Wal-Mart And The Red
Chinese Secret Police, Pt 2
China's US Airport And The Reputed Crooked Judges

By Sherman H. Skolnick

In the Northwest corner of the state, near Rogers, Arkansas, is the huge new
Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport. Clinton as President dedicated the new
facility on November 7, 1998. Its runways can handle the largest current
airplanes and the jumbo jets planned for the future. It has a Free Trade
Zone. That means in-coming airfreight coming non-stop from overseas supposed
to be trans-shipped to places NOT in the U.S., is not subject to inspection
by the U.S. Customs and is not subject to Customs duties and fees.  

It is a place for huge non-stop air flights from Red China. It has numerous
warehouses. Law enforcement personnel contend it is not difficult to evade
regulations as to the Free Trade Zone. In-coming non-stop air shipments from
Red China, reportedly containing contraband, can be quietly transferred to
another warehouse and re-shipped to U.S. DESTINATIONS. Because of the Free
Trade Zone, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration personnel, DEA, and other
federal authorities, reportedly assert they have no jurisdiction to inspect
Red Chinese shipments.  

[Sidelight. Ross Perot has in the past made public statements that he is for
what is good for America. His son owns and operates a Free Trade Zone airport
in Texas. Something to think about.]  

What kind of illicit goods are ostensibly coming in to Northwest Arkansas
from Red China and other dope and weapons export hotspots? Such as,
apparently illegal weapons like AK-47 submachine guns unlawfully headed for
inner city narco-terrorist street gangs. To cause turmoil and chaos in
America by fomenting shoot-em-ups with big city police. Such weapons are
manufactured by a Red Chinese-military-owned firm headed by Wang Jun. He is
also head of the Red Chinese Secret Police. The person using the name
"Clinton" [see Part One of this series] used to meet from time to time in the
White House with Wang Jun. Clinton reportedly turned over to the Red Chinese
Secret Police, U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets.  

In several of my stories circulated and posted on-line in the past, I wrote
exclusive details of the highly patriotic group of 24 flag officers, that is
U.S. Admirals and Generals, who at least since 1995, had sought under the
Military Code to arrest Clinton for treason at the time he was
Commander-In-Chief. If he charged them with mutiny, they were prepared, if
they survived, to defend themselves with documents proving Clinton's
treachery aiding and abetting sworn enemies of the United States.  

Since 1995, ten of this group have been assassinated, including General David
McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District, and Admiral Jeremy Boorda,
Chief of Naval Operations, highest naval officer in uniform. And a group of
top military, murdered via a sabotaged plane crash, April 17, 1995, near
Alexander City, Alabama [two days before the bombings in Oklahoma City, which
Clinton used to try to restore his failing power]. Assisting this group was
William Colby, former Director of Central Intelligence, likewise
assassinated. [Our interviews with family members, close associates of the
victims, and others tending to have direct knowledge convinces us of the
validity of these details.]  

Supposed "Independent Counsel" Kenneth W. Starr for four years running after
Bill and Hillary Clinton, finally only focussed on Bill's sex tricks with
Monica Lewinsky. Starr spent the bulk of his time in PRIVATE LAW PRACTICE.
His private law client? Why, Wang Jun. Also Starr has been the UNREGISTERED
FOREIGN LOBBYIST for the Beijing Government. So the Starr-Clinton episodes
were all dirty jokes on the unsuspecting American common people.  

When you know the facts, you would understand why we designate the new
airport in Northwest Arkansas, as China's Airport on U.S. soil. Look at a map
of the area. Right nearby, in Bentonville, is the headquarters of Wal-Mart
Stores, Inc., Sam's Club, and other subsidiaries. As stated in Part One,
Wal-Mart reportedly depends on goods from Red China made by slave laborers
under the authority of the Secret Police. Also right nearby in Springdale,
Arkansas, is the headquarters of Tyson Foods, Inc., also called by some as
Tyson Chickens. They dominate the U.S. chicken market and Tyson exports to
more than 70 countries. As stated earlier, Tyson has reportedly been financed
in part by dope trafficking. Was their visit to Red China to share chicken
processing "expertise" or to reportedly make further arrangements for exports
to the U.S. from Southwest China of "China White", high purity dope?  

Once the items from Red China arrive in the "Free Trade Zone" of the
Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport, what is the reputed transportation
arrangement? Why, of course it ostensibly is J.B. Hunt Transport Services,
Inc. [Refer to details in Part One.]  

And what is the court and media infrastructure that tends to support this
dirty business? In Benton County, most every judge has stock in Wal-Mart.
This is shown by their mandatory financial disclosure reports. One of the few
crusading attorneys in Arkansas, if not in the entire U.S., is Dan C. Ivy, of
nearby Fayetteville. Look what happened.  

Helen Walton, widow of the alleged "founder" Sam Walton of Wal-Mart, slammed
her car in an intersection into the vehicle of another motorist. He retained
Ivy to sue the heiress of the supposed Walton "fortune" for various damages.
Benton County Circuit Judge Tom Keith, according to Ivy and the court record,
kept blocking Ivy from taking the deposition of Mrs. Walton and blocking
other procedures.  

"BENTONVILLE--Fayetteville attorney Dan Ivy is serving 36 hours in the Benton
County jail after being found in contempt of court Wednesday by Circuit Judge
Tom Keith." Morning News/, on-line version of the story, 8/2/01.

Ivy was in the process of arguing a motion to throw out the record of a prior
hearing and asked Keith to remove himself from the lawsuit because of the
judge's ownership, as shown by financial disclosure records, of stock in

"Ivy claimed Wednesday that the Walton family and Wal-Mart are at the head of
a conspiracy to control police officials, media, government and the judiciary
in Benton County and to deprive his client of a fair hearing. He maintained
that the Walton family and Wal-Mart used various foundations, charitable
organizations and personal donations to further their control of the county.
Ivy also argued that Walton family financial interests in publication of the
Northwest Arkansas Times and Benton County Daily Record and that company's
alliance with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette represent an attempt to control
the publication of information regarding Wal-Mart and the Waltons." And the
same news source of 8/2/01 stated further,  

"Ivy claimed that the judge's ownership of Wal-Mart stock was substantial
enough to prejudice him and to make it appear that Keith was party to such a
conspiracy. He also noted that judges David Clinger, Xollie Duncan and Donald
R. Huffman own Wal-Mart stock, leaving only Judge Jay Finch untainted in
hearing lawsuits regarding the Waltons and Wal-Mart." According to the press
report, Judge Keith informed Ivy that he owns 165 shares of Wal-Mart stock
and that a separate trust that solely benefits his wife holds 200 shares."
[The Morning News perhaps is not among those owned by Wal-Mart, dominated by
them, or with which Wal-Mart has joint business interests.]  

Judge Keith ordered Ivy jailed, and the judge rejected the motion to recuse
himself and to throw out the record of the prior hearing.  

When I found out about this, I called Judge Tom Keith's office. I explained
to his secretary I would like the Judge to explain a little bit what
happened. The Judge was standing right near the phone, giggling and laughing.
His secretary said, "Mr. Skolnick, the judge does not want to talk to you.
Call Mrs. Walton's attorneys."  

In the 45 minutes after I hung up, my phone rang mysteriously one ring each
time for 20 or more times. Each time no one was on the line. Hey, is this
some new Red Chinese manufactured gadget for sending messages to troublesome

Rockefellers plans and Wal-Mart and the crooked judges in Chicago. More

Stay tuned.

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