?   These two year
stands some of whom are not trustworthy with connections to organized
crime and Traficant and Condit both had such connections but at least
Traficant, was honest about it.

Birds of feather flock together - this Condit may have done this country
more harm than we know?   Oh so poor - so poor is this man he will be
holdiong "beg-a-thon" for money and now tries to use champaign war chest
for lawyers to over tracks in his personal life?

It does seem, however - this man spent a lot of time in the national
parks which are hangouts for perverted sick and twisted savages - and as
this one cop said "oh we probably could find many bodies" lying around
in Klingle Park where a lot of construction and digging is being done by
contractors -


Wonder what this "preacher's" daughter did or does for a living - but at
the least she sure knows enough to keep her mouth shut - so many
canaries hushed - ones that do not fly?

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