-Caveat Lector-

 Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 17:06:44 -0000

   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Connections


Up to his old tricks, arafat ( ARAFAT'S UNCLE,  HITLER'S  ALLY,  THE GRAND
MUFTI OF  JERUSALEM)  http://notendur.centrum.is/~snorrigb/muftism.htm
http://www.srpska-mreza.com/handzar/handzar.htm once again has offered his
crocodile tears over the latest terrorist  outrage.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch the true face of the so-called  "palestinians",
the face arafat does not want you to see, could be  seen

"AP Protests Threats to Cameraman JERUSALEM (AP) - The Associated Press on
Wednesday protested to the  Palestinian Authority (news - web sites) about
threats against a freelance camera-man who filmed Palestinians  celebrating
terror attacks in the United States. The videographer, on assignment for
Associated Press Television News,  was summoned to a Palestinian Authority
security office and told that the material must not be aired. Calls in the
name  of the Tanzim militia, an armed group associated with Yasser Arafat
(news - web sites)'s Fatah (news - web sites) group,  warned him he would be
held responsible and made what he interpreted as threats on his life. Several
Palestinian Authority officials spoke to AP in Jerusalem  urging that the
material not be broadcast. Ahmed Abdel Rahman, Arafat's Cabinet secretary,
said the Palestinian Authority  "cannot guarantee the life" of the cameraman
if the footage was broadcast. The cameraman then requested that the material
not be aired. In light  of the danger, APTN has not released the footage of
the rally in Nablus. AP news stories reported worldwide on the demonstration
in Nablus and  AP distributed still pictures and video of similar rallies in
east Jerusalem, Lebanon and elsewhere. An AP still  photographer did not take
pictures of the Nablus rally after being warned at the scene not to do so.
The protest by AP Chief of Bureau Dan Perry said, "I ask the  assurances of
the Palestinian Authority that you will protect our journalists from threats
and attempts at intimidation and that no  harm would come to our freelance
cameraman from distribution of the film. Wednesday September 12 6:02 PM ET "
http://www.tzemach.org/fyi/docs/winston/june21-01b.htm "Arafat, Saddam,
Hezb'allah and Bin Laden 21 June 2001

There will soon be a meeting of the G-8 nations in Genoa, Italy.  That's not
news but, what is news is that Osama Bin Laden has threatened to assassinate
George W. Bush when he  attends this Conference. (Reuters) The Italian
government, as reported by Reuters News Agency, is  considering to host the
meeting either at sea or in a military base. The Russians are also concerned
because  President Vladimir Putin will also be there. So, they have sent a
contingent of agents and anti-terrorist personnel.  Since Bin Laden has
agents all over Europe, dedicated to his Islamic views, the threat is to be
taken seriously. There is one interlocking relationship which Washington
should be  investigating. That is the Bin Laden-Arafat relationship. There
will, no doubt, be an immediate denial by Arabists  and the PA (Palestinian
Authority). But, take a harder look at Arafat's relationship with Saddam
Hussein,  Hezb'Allah (controlled by Iran) and from there to Bin Laden. Any
friend of Saddam also becomes a friend of Bin  Laden. Then there are the
proxies of Syria's Assad, the Hezb'Allah who are also grateful to Bin Laden
for  funding and cross-over linkage to other terrorist groups. U.S. and
European Intelligence knows that the family  of Terrorism is one loosely
connected mechanism which operated both individually and together. There may
be more partners to the bombing of the New York Twin Towers  Trade Center
than Sheik Obeid Rahman. The names of Yassir Arafat and Osama Bin Laden have
floated up  but Arafat has friends in the State Department who would not like
to see their choice accused of plotting  to murder Americans. Recall how
America (read: U.S. State Department) protected Arafat when he ordered  the
killing in Khartoum, Sudan of American Ambassadors Cleo Noél, Jr. and his
attaché George Moore as  well as the French Charges des Affaires, Guy Eid.
The National Security Agency has it on tape, but  remains silent.

Next week the U.S. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell will again  embarrass
the American people by meeting with Yassir Arafat as if he wasn't the
murderer of Americans. He will  again ignore the operational connections to
Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Iranian-backed Hezb'Allah. The soft
General - now Sec. of State, fits the profile of a State  Department
apparachnik who will deal with any dictator or war criminal if it meets the
requirements of commerce. No  pride, no dignity, no ethics - just a vast
shadow government ready to sell America for whatever price it will  bring.
Selling out our Allies to Arab Islamists is merely a step lower than their
usual practice. Powell's  visit to the region is an invitation for Arafat's
terrorists to make an extra effort to pull off a spectacular attack on  the
Jewish State.

