Thursday, August 23, 2001 Elul 4, 5761Israel Time: 07:15

Ha'aretz - Internet Edition

                        Unilateral separation leads inexorably to apartheid

                        By Meron Benvinisti

                                While a wall separates Israel from the West Bank
                                between Bat Hefer (left) and Tulkarm, unilateral
                                separation of Israel from the Palestinians, like
                                all ideologies, mocks any argument that dares
                                challenge the feasibility of its implementation.

                                (Photo: AP )

                        One day, more than 30 years ago, two Israelis who dealt
                        with handling the Palestinian population - one in
                        Jerusalem and the other in the West Bank - met a
                        high-ranking South African official. At the meeting, the
                        two explained their jobs and the way they were improving
                        Israeli-Palestinian relations by letting the
                        Palestinians manage their own lives.

                        Suddenly, the guest said, "What would you say if I
                        invited you to assist the new regime in the Transkei
                        homeland?" The Israelis were astonished. Their guest's
                        question insinuated that their tolerant and liberal
                        activities were similar to the racist practices of
                        apartheid rule.

                        When they objected, he smiled at them. "I understand
                        your reaction. But aren't you basically doing the same
                        thing? You and we both face the same existential
                        problems, so we reach the same solution. The only
                        difference is that your solution is pragmatic and ours
                        ideological. Yes, we're all in love with the compromises
                        we make with ourselves."

                        More than 30 years have passed, and the pragmatic
                        solutions "necessitated by reality" have crystallized
                        into a coherent ideology. It's called unilateral
                        separation. Like all ideologies, unilateral separation
                        "rises above" pragmatic solutions to immediate needs,
                        and purports to provide "an answer" to existential
                        problems: Jewish existence (dubbed "Zionist") is in
                        mortal danger because of the demo-geographic threat.
                        Therefore everyone - liberals, conservatives, leftists
                        and nationalists - rally round to save the Zionist
                        enterprise by "separating" all the others, including
                        Arab citizens of the state, using three barbed-wire
                        fences - one "around Area A," the second "near the Green
                        Line," and a third, never mentioned, along the
                        international borders of mandatory Palestine.

                        Like all ideologies, unilateral separation mocks any
                        argument that dares challenge the feasibility of its
                        implementation. It all depends on making "brave national
                        decisions" that rise to the occasion of the expected
                        catastrophe, and those who are not ready to rise up to
                        face the severity of the situation are being
                        irresponsible. Opposition to the ideology of unilateral
                        separation on principle, for example, like using the
                        "demographic threat" to characterize "the proliferation"
                        of the other, and that its implemention will only meet
                        the needs of the ruling group and the price will be paid
                        by the other, are rejected with disgust.

                        Along with mocking the soft bleeding hearts, the
                        ideologues of unilateral separation emphasize the "fact"
                        that it will require "the evacuation of 30-35
                        settlements in Judea and Samaria and tearing out
                        sections of the state populated by Arabs of Israel."
                        That heavy price will remain, of course, theoretical,
                        since the ideology of separation is based on the
                        monopoly of absolute power (the "unilateral") remaining
                        forever in the hands of the stronger side - whether it
                        has a demographic majority or whether it becomes a
                        minority "in 2010." And when the demographic reversal
                        does take place, they'll simply stop counting the
                        "others": in any case there's no relevance to the number
                        of heads as long as they cannot raise their hands to

                        The demographic "threat" is nothing more than a
                        contemptible means to enlist xenophobia and the
                        isolationist tendencies beating in the breasts of masses
                        of frightened people who are lost without leadership,
                        for the purpose of creating political movements that
                        pretend to offer "solutions for the situation."

                        The ideological preaching serves as a cover for
                        "pragmatic" steps like closures and sieges, and the
                        failure of the method requires ever-more extreme
                        measures of separation, accompanied by ever-more
                        extremist declarations about the "others" to justify the
                        extreme measures. And then, when the separation comes
                        dangerously close to apartheid, everyone cries out, "How
                        dare you compare? We're in favor of a Palestinian state
                        prospering on the other side of and between the three
                        barbed-wire fences. Bantustan, you say? That's an

                        If that South African official were to return today,
                        he'd shake his head in sorrow. "We reached the
                        conclusion ten years ago that unilateral separation that
                        keeps the monopoly of coercion in the hands of the white
                        community simply won't last and has to go. Your
                        political thinking now is the same as it was back when
                        we first met. True, as I said then, the existential
                        problems are the same; we chose a united multi-racial
                        state (what you call a "binational" state). Maybe
                        there's still the alternative of dividing the country
                        with an agreement. If there is, grab it. Believe me,
                        unilateral separation is not an option. It only will
                        turn you into a pariah state isolated from the West,
                        just as we were. We also thought the world didn't
                        understand us, wasn't sensitive to our plight. You have
                        it a little easier, because you can think it's all
                        anti-Semitism. Forget it. Learn from us."

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