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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist




Bush/Global Elite Behind Massive, Unprecedented 'Terrorist' Attacks,
Analysis Reveals

 -- Bush's 'Burning of the Reichstag'

 -- Pentagon assault a move to demonstrate BushMob supremacy within
the FedGov

Experts worldwide in numerous relevant fields have voiced similar
disturbing questions regarding the horrifying attacks carried out
against the United States today: questions which can logically and
reasonably lead to only one inescapable conclusion. Indeed, speaker
after speaker on many news programs broadcast in the aftermath of
this morning's extraordinary assaults reiterated that to some degree
or other, this morning's events HAD TO BE AN "INSIDE JOB."

This is certainly true  -- to an extent which will boggle even the
most stoic and unflappable of minds.

It was an inside job, alright -- inside, all the way to the very
highest levels of the national government. Such as G.W. Bush.

Who just happened to be out of Washington D.C. today when
the "terrorists" crashed one of their hijacked planes into the

By virtue of the extraordinary levels of organization, planning and
coordination which clearly underlie this morning's horrendous assault
upon the World Trade Center buildings in New York (more about the
Pentagon assault momentarily); by virtue of the fact that
SUPPOSEDLY "terrorist" teams WITH WEAPONS were able to board at LEAST
five long-range jet flights this morning, undetected by ANY an ALL
security personnel at the airports involved, and that members of each
team were FULLY capable pilots with the know-how to aim large jets at
specific targets; in light of the fact that APPARENTLY the
intelligence agencies of the United States failed UTTERLY to get wind
of this massive, obviously thoroughly planned, timed and precisely-
executed military attack upon the nation; in light of the unarguable
fact that "President" Bush's job approval ratings have been
absolutely subterranean and are getting steadily worse, and that the
global elite/New World Order so thoroughly embodied in G.W. Bush have
been scheming for years on ways to burst America's bubble and put the
people of this country more firmly under the heels of the
globaloid "New World Order"; in light of ALL the above, there is
literally and obviously no real doubt whatsoever that the
incalculably vicious destruction unleashed today in this country was,
in the ULTIMATE analysis, set in motion by the Bush
InternationalCrime Family and the forces of global totalitarianism
they are so closely allied with.

So many of the BushMob's high-priority agendas are furthered by this
morning's events that it's just not possible they were not the
original and primary motivators of the monstrous devastation wrought
in New York City.

Very likely, working in close concert with their legions of cohorts
and allies throughout the Middle East who in turn manipulate and
instigate rabid anti-American sentiments among various Moslem
populations, producing crazed zealots all to eager to die for
their "cause", BushMob higher-ups exploited such elements, utilized
their hate and anger and fomented the attacks carried out today, in
furtherance of the hellish agendas of the global elite/new World
Order. Such elements -- the "usual suspects" -- will no doubt be
routinely accused, and massive "reprisals" of some kind will no doubt
be implemented by the BushMobsters against unfortunate Moslem
populations, thereby serving to increase the hatred of these people
for the United States. Which is just what the global elite want.

Remember: when the federal building in Oklahoma City was bombed, the
first fingers were pointed at "Moslem" terrorists. Yet Tim McVie, who
surely had SOMETHING to do with that incident even if as nothing more
than a patsy, was an ex-U.S. military man KNOWN to have been a
subject in government mind control activities.

Very likely, considering the vast scope of the destruction unleashed
today, the TRUE perpetrators will go much further this time in
covering their tracks, and will have used Moslem extremists to
actually carry out the suicide assaults.

Due to vast number of casualties involved in the destruction of the
World Trade Center towers, the psychological impact upon the American
people is likely to be very severe. It's a tried and true
Machiavellian tactic: create the problem -- in this case, severe
deadly attacks upon the nerve centers of the nation SUPPOSEDLY
emanating from an "EXTERNAL" source, and then offer the "solution" --
possible nuclear war against supposed "foreign" perpetrators, and a
massive increase in "martial law" type scenarios at home. Create a
MAJOR "external" threat, and then sit back and watch the 'tribe"
rally round the "leader."

