-Caveat Lector-


 > >It's not. But yours is a good question. The Palestinians,( who are not a
> > >specific ethnic group, but Arabs from a geographical area which no longer
> > >exists,)have learned modern PR.
> >
> > ROFL! Haven't we all to one degree or another?
>But this is new for the Palestinians. Before the first Intifada they were
>only known as terrorists. Today, they are still terrorists but it's ok for
>them to be terrorists because they are primarily perceived as victims.

Agreed!  As an example, I remember a time when Yasser Arafat was more or
less accurately seen as a monster. Now, he enjoys the relative prestige of
being a "world leader." The process of that transformation has always
fascinated me.

> > They were to the Jordanians who tried to stop them, but then they might not
> > have been all that well motivated. :-)  I'm not as worried about the Iraqis
> > per se as much as I am the regional sentiment the Iraqis represent. Could
> > Israelis handle just the Iraqis, perhaps, but how about the rest of the
> > Arab world?
>I just saw a report which says they can't. This means that they must go to war
>before their enemies get stronger. I believe this will happen.

Yes, this is my conclusion as well, and is precisely what scares me: from a
strictly strategic standpoint, if Israel were to succeed in purging their
land of Palestinians--if that is their goal--now would be the time.

>If Israel finds itself losing a war, they will no doubt employ their 400
>nuclear warheads.

This assumes that they were not likely to receive military aid from us or
other allies, but yes, if they were losing, you're probably right.

>THEN, Yardbird, and Saba, and Shannon, can gloat as their
>children's ( and Mine ) eyeballs melt.

Well, if such an event were to come to pass, I'd have to break out my "end
of the world" kit: a pair of wax lips for kissing my ass goodbye, a bottle
of 151 rum, a funnel and about three feet of neoprene tubing. The latter
items should be self-explanatory.

>No matter how much one might hate Jews and/or Israel, one would have to be
>suicidal to want Israel to lose a war.

Again agreed!

 > Neither would the rest of the Arab world.

>They don't have the guts to go against the IDF at this point in time.

Unless somebody like Iraq picks a fight. Then, it may be like a flock of
buzzards descending on besieged prey.

> > >The only solutions left are violent ones.
> >
> > There are ALWAYS other solutions. I can think of several off the top of my
> > head:
> >
> > 1. Arab nations hold a summit whereby they agree to cede X percentage of
> > their own land to the Palestinians.
>Yeah right! What's kept them from doing just that for the last 53 years?

Hay, I didn't say the plan was flawless. I just said there were
alternatives. As to your latter question, I haven't got a clue. Maybe they
never thought about it.

> > 2. The Israelis agree to respect the sanctity of Islamic holy sites within
> > their region and the "Palestinians" agree to do the same.
>The Israelis have done exactly that. No Mosque or Church has been harmed
>under the Jews.

Well, perhaps until recently.

>You can't say that about the Palestinians.


> > 3. Once, or if, "Palestinians" are granted land of their own, they agree to
> > move their holy sites to their new land as a part of the deal.
>They already have a land of their own. It's called Jordan. The Arab half of
>partitioned Palestine.

Why doesn't Jordan take them back? :-)

> > Ahh, the discernment of truth via the accumulation or preponderance of
> > circumstantial evidence!  Why didn't I think of that? :-)
>You should think of that. Since you were not actually there at the time,
>you only have circumstantial evidence and hard judgment.

Precisely!  Knowing that, and if I am honest, I must temper my conclusions
with the knowledge that I wasn't there. With that understanding, there is a
chance that my conclusions may be in error.

> > (I still have to
> > decide who's circumstantial evidence is "best" or most agreeable with my
> > beliefs/perceptions.)
>Wrong! Very wrong.

What else am I going to use if I wasn't there? Am I just to take your/their
word for it?

>You need to find the evidence that shows what actually
>happened, NOT what agrees with your beliefs and perceptions.

Not having been there, I must rely on others' version of the facts or
history.  I then must decide whose version is the correct one. This is
where my beliefs, perceptions and understanding come in :-)

> > >The Mufti has been doing this for years. It's been driving the Jewish
> > >religious
> > >fanatics nuts.
> >
> > And what have the Jewish religious fanatics been doing all this time? :-)
>Going ape shit because the secular government won't let them tear down the
>mosques and churches which are an affront to the Jewish religion.

An affront they may be, but I'm sure the reason the secular government does
not allow their destruction may have something to do with a desire not to
have Israel turned into a blood bath. I'm not certain about this, but I
think such an act is in a dictionary someplace as the definition for an
ultimately STUPID thing to do much less to suggest!

Again, and not being a Jew, I can only imagine that those who love Israel
would be against such an idea because following through on same would bring
about the loss of thousands of Jewish lives.  All of this assumes, of
course, that even the most orthodox Jew has at least some level of sanity.

> > >You mean like the failure of the Palestinians to accept the best peace
> > >offer they were ever going to get?
> >
> > Yes. Just like the Jews who consider annexations in violation of their own
> > previous agreements.
>All agreements are off.


>Thanks to Arafat and his stupid, stupid followers.

That's precisely half my point: "stupidity" abounds on both sides in this

Edward   ><+>

"The desire to rule is the mother of heresies." ~ St. John Chrysostom

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