-Caveat Lector-

Cuban State Paper Accuses U.S. of Attacking Bees

Updated: Tue, Aug 21 8:55 AM EDT

HAVANA (Reuters) - Not content with conventional conflict tactics like
sanctions and a 1961 CIA-backed invasion, the United States has resorted
to attacking Cuba's bees, according to the ruling Communist Party's weekly

The state-run newspaper Granma Internacional accused Washington of
waging a "biological war against Cuba" that was probably to blame for a
disease that has destroyed 16,000 beehives causing $2 million in lost honey
output since 1996.

In the latest edition of the paper circulating on Monday, writer Raisa Pages
based the claim on the fact that the disease attacking the beehives, which
Cuba calls "Varroasis," first appeared in the West of the island.

"If it had spread naturally, its first attacks would have been reported in the
east of the island, according to experts basing themselves on precedents for
this disease in the Americas," she wrote in the paper, which always reflects
the official position of President Fidel Castro's government.

Whatever the cause of the disease, it has dashed Cuba's plans to produce
8,500 tonnes of honey this year. Much of the honey is exported and brings in
much-needed foreign currency to the cash-strapped Caribbean nation.

The honey accusation is the latest in a long line of "biological" attacks
Havana has blamed on Washington.

U.S. officials have generally ridiculed the claims as fantasy and propaganda.

For decades, Castro's government has been alleging chemical attacks by
U.S. agents, accusing them of deliberately planting diseases that have hit
Cuban pigs, sugar, tobacco and even -- in the case of a dengue outbreak in
the early 1980s -- humans.

Granma Internacional quoted national beekeeping director, Eugenio Omar
Rufin, as saying the island was seeking to stem the "Varroasis" outbreak
with the application of a German product, Baibarol, and an Italian pesticide,

The newspaper gave no explanation of how the U.S. government had
allegedly smuggled the disease onto the island, although with other past
cases Cuba has spoken of planes spraying chemicals, or individual
travelers carrying germs.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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