This just in: Attorney Gen. John Ashcroft on CNN explained the  indictment of
Saudi Hezb'Allah working with Iran officials who blew up the Khobar Towers
June 25th at 10 P.M. -  the barracks for U.S. Service Personnel - mostly

19 Americans died and 500 were wounded.

Attorney General Ashcroft congratulated the Saudis for their  cooperation
which took care of the phony niceties of diplomacy. The facts speak
otherwise. The Saudis dragged their feet  and did not allow U.S. Intelligence
(FBI) to be present at the interviews of suspects. Apparently, they  feared
that Iran would be angry at them should the truth of Iran's role in planning
and assisting the Saudi  Hezb'Allah. Much later, after a great deal of
pressure, the Saudis allowed the FBI to participate in the  investigation.

So, the Saudis tried to shield the Iranians and we tried to shield the
Saudis from their non-cooperation. I am reminded how Arabists in the U.S.
State Department and  particularly Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger
tried to shield Syria from American anger when the Syrians  directed and
assisted the blowing up of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon, killing 241
American Marines."  http://www.tzemach.org/fyi/docs/winston/june21-01b.htm
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! During World War Two
the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, arafat's uncle,  raised 3 SS Moslem Divisions
To hunt down Serbians, Jews, and Roma (a.k.a. Gypsies)  1.5 million
Yugoslavs died during World War Two. 1.2 million of them were  civilians.

"Bin Laden linked to Albania LONDON - The man accused of orchestrating the
U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa operates a terrorist network out  of Albania
that has infiltrated other parts of Europe, The Sunday  Times reported. The
newspaper quoted Fatos Klosi, the head of the  Albanian intelligence service,
as saying a network run by Saudi exile  Osama Bin Laden sent units to fight
in the Serbian province of Kosovo. Bin Laden is believed to have established
an Albanian operation in 1994 after telling the government he headed a
wealthy Saudi humanitarian agency wanting to help Albania, the newspaper
reported. Klosi said he believed terrorists had already infiltrated other
parts of Europe from bases in Albania. Interpol believes more than 100,000
blank Albanian passports were stolen in riots last year, providing ample
opportunity for terrorists to acquire false papers, the newspaper said.
Apparent confirmation of Bin Laden's activities came earlier this month
during the murder trial of Claude Kader, 27, a French national who said he
was a member of Bin Laden's Albanian network, the newspaper said. Kader
claimed during the trial he had visited Albania to recruit and arm fighters
for Kosovo.  U.S. authorities believe bin Laden, a Saudi exile and militant
Muslim, masterminded the bombings of U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in
August that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans. Three alleged
co-conspirators are already jailed in New York."
http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/bomb162.htm In the Achille Lauro hijacking
arafat played good cop to the bad cop  role played by his

Henchman and Next Door Neighbor, Abu al-Abbas . Radio intercepts  tracked
arafat giving orders to the hijackers. At the same time arafat  was lying to
the world and pretending to oppose the hijacking he  himself had ordered.
Please see also

http://www.blockbuster.com/bb/movie/details/0,4241,VID-V++++53030,00.h tml


"In October 1985 Palestinian terrorists hijacked the Italian  registered
Achille Lauro cruise ship for three days with some 450  passengers on board.
Mr. Abbas, at large since 1986, is believed to  have been living in Iraq."
http://www.adl.org/presrele/Teror_92/3154_92.asp Yes, that's right. Abbas
fled to Iraq. The same Iraq whose dictator,  Saddam Hussein, was embraced by
Arafat when arafat declared that "Kuwait is part of Iraq." The same  Iraq
Poppy, George Herbert Walker Bush left in the clutches of Saddam  Hussein
when he left Saddam in power after the Gulf War in 1991. The same Iraq Deputy
Dictator Dirty Dick Cheney's firm deals with. The  same Iraq Deputy Dictator
Dirty Dick Cheney said should be left in the clutches of Saddam  Hussein.
That Iraq!

"Achille Lauro survivors launch suit against Arafat Two American women are
seeking to sue Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat  for $5 million

in an Israeli court for damages resulting from the 1985 hijacking of  the
cruise ship

Achille Lauro, their lawyer said Tuesday. Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
said she filed the suit with the  Jerusalem district

court Monday on behalf of the two women, who were passengers on the  Italian

at the time of the hijacking. The ship was seized by the Palestine
Liberation Front, a

faction of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization, in an operation
masterminded by

guerrilla leader Muhammad Abbas. The hijackers shot dead a wheelchair-bound
passenger, 69-year-old U.S.  citizen Leon

Klinghoffer, and threw his body overboard after they were discovered  on the

Darshan-Leitner said one of the plaintiffs lived in Florida and the  other in
New York,

but did not give their names. She said the two women were seeking

from Arafat and the PLO for mental and physical distress. The court  would
hear the

suit within 30 days, she added."

