-Caveat Lector-

Middle East Times
Israel's delusional politics require international intervention
By Hanan Ashrawi

This is the second and final part of an analysis of Israeli political self-delusion.
The first part, published last week, listed four major areas of this delusion.
This piece adds six more.

Fifth - The Israeli fictional world of politics has spun numerous myths and
imaginary versions to deal with the "reality" of negotiations. The most prevalent
version is that of the "generous offer" that the previous Israeli prime minister,
Ehud Barak, made to the Palestinians - probably having been inspired by the
pastoral American Camp David setting and the irresistible charm of the then
American president Bill Clinton.

Unfortunately, the Palestinians proceeded to behave like "ungrateful
natives," biting the hand that feeds them, with no appreciation of the
white man's burden of Barak (and even Peres) who had been trying to
teach them the rudimentary elements of statehood.

By refusing to fragment the West Bank and accommodate settlement
clusters, by insisting on "territorial contiguity" (the DOP, or Oslo
Agreement) instead of fragmented native reservations, by maintaining their commitment 
to international law and
U.N. resolutions, by refusing to
relinquish the Palestinian refugees' right of return, and by not handing
occupied Jerusalem over to the Israelis on a silver platter, the Palestinians
proved to be "unrealistic and inflexible."

After all, Barak knew not only what was best for Israel, but also what
was good for the Palestinians.

The "unprecedented Israeli concessions" that sought to maintain Israeli
control while annexing Palestinian land and resources and devaluing Palestinian
rights were somehow "inexplicably" rejected by Arafat (the archetypal villain)
who all along had harbored evil designs for the "destruction of the state of
Israel" and had never mended his "terrorist" ways.

The debate then shifted as to whether Arafat was a "suitable" Palestinian
leader or not - i.e. whether he met the Israeli definitions of proper Palestinian 
leadership or whether he
failed the "test of legitimacy," Israeli-style.

Hence the sixth delusional symptom that finds its expression in Israel's
god-given right to shape not only Palestinian territoriality, but also the
requirements of leadership legitimacy and suitability.

The "seal of approval" syndrome is a typical expression of power intoxication, 
particularly applicable to
situations of colonization. By extension, it applies
to a whole people as well.

Seventh - national Liberation movements can be "crushed" and "subdued"
if sufficient force is used. Concomitant with this delusion is the myth that
the escalation of Israeli violence and brutality will not only "teach the
Palestinians a lesson," but will also bring them to their knees in search of
respite and Israeli approval.

The perception of the Palestinians as "inhabitants of the territories" rather
than a nation with inalienable rights, particularly in the exercise of their
nationhood, lies behind Israeli military efforts at subduing the 'restless

Thus the lessons of history are never part of the delusional mindset. The
fact that no colonized people has ever been brought to their knees or forced
to abandon their quest for freedom, dignity and independence s a result of
increased violence and oppression skips notice altogether.

More specifically, throughout decades of occupation, Israel has persistently
attempted - and failed - to subdue the Palestinian people by brute force,
succeeding only in generating more volatility and aggravating existing
conditions of instability and conflict.

The will to resist subjugation and the yearning for freedom and dignity
have never been broken or defeated. Such a willful blindness to history
and experience is also indicative of a serious rift between reality and
awareness, producing dysfunctional and dangerous policies.

Eighth - many of these policies can be traced back to another
disconnection from reality. According to the Sharon lexicon, the situation
is one of "war" rather than occupation, hence all Palestinians are potential 
"combatants" - i.e. legitimate
targets for his policy of "targeted killings" -
hence the objective is to achieve a state of "non-belligerency" rather than
achieving peace by withdrawing from the occupied territories and recognizing 
Palestinian rights.

In plain language, the Palestinians must not express any hostility towards
their occupiers and must reconcile themselves to a perpetual state of
enslavement by coercion.

While Israel must be left unhampered in its fire-shell-assassinate at will
policy, the Palestinians must maintain "zero violence" leading to a "cooling
off period" that would prepare the way for "confidence-building measures"
and ultimately award the Palestinians the coveted "prize" of resuming
negotiations with their occupiers.

Rarely, if ever, has the world witnessed such an aberration whereby
the victim is placed "on probation" and asked to demonstrate "good behavior"
in order to be granted the "privilege" of negotiating with the oppressor. The
racist, patronizing attitude of the Sharon government constitutes yet another
set of blinders that distort its perceptions of reality.

Ninth - once delusional concepts take over, both discourse and policy enter
the realm of the absurd. The issue of Jerusalem is one of the most glaring
examples of such an incongruous condition. On the one hand, Israel claims
to have "liberated" (rather than occupied) Jerusalem in 1967 and to have
guaranteed full "access" to the city while assuring members of all three
monotheistic faiths their "freedom and right to worship."

In reality Jerusalem under occupation is a city under siege, totally closed
off to all Palestinians - both Christian and Muslim - who do not carry the
blue ID cards issued by Israel to Palestinian Jerusalemites. At times, even
those are classified by gender and age where men (only) who are 40 or
older are allowed into the Aqsa Mosque.

West Bank and Gaza Palestinians can no more attend services in the
churches and mosques of Jerusalem than they can fly to the moon. They
are banned from their capital, and are forbidden to conduct any kind of
personal, social, economic, cultural, educational or any other type of human
activity there.

Religious tolerance and all manifestations of freedom have gained a
surrealistic significance in their application by Israel.

Tenth - while such a warped mentality may find endless expressions,
the most 'creative' forms are those that are used to distinguish between
 Palestinians and Israelis. Among these is the depiction of every Palestinian
victim of Israel's state terrorism as a "ticking bomb," thereby rendering his/
her assassination as a dispassionate and impersonal exercise tantamount to
the "dismantling" of an explosive device.

The 48 "dismantled" Palestinians so far (along with the "unfortunate
bystanders") are part of Israel's policy of "interception" and "self-defense"
that has gained approval even from such high western officials as the
American vice-president himself (who found it "justifiable" or "reasonable").

On the other hand, all Israelis are "civilians," including vigilante settlers
who are armed to the teeth and who regularly terrorize whole Palestinian
communities, often with Israeli army cover and protection.

Settlements are, of course, harmless and defenseless "Jewish
neighborhoods" that deserve "protection" and require more Palestinian
land for "natural growth."

Ancient Palestinian villages and towns not only do not require room for
natural growth" on their own land. The strangling siege does not give
them room to breathe since they are inhabited by potential "terrorists"
and non-human "objects" that occupy "structures" that can be "surgically"
removed by an equally impersonal missile fired from an American Apache
gunship. Their crops and trees are, by that logic, entirely superfluous and
Israel is entirely within its rights to destroy them.

Otherwise known as "military mania," when delusions of unbridled power
and control are transformed into actual policy, the need for protection
becomes paramount.

If this is Israel's policy of "restraint," as Sharon boasts publicly and often,
then many policy makers in Israel need to be "restrained." In this context,
"International protection" gains a new meaning and an added urgency.

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