-Caveat Lector-

Oh knock of the hate jews crap Joshua2.......gloat over people being

Israel wants to go to war let them go to war and get it the hell over.

Look at the billions of dollars the USA has sent to Israel and see how
our kindness and yes CHARITY has been returned - the USS Liberty - those
israli planes were paid for with US Taxdollars.

Israel wanted the war - there it is and it is their choice, but do not
expect the Yanks to save their asses this time......remember Joshua, it
was 55 million people who died in WWII not 6 million jews.....

What was it Sharon said - the Arabs had the oil but he had the matches -
so who will light the match?

Zionism is fascism - and the world has gotten a good look at it - in
Israel you have jewish women, christian women, and moslem women
organized now to say what Prince Faisal told me 30 years ago - they want
to live in peace and the Zionists iwll not let them.

USA did the right thing - we are no longer the ACE in the Hole for the
Israelis.....we paid for the defense sysems, so they want to go to war
they have been armed.

But what you want Joshua - another Littleton, two kids with uzis and
propange gas tanks, attacking unarmed kids - calling it their Judgment

Bullies?   Who are the bullies.    Creating water shortages when
Israelis have swimming pools in yard for the Palestins to see when their
water is threatened?

RASE IT RASE IT RASE IT.......dash the heads of he children against the
stones?   This is the motto of the Zionists - and I remember the olive
trees destroyed too.

Talk about the slaughter of the innocents....well, when Sadaam Hussein
goes to war this time, the Yanks won't interfere - what will be, will


You have persecution complex Joshua2 -  you still believe only 6 million
people died in WWII and all were Jews?   What happened to the other 55
million and who buried them - covered them up, or incinerated the bodies
before disease spread.....who paved the road to Zion?

Now you see the face of Zonism and you do not even recognize the enemy.

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