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/binladen/who/family.html  "
Today one of the biggest construction groups in the kingdom [of  Saudi
Arabia] and the Middle East, the "bin Laden empire" traces its  origins to
Sheik Mohammed bin Laden, a native of the Chafeite (Sunni)  Hadramout who
emigrated [from South Yemen] to Saudi Arabia at the  beginning of the
century. The beginnings of his activity are shrouded in mystery. It is said
that, having satisfied King Abdul Aziz with construction work on the  royal
palace, Mohammed bin Laden was awarded a much more prestigious  contract: the
renovation of Mecca. Whatever the actual circumstances,  it is a fact that
the Saudi royal family gave the bin Laden family-and  group-exclusive rights
to all construction of a religious nature,  whether in Mecca, Medina or-until
1967--the Holy Places in Jerusalem.

 This enabled the bin Ladens to establish an industrial and financial  empire
which now extends far beyond religious construction projects.   The
relationship between the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family is  quite
exceptional in that it not simply one of business ties: it is  also a
relationship of trust, of friendship and of shared secrets.   This is
particularly the case with regard to the group's present-day  leaders and the
Soudairi clan. Thanks to the renovation of Mecca, Sheik Mohammed bin Laden
did not  become merely Kin Abdul Aziz' official contractor, but his friend
and  confidant as well. This friendship has been handed down to their
children. The bin Laden sons went to the same schools as the numerous
offspring of King Abdul Aziz and they all followed the same path.  One  of
the connections which still explains many of the personal ties  existing
throughout the Middle East is the Victoria College in  Alexandria, where the
bin Laden boys attended classes along with  schoolmates such as King Hussein
of Jordan, Zaid Al Rifai, the  Kashoggi brothers (whose father was one of the
king's physicians),  Kamal Adham (who ran the Saudi [security] services under
King Faisal),  present-day contractors Mohammed Al Attas, Fahd Shobokshi and
Ghassan  Sakr and actor Omar Sharif. The relationship of trust between the
royal family a and the bin Laden  group has never been repudiated,***  the
1979 Mecca affair. Because the bin Laden company had the exclusive  contract
for repairs in the Holy Places, its trucks entered and left  Mecca at all
hours without being inspected. And the rebels used "bin  Laden" trucks to get
weapons into the city. One of the bin Laden sons,  Mahrous,*** after studies
in England, where he had kept company with  Fadli (son of the ex-sultan of
the Abdin region in South Yemen, now  leader of a Yemeni fundamentalist group
and arrested in Aden last  January), Mahrous struck up friendships with a
group of Syrian Moslem  Brothers in exile in Saudi Arabia.*** when the
insurrection broke out,  the Saudi security services had to go for help to
the bin Ladens, the  sole parties in possession of maps of Mecca enabling the
Saudi (and  Western) police to find their way through the city's underground
passageways.  In any case, the episode also demonstrated the strength  of the
ties between the royal family and the bin Laden Group. Had it  been some
other group, there is no doubt that Mahrous-whether  accomplice or
patsy-would have been thrown into prison and the group  barred from further
economic activity in the kingdom, the sentence  serving as a warning to
others. This was not the case *** the  relationship between the bin Ladens
and the royal family. Osama, one  of Mohammed's youngest son, has been known
for years for his  fundamentalist activities.*** his support for
fundamentalist groups  involved in terrorist operations in Algeria and Egypt
and his ties  with upstart religious circles that tried to establish an
independent  human rights organization in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of
May.   Contrary to appearances, both the Osama and the Mahrous incidents
testify to the bin Laden's influence within the kingdom.  The ties of
friendship binding bin Laden family members to King Fahd and his  brothers
make them prime confidantes and advisors. They play an  obvious advisory role
in Saudi-Yemeni relations. Still, they hold very  few economic or financial
interests in their ancestral homeland and  certainly do not flaunt their
family origins. King Fahd's two closest friends were: Prince Mohammed Ben
Abdullah  (son of Abdul Aziz' youngest brother), who died in the early '80s
and  whose brother, Khaled Ben Abdullah (an associate of Suleiman Olayan),
still has free access to the king; and Salem bin Laden, who died in  1988.

