-Caveat Lector-

> but the claim that you made was that only jews are citizens.
> which is a lie.

The above is false. I never stated anywhere that only Jews are
citizens of Israel. What I did post was that only foreign born Jews
are automatically eligible to become Israeli citizens. It is almost
impossible for foreign non Jews to become Israelis (unless they
do a favor for the Mossad).

I also stated that the only non Jews in Israel are those (and their
offspring) who were left on the land after Israel was created.

I also stated that non Jews are abused and treated like third class
citizens in Israel.

I stated all the countries in the Middle East are theocratic racialist states,
including Israel. Let them all wallow in that unfortunate stew which will
never stop boiling until they are no longer poisoned by toxic religiousity
and ethnic hatred.

I don't care what your opinion is about the Middle East but don't lie about
what I stated. I also stated that I would not continue with this thread -
but I will not remain silent when lies or racism are attributed to me.

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