"Keep in mind that the police have admitted to having
numerous undercover agents in the crowd- only they
know exactly how many...."

An Attck on the Black Bloc and Prole Revolt and Prole Revolts's Responses

>From prole revolt collective <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date Wed, 8 Dec 1999 15:25:22 -0500
      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Below is the attack made on the Prole Revolt posting
entitled "Ken McCarthy (of Brasscheck) and His
'Facts'" by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on the indymedia
website (http://www.indymedia.org). We reprint it here
(followed by our responses) not only so our responses
make more sense, but to also show the ridiculous
nature of most of the statements made in this attack.
It really is an "unintellegable romp thru
misinformation", as we call it in our response, and we
feel that a great deal of the idiocy is obvious
without comment. We responded nonetheless, for reasons
we state in our first response.



Electronic propaganda and agent provacateurs
by [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7:43pm Tue Dec 7 '99

Electronic propaganda, the case for government
infiltration of anarchist groups, and the attack on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] There have been multiple articles
in the corporate press concerning the role that
"alternative virtual media" has played in the
mobilization of protesters and the swaying of public
opinion. This is obviously an area of expanding
interest to the American intelligence community.

There have been multiple articles in the corporate
press concerning the role that "alternative virtual
media" has played in the mobilization of protesters
and the swaying of public opinion. This is obviously
an area of expanding interest to the American
intelligence community. Ken has exposed several
disinformation emails (including the "Black Bloc
Communique"- check it out at:
and found an interesting picture:
www.brasscheck.com/seattle/mia.html) that have
resulted in somewhat curious "rebuttals"- in fact, the
only such personal attacks on the indymedia site have
been aimed in his direction.

Following Kenís initial statements of fact regarding
the widespread observations by protesters,
journalists, store owners (and police sources- check
that the mayor and police chief instructed the police
force to ignore the vandals who had been accused by
those same groups of sparking the
rioting and looting that provided the justification
for the declaration of martial law (and the convenient
expulsion of tens of thousands of nonviolent
protesters), there was initially a response posted
from a Ms. Lyn Gerry that attempted a quite unusual
"linguistic analysis" defending the "Black Bloc
Communique" (that can be viewed at:

The following day there was another subtle attack on
Ken, this time from "commie00",
which (interestingly enough) took a similar approach
to Ms. Gerry: that to suggest there were agent
provacateurs who had infiltrated anarchist groups, and
that the real reason why the vandals were ignored by
police was because the feds had their own man or men
"inside"- was to "divide the movement".

The following is from the Boston Globe (Dec 3):
"Wednesday night police worried that anarchists would
try to take over a precinct station on Capitol
Hill...Stamper described them as well-trained in
mobilization and integration, with reports of them
changing clothes three times a day to avoid
detection." (Gee, where he did he get such personal

But on the same day that anarchists were being
compared to Lex Luthor and Al Capone, we have a
decidedly different statement from one of the police
chief's own detectives (December 3 New York Times):
"The Seattle police are taking a decidedly hands-off
view of the
squatters. 'The situation is being monitored,' said
Randy Huserik, a detective with the Seattle Police
Department. 'Once the W.T.O. wraps up, our attention
will probably return there. With the number of people
in there, there would be a great deal of tactical
issues to deal with' in getting them out, he added.
'And we have bigger fish to fry right now.'

The following is from the Seattle Weekly, December 2
"Sources say, however, that police and 30 other local,
state, and federal agencies have been aggressively
gathering intelligence on violent and nonviolent
protest groups since early summer (FBI agents even
paid personal visits to some activists' homes to
inquire about their plans). In past weeks, undercover
officers have tailed several groups as they moved
about the city in cars and vans, and were doing
so after the WTO meetings began. Conference and city
officials had met with protest groups such as the
Ruckus Society and the Direct Action Network, which
promised nonviolence but whose members were among
those arrested in the Wednesday sweeps anyway."

Today an email from "prole revolt collective" took a
slanderous approach to attack Ken's writing:
"According to McCarthy (as in Sen. McCarthy?), the
"fact" that police were unable to arrest many Black
Bloc participants is proof that these participants
were cops, in spite of the fact that witnesses
(including the corporate media!... c'mon Ken!) and
they themselves have stated that they purposefully
avoided the police as best they could."

The following is from Janet Christensen-O'Brien of the
Seattle Detective Bureau Legal Support Services:
"[she] saw three men dressed in camouflage and khaki
knock down and pummel two protesters. The two were
waiting for the light to change at the empty
intersection of Third and Union when they were knocked
down and beaten. The men, who later identified
themselves as police, continued to punch and kick the
young man and young woman as they lay on the ground.
When uniformed police arrived on the scene, they did
not immediately stop the assault, but instead
prevented the growing crowd from getting closer. Ms.
Christensen-O'Brien said the young woman appeared to
be in shock and was crying out "Don't hit me." The
young man had been thrown to the ground so hard that
his mouth was bleeding. O'Brien said the police told
her it had been impossible to arrest the
two earlier when they were part of a crowd and that
they had been targeted and somehow physically tagged
for later arrest." 