Like his father in 1968, Salem died in a 1988 air crash...in Texas. He  was
flying a BAC 1-11 which had been bought in July 1977 by Prince  Mohammed Ben
Fahd.  The plane's flight plans had long been at the  center of a number of
investigations.  According to one of the plane's  American pilots, it had
been used in October 1980 during secret Paris  meetings between US and
Iranian emissaries. Nothing was ever proven,  but Salem bin Laden's
accidental death revived some speculation that  he might have been
"eliminated" as an embarrassing witness. In fact,  an inquiry was held to
determine the exact circumstances of the  accident. The conclusions were
never divulged. In spite of Salem's death, the bin Ladens are still part of
the small  group of friends surrounding the king which includes, in
particular,  Prince Khaled Turki Al Soudairi (married to one of Fahd's
sisters),  Prince Faisal Ben Turki Al Abdullah (married to another sister and
 father of Prince Abdullah Ben Faisal, head of the Royal Jubail  Commission)
and the family of Moona (Fahd's wife), the Ibrahims.  As  trusted servants of
the royal family, the bin Ladens have also often  acted as chaperones to the
king's sons, helping them get their start  in business. This was the case
with both Prince Mohammed Ben Fahd and  Prince Daud Ben Nayef, two of the
most active second-generation  princes and both at the head of financial
empires during the '80s.  Both princes were often encountered along with one
or another of the  bin Laden sons at the head of international companies.
Appointed  governor of the Eastern Province in the mid-'80s, Prince Mohammed
Ben  Fahd resigned from the chairmanships of his companies, putting Prince
Saud in his place. The latter, named vice-governor of the Eastern  Province
last June, has also since withdrawn from a number of business  activities.

There was also a political aspect to Salem bin Laden's financial  activities.
Like Ali Ben Moussalem, Salem bin Laden played a role in  the US operations
in the Middle East and Central America during the  '80s.

On his death in 1968, Sheik Mohammed left behind not only an  industrial and
financial estate but also a progeny made up of no less  than 54 sons and
daughters, the fruit of a number of marriages. The  lastborn came into the
world in 1967 and is presently a student in  Boston.

In an initial phase, the group was headed by Mohammed Bahareth,  brother of
Mohammed's first wife and uncle of his oldest children. As  of 1972, Sheik
Salem bin Laden, the eldest son, took over as his  father's successor, with
the assistance of several brothers.  Upon  Sheik Salem's death, the
leadership of the group passed to his eldest  son, Bakr, along with thirteen
other brothers who make up the board of  the bin Laden group. The most
important of these are Hassan,Yeslam and  Yehia.

Most of these brothers have different mothers and different  nationalities as
well.  Each has his own set of affinities, thus  contributing to the group's
international scope. Bakr and Yehia are  seen as representatives of the
"Syrian group"; Yeslam, of the  "Lebanese group". There is also a "Jordanian
group." Abdul Aziz, one  of the youngest brothers, represents the "Egyptian
group" and is also  manager of the bin Laden group's Egyptian branch, which
employs over  40,000 people. Osama bin Laden is, incidentally, the only
brother with  a Saudi mother."


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are. If there are House or Senate Members brave enough to join this effort
Bravo! If you find that there are House or Senate Members who are themselves
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think Cheney should resign first and that Bush should then nominate the real
winner of the 2000 election: Al Gore as Vice President. Once Al Gore has been
confirmed by the Senate Bush should resign and Al Gore can be sworn in as
President, the office he was elected to in 2000 by the American People. Do
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Russia in the struggle  against Chechen and related terrorism, supporters of
Serbia in the struggle to  regain Kosovo and to resettle Serbians in the
Krajina, an area which had been  home to Serbians for centuries until their
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focus in his or her posts to this group. Some versions of the quote from
Pastor Martin Niemoeller are below. Martin Niemoller, who had lived under the
Nazi regime in Germany and had been incarcerated in a concentration camp
said: "First they came for the trade-unionists and socialists, but I was not
trade-unionist or socialist, so I did not protest. Then they came for the
communists, but I was not communist so I did not protest. Next they came for
the Jews, but I was not Jewish, so I did not protest. Then they came for me,
but there was no one left to protest." Pastor Niemoeller said:, "They came
after the Jews and I was not a Jew, so I did not protest. They came after the
Trade Unionists, and I was not a Trade Unionist, so I did not protest. Then
they came after me, and there was no one left to protest." "When they came
for the Jews, I was not a Jew, so I did not protest. When they came for the
trade unionists, I did not belong to the trade union. When they came for me,
there was no one left to protest." Pastor Martin Niemoeller (German
Protestant Theologian) WHO WILL BE LEFT TO PROTEST? If no one protests the
alleged Bush-Walker et.al. gangster record of crimes against the Jewish
people and crimes against Israel WHO WILL BE LEFT TO PROTEST ANYTHING? You
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Ballot in Palm Beach County caused 3,000 Gore voters to mistakenly vote for
Buchanan and 19,000 more Gore voters to mistakenly double punch Gore and
Buchanan. We know the US Supreme Court stopped a valid count of votes the
Florida machines could not read. Join the campaign to Impeach Bush and
Cheney. Support recall elections in 2001 so that we can elect enough US House
Members to Impeach and enough US Senators to convict and remove the Court
Appointed Tyrants Bush and Cheney. Once that is done the new House Speaker
can become Acting President and can nominate the real winner of the 2000
election: Al Gore as Vice President. Once Al Gore has been confirmed by the
new Senate the Acting President can resign and Al Gore can be sworn in as
President, the office he was elected to in 2000 by the American People. See
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this one http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JOIN-CATNIP to everyone you can.

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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