Big, big win for the BushMob and global elite of the New World Order.

And what's more, the single most important location in terms of world
commerce and finance was today utterly destroyed.

Look for a HUGE impact not only upon international finance and
international affairs and relations but also upon the domestic economy
and upon our society in general.

Start thinking about five-dollar-a-gallon gas.

And as for the hit on the Pentagon? Many of our sources have stated
over the years that there exist tremendous schisms within the federal
government. Anti-democratic (remember our last
presidential "election?") BushMob/NWO elements are engaged in a
serious struggle for dominance with other factions -- some of which
actually are seeking to preserve and further democracy and human
freedom. Some of these elements count among their ranks highly-placed
members of the U.S. military.

The hit on the Pentagon could very well have been an additional move
by the BushMob to cement and consolidate power within the highest
levels of the U.S. military. You're either with us, or you're dead.

Indeed, as so many commentators and analysts have already noted,
there is literally no way that what took place today in New York and
Washington D.C. was NOT an inside job.

This is directly analogous to the burning of the Reichstag in Germany
by Hitler: an event perpetrated by the Nazis yet blamed
upon "Communists", "Jews" and so on, and used to terrorize the German
people into acceding to the Nazi takeover of their nation. The
BushMob, whose ties to the Nazis are vast, extensive and firmly
rooted in time, is undoubtedly playing the same kind of card with
today's "terrorist" attacks upon New York City and Washington




** URGENT **

AF Intel source: pro-Bush gov't factions 'absolutely' behind Tuesday's
mass devastation!

-- "The enemy is very much within"

TOP_VIEW has just conducted a brief yet immeasurably important phone
interview -- set up by a trusted and totally reliable intermediary
already known to us -- with an Air Force Reserve intelligence

The interview was carried out this evening, over two days after the
incredible death and devastation that took place in New York City and
Washington D.C.

Our Air Force source told us his superiors had activated him at about
10 AM Tuesday morning.

He absolutely refused to permit us to record the conversation, even
though he was speaking into some kind of electronic gizmo that
substantially altered the sound of his voice; making him sound like
Darth Vader with a serious chest cold. Some portions of his
statements were unintelligible, and he refused to repeat several of
these. Although this source was somewhat taciturn and close-lipped,
for the most part he was cooperative in terms of giving us enough
time to transcribe what he was saying. Overall what is stated plainly
and unequivocally is of absolutely paramount importance for every
single person in this nation and the world: certainly among those of
us who value our inalienable human rights and liberties and want them
to remain un-imperiled, un-abrogated and unabridged.

-  -  -  -
TOP_VIEW: We'd like to hear what you have to say about the events on
Tuesday. First of all, I assume you have knowledge of the events that
goes above and beyond what the public is being told by the media and
the government?

Intel source: That's quite correct.

TOP_VIEW: Can you -- are you able and willing to relay this
information to us?

Intel source: Well, that depends. Some of it. You're going to publish

TOP_VIEW: On the Internet.

Intel source: It's essential that nothing which could possibly be
used to identify myself or "**" (our intermediary) is made public.

TOP_VIEW: We totally understand. Completely. That's exactly how it
will be, and --

Intel source: You've known "**" a long time?

TOP_VIEW: For about 6 years, sir.

Intel source: So... he'll vouch for you? (Chuckles)  Fire away.

TOP_VIEW: Well... it's becoming increasingly clear that certain
federal government sectors had prior knowledge of the destruction
carried out on Tuesday. Would you concur with this?

Intel source: (unintelligible)

TOP_VIEW: Excuse me? I didn't understand you.

Intel source: Never mind.

TOP_VIEW: Is it true that our government knew what was going to

Intel source: You could say that. Actually there are certain (pause)
groups in our government who pretty much ran the whole show.