Keep in mind that the police have admitted to having
numerous undercover agents in the crowd- only they
know exactly how many. But since Seattle was hosting
Secretary of State Madeline Albright, the top US trade
rep, hundreds of top level corporate executives, and
expecting President Clinton the following day, I am
willing to go out on a limb and say it was A LOT. Now
as long as I am making these wild conjectures, I am
going to postulate that some of these undercover
agents just might have been somewhere in the vicinity
of Niketown, Old Navy, and the Gap, seeing as how
these were the locations of demonstrations the
previous two days, and in fact the precise location
(Niketown) of the very first deployment of Seattle
Riot Police the
previous day. 

Returning to the "prole revolt collective" email, The
Institute for Propaganda Analysis
lists "name-calling" ("as in Senator McCarthy?") as
one of the most popular propaganda techniques.

"The name-calling technique links a person, or idea,
to a negative symbol. The propagandist who uses this
technique hopes that the audience will reject the
person or the idea on the basis of the negative
symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence.
The most obvious type of name calling involves "bad
names." For example, consider the following:

Yuppie Scum 

The other propaganda technique used by the "prole
revolt collective" is the "bandwagon" approach:

(From the "prole revolt collective"):
"Look at the popular support for the property
destruction (which is wider than desired by pacifists
and reformists) despite the fact that the bureaucrats
and media are working hard to convince us that
destroying corporate property is wrong."

In fact, the posting from prole revolt collective
includes two of the seven most common propaganda
techniques listed by the Institute for Propaganda
Analysis. What happened to the other five?

Obviously, this is by no means to suggest that all
anarchists housed in the squat were government agents-
nor that all anarchists engage in property damage--nor
even to debate the relative pros and cons of property
damage as a legitimate or illegitimate political

But lets face it ladies and gentlemen: we have a a big
stinky skunk in the house.


Prole Revolt's Defense
by prole revolt collective 8:06am Wed Dec 8 '99

Prole Revolt not an angent-provocateur group;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s attack an unintellegable romp
through misinformation.

We members of Prole Revolt are not surprised that we
have been attacked by the reactionary elements of the
so-called "left" for our attack on Ken McCarthy's
misinformation campaign (our article is at
the idiocy by [EMAIL PROTECTED] is at
So now we will "unmask" ourselves a bit, in order to
prove the reactionary nature of these attacks.

The Prole Revolt Collective is an affinity group based
in Morgantown, WV. The members of Prole Revolt all
grew up in the same home town. In fact we know each
parents! We all also participate in the Morgantown
Anarchist Group (M@G) (which participats in the
Atlantic Anarchist Circle (AAC)) and which can be
contacted in these ways: email: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
snail: c/o PO Box 563 Morgantown WV 26507. There are
several long standing members of the anarchist
movement involved with M@G who can vouch for our
legitimacy (and no, the members of Prole Revolt do not
make up all of MAG... in fact, we are the minority in
the group). We are also involed with the initiative
for a Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists.

"For the record", as they say: No one involved in
Revolt was in Seattle. We do however have many
comrades who were there. We do not know the ACME
collective, nor do we know if any of our comrades
participated in the Black Bloc actions. We choose not
to know as not to endager them.

We do, however, stand in solidarity with the Black
Bloc and fully support their actions.

The person behind the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" post is a
part of our collective. And [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s
complete misunderstanding of that post is monumentous.
It does not suggest that: "there were agent
provacateurs who had infiltrated anarchist groups, and
that the real reason why the vandals were ignored by
police was because the feds had their own man or men
'inside'--was to 'divide the movement'" It actually
was a simple statement suggesting that since the Black
Bloc was obviously (for anyone who has any sense
whatsoever) not the work of agent provocateurs,
perhaps the sources of all this endless bickering, who
are seeking to scapgoat the anarchist movement,
misinform people, and divide the movement against
globalization, are effectively the real provocateurs
(whether they are paid by the police/ FBI to be or

We engaged in humorous and inflamitory rhetoric in our
message 1) to be funny and lighten up some of this
discussion; and 2) to make a point. The reference to
Sen. McCarthy (which we used to make fun of Ken
McCarthy's idiocies) was there to make a point. This
violent attack on the anarchist movement by
liberal-left pacifists and reformists amounts to a
witch-hunt within the left itself. This witch-hunt is
attempting the scapgoat a section of the movement
against globalization which is growing; a section of
the movement which is not in the control of mainstream
groups; a section of the movement which is an actual
threat to the authority of not only the world
globalizing forces, but to the authority of the
liberal-left (and conservative, etc. for that matter)
reformist establishment who have kept dispossesed
people marginalized for a long time... This growing
"section" is the anarchists and libertarian
ulra-leftists, backed up by a growing number of
"non-aligned" people (note that they are mostly
proletarians themselves) who support the property
destruction in Seattle.

