-Caveat Lector-

Jews angered by Vatican charges of `slander campaign'

By Shlomo Shamir Ha'aretz 8 August 2001

Jewish leaders and a Vatican official yesterday traded accusations, with
Vatican official - Rev. Peter Gumpel - accusing the Jewish members of a
Jewish-Catholic historical commission investigating Pius XII's activities
during the Holocaust of "clearly incorrect behavior." Gumpel charged that
they have helped mount "a slanderous campaign" against the Catholic church.

Seymour Reich, who heads the International Jewish Committee for
Inter-religious Relations, which worked with the Vatican to appoint the
commission, reacted angrily to Gumpel's letter.

"These are very serious accusations," said Reich. "We are astonished and
frustrated by the fact that Father Gumpel chose to attack the historians
particularly to single out the Jewish scholars on the team."

Gumpel, in charge of providing answers to a bi-religious commission of
historians investigating Vatican actions during the Holocaust, is working
plans to beatify Pius XII. The commission members, Jewish and Catholic
alike, suspended their work three weeks ago because the Vatican has not
released all of its World War II-era archives.

Gumpel defended Pius' action in the letter, saying material made available
to the historians showed that Pius made "every possible effort to save as
many lives as possible, without any distinction."

"We hope and assume that Father Gumpel does not express the official views
of the Vatican," said Reich.

The historians, who were appointed by the Vatican and Reich's group in 1999
to examine Pius' actions, released a preliminary report in October. They
described a pope bent on fruitless diplomacy as reports of atrocities
into the Vatican. The historians said at the time that questions still
needed to be answered before they could issue a final report. They
hope that the Vatican would open up the archives of the Holy See's
correspondences to fill in the gaps in the 12 volumes of wartime documents
provided by the Vatican.

Gumpel said, however, he had met with the group and answered some of their
questions and offered to answer the rest at another session, but that this
was ignored.

It was therefore disconcerting, he said, that in the following months some
Jewish members in the group had systematically affirmed that they never
received answers to their questions.

Reich accused Gumpel yesterday of "prevarication," saying that he had met
with the commission "only once, gave it limited time, and refused a second

Gumpel said it was false that the Vatican does not intend to open up its
archives, saying this will be done "as soon as they are ready."
J2> The Vatican pulled this one before. They refused to release the
Dead Sea Scrolls for study by all schollars. They kept those locked up
for half a century.
Gumpel said several, though not all, of the Jewish members of the
had publicly spread the suspicion that the Holy See was trying to hide
documents that in their judgment could be compromising. He did not give
their names. Gumpel said the panel's work had failed as a result of
irresponsible actions by some of its members.

A New York Jewish leader was working behind the scenes last night to get
historical commission back to work, using contacts with Archbishop Walter
Casper, Gumpel's superior, to settle the affair.

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