TOP_VIEW: Are you saying that there was cooperation and collaboration
between elements of our government and the perpetrators?

Intel source: No. What I'm saying is that these groups ((within the
federal government - TV) were the perpetrators of the action, right
down the line from top to bottom.

TOP_VIEW: This is really incredibly shocking, what you're saying
here. Did I understand correctly, that you say elements of the
federal government were the prime force behind these so-called
terrorist attacks Tuesday?

Intel source: That's correct. Absolutely.

TOP_VIEW: God, what a horrifying thing to come to grips with! What is
your feeling about this sir, and exactly why are you even talking to
us about this? Are you positive about what you're saying?

Intel source: (laughs)  What should I answer first? I would never
make this kind of statement without being fully certain it was
factual. My own feeling is that it's completely sickening. It's
repugnant and unacceptable and I'm completely opposed to what was
done. But it's true and we all have to deal with it. There are forces
within our government who are completely determined to change the
structure of our society at the most basic level, and these are the
kind of things they're going to be doing to make sure that
(fundamental changes in our society) happens.

TOP_VIEW: What's going on in the military right now with regard to
what's occurred? Do many military higher-ups know this, and if so
what's their position?

Intel source: (unintelligible)

TOP_VIEW: Excuse me?

Intel source: I said some do know and some don't. Some wouldn't
believe it, just like many citizens wouldn't believe it. There are
certainly lots of conflict going on at the upper levels of the
military right now between people aware of the true facts.

TOP_VIEW: What about yourself?

Intel source: I consider myself to be a patriotic American who
believes strongly in the Constitution. I'll do whatever is in my
power to uphold and defend those principles, and so will many others.

TOP_VIEW: Well that's something I wanted to get to. The primary
motivation for an atrocity of this magnitude would seem to be to
soften up the country for some serious curtailment of civil
liberties, in the name of protecting us from such "terrorist"
attacks. I've likened it to Hitler's burning of the Reichstag in

Intel source: That's a good comparison. (Unintelligible)... one of
the main reasons the action was carried out Tuesday. There's also
other agendas having to do with control of the Middle East oil
fields, and things related to that (issue).

TOP_VIEW: Well, are people such as yourself in any way prepared to,
or able to, oppose these forces?

Intel source: Speaking for myself, I'd say there's a lot I'm prepared
to do and will do. Speaking to you is one of those things. And there
are many more like me.

TOP_VIEW: Now, how does the attack on the Pentagon figure into this
whole thing?

Intel source: I can't discuss that at all.

TOP_VIEW: Can you some time in the future?

Intel source: Maybe. I think I'll need to sign off here soon.

TOP_VIEW: Is there anything else in particular you'd care to say, any
advice or whatever?

Intel source: I'd say that our way of life is facing the biggest
threat in our history, and the enemy is very much within. VERY MUCH

TOP_VIEW: So it boils down to: what happened on Tuesday was an inside

Intel source: Absolutely. All the way down the line and to a much
higher level than most of you could ever imagine. There's a very
intense struggle going on within our government like I said.

TOP_VIEW: It's a struggle we're all involved in, sir.

Intel source: That's quite true.

TOP_VIEW: It seems very clear to me that the Bush administration was
way involved in the attacks. Would that be correct? They obviously
want to bring about the exact kind of fundamental social
restructuring that you mentioned.

Intel source: It's a good bet. Right now, it's best we cut this short.

TOP_VIEW: Good night and thank you very much for speaking with us.

-  -  -  -
This concluded our short but vastly significant interview with a
patriotic Air Force intelligence officer.

Folks, we've heard it from the proverbial horse's mouth. Americans
are in the most critical struggle in our entire history, and the
enemy is a deceptive, malevolent and indeed demonic force deeply
ensconced within the very fabric and structure of our federal
government, and which also infests even our news and information
sources, our entertainment, our schools and workplaces and many other
aspects of our life and our society.

As our source stated: "the enemy is very much within."

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