Name calling is not only a techniques used by
propagandists, but also a technique long used by human
beings (including anarchists) to make fun of people
they regard as fools. To insinuate that the only
people who use name calling are propagandists makes
most every person in existance a propagandist.

Of course, the biggest problem with this section of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s attack is the tacit assumption
that somehow all propaganda is manipulative or wrong.
This is absurd at best. Propaganda is defined by the
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition
-- 1993) as: "ideas, facts, or allegations spread
diliberately to further one's cause or to damage an
opposing cause." So, yes, we are propagandizing... we
are spreading ideas, facts, and allegations to damage
the cause of Ken McCarthy and his cronies who seek to
scapgoat anarchists and undermine the victory in

And you know, it does sound like a lot of the people
attacking the property destruction are middle class
activist-wannabes, or, uh, yuppie scum. (hehe.)

Prole Revolt is accused of bandwagon jumping for using
the word "we", but this is exactly who we are. We are
self-organized, consciously revolutionary members of
the proletariat. We all grew up working class in a
heavily industrialized section of West Virginia, we
are all poor, and we are all angry. So when we placed
ourselves into the context of ordinary people who are
pissed off, we were simply stating the truth.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] delt the Black BLoc's ability to
avoid the police a rather weak and pathetic blow when
s/he stated that: "I am going to postulate that some
of these undercover agents just might have been
somewhere in the vicinity of Niketown, Old Navy, and
the Gap[...]" in an attempt to show that the police
ignored property destroyers because the property
destroyers were cops. This comes after s/he referenced
the report that cops physically assaulted two
protesters who had gotten away from the crowd. The
point that [EMAIL PROTECTED] misses in the report
is that the cops were obviously only attacking people
away from large groups, when they could be more easily
picked off, and when the police didn't have to worry
about a large group of people watching and possibly
attempting to protect/defend their fallen comrades.
This is a
widely known police technique, and is why this advice
is often given to people who are going to protests:
stay in large groups. So it is more likely that Black
Bloc participants stayed in larger crowds, thus
avoiding police attacks, in order to protect
themselves. This is basic common sense at work again.
Not agent-provocateur tactics.

Well, enough with this. [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s weak
accusational posting (and probably email) is terribly
argued and almost unintellegible anyway. But we felt
it best to respond as to not let the last word on this
issue be from a person or group of people who really
have no clue what they are talking about.

This is illustrated by the fact that these people keep
refering to property destruction as somehow being
"violent". This shows how completely locked into
capitalist property metality they really are; to the
point of effectively granting corporations "persons
rights", just like the US Government did in the late
1800s. Violence is only committed when a person is
directly injured. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is right about one thing though:
"we have a a big stinky skunk in the house", only it's
not anarchists... but it's certainly the liberal-left
pacifist/reformist tendency which is attempting to
divide and undermine real struggle thru misinformation
and conjecture. They are trying to turn the victory in
Seattle into a joke.


We Forgot to Mention...
by prole revolt collective 8:52am Wed Dec 8 '99

There is no connection between Prole Revolt and Lyn
Gerry / Police violence began before the property

There is no connection between Prole Revolt and Lyn
Gerry ("interestingly enough" [hehe]), tho we do
appreciate her annalysis and rebutal.

Also: [EMAIL PROTECTED] again tries to place the
blame for the crack down on anti-WTO activists on the
Black BLoc actions (just like the police and the
media... "interestingly enough"...). This ignores a
vital point: The police attacks on portesters came
before any property destruction began on n30 (as has
been stated repeated by protesters in Seattle). This
was also shown by the live media on n30: reports of
police violence started long before anyone said
anything about the property destruction. In fact,
members of Prole Revolt were watching a live feed from
a Seattle station via the internet on n30 when they
started showing the property destruction as it was
begining, live. 

Taking all of this into account brings us to another
important point to consider: The police reaction (the
"expulsion of tens of thousands of [...] protesters"
from the area around the WTO meetings, the arrests,
continued police-state tactics, etc.) came about
because of the effectiveness of the combined forms of
struggle (blocking of intersections etc., property
destruction, marches, etc.) that successfully shut
down most of the WTO meetings on n30. But because
these attacks by the police began in earnest in
response to
the effectiveness of the non-violent blocking of
intersections etc., and before the property
destruction began, it is pretty damn reasonable to
believe that protesters would have been shut out

So: We don't all have to like one another, or totally
agree on everything, but let's stop with all the
dividing and fight the real fucking enemy...
capitalism and it's globalizing forces (corporations,
governments, the meida, etc.)!


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