I'm making it public that since the attacks are continuous, should
my body be found dead, it will be a case of cold-blooded murder.
Since I already have been disabled by the biotech attacks against
me, it already is a case of assault with intent to maim.

They call themselves "ARTists" (Aerial Reconnaisance Technologists?): the
'sculptors' chisel your body; the 'painters' see to the 'skin' (remote
sensors and laser marking); the 'photographers' do just that, remotely; the
FOCUS: (Flexible Optical Control Unit Simulator)  projects hallucinations
directly onto the retina; the 'writers' write, script, trigger; there are
'sound technicians';  radar 'hornists'  (waveguide); MUSICians (multiple
signal classification) to use the full spread of the spectrum.  When they
speak of MADD, that's Microwave Acoustic Delay Device; and MARXists use high
voltage electron pulse generators (Marx banks). Don't be fooled by a POET 
(Primed Oscillator Expendable Transponder), or SPIRITS  (spectral infrared
imaging of targets and scenes), the CD (collateral damage) is your tough luck
and is just part of the KILL (battle damage assessment).

Repeated and consistent failures of intelligence analysis are the results of
faulty reasoning based on false premises, and gathering even more data will
just give them more data to be wrong with. The complete disregard of the
effects of using human signals processing capabilities on the health and
sanity of the person, seeing one's fellow man as an 'expendable transponder',
may make an insane sort of sense in a laboratory or mission control, but it
is the very reason intelligence fails.

The electro-technological attacks create physical conditions that mimic
common ailments, including those of tissue destruction.  Assault is a
criminal offense.  Murder is murder, whether the murder weapon is identified
or not and whether the murderer is identified or not. I have already reported
the attacks to law-enforcement agencies, the Prime Minister's Office, Members
of the Canadian Parliament, and the United Nations Center for Human Rights,
as well as to a wide selection of mainstream and web media.  Much as I have
worked to obtain public awareness of what is going on, and sought help and
support from those mandated by legislation and policy to provide it, none has
been received.

I'm not into government-bashing.  My chosen viewpoint is that if the
resources of intelligence, government, military and law-enforcement
organizations are being used in attacks against civilians, it is by criminal
infiltration, not as part of their standard operations, and we pay with our
taxes the high costs of these assaults, both in their operational funding and
in the health care received by targetted individuals.  We also pay in having
our democracies sabotaged by traitors. The criminal element has a far greater
interest in tracking the activities of a society and its law-enforcement
actions than the other way around. They have more to lose when they're wrong.
They put a lot of money in their pockets when they're right.  It's up to us
to support genuine law-enforcement as defined in our Constitutions.

I may lose this battle, but it will not be in silent submission.  My life is
at risk, as is my health.  Only a fool wouldn't care about staying alive.  I
also care that it be stopped.  There are many people who care that Justice,
decency, and Human Rights be respected in this country, and on this planet. 
And who want these things for their children and all future generations.  If
you are among them, speak up.

"Send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."    Ernest

Much more here.

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