From: "Mark S Bilk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WBIX - WBAI In Exile" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Weasel List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "emmasdance list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EMMAS] Did the Republicans/Israelis Engineer the WTC Attack?
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 23:51:22 -0700
When I write the word "terrorism" I feel I have to put it in
quotes. "Terrorism" is simply warfare using whatever weapons
can be improvised, because the U.S. is on the other side, and
isn't supplying fleets of helicopter gunships, etc.
It's called "terrorism" when a Palestinian blows himself up in
an Israeli marketplace, killing a dozen people. But when an
Israeli artillery shell, or antipersonnel flechette bomb, blows
up in a Palestinian marketplace, killing a dozen people, that's
called a "military counterterrorist action", or it's not even
reported in American media. The Israelis have murdered ten times
as many Palestinians as vice versa, and of course the Israelis
were the aggressors in the first place, stealing 90% of the
Palestinians' land.
Somebody just killed 6,000 people in New York. Israel and the
U.S. killed 10,000 people in Lebanon, and Bush killed 10,000
people in Panama for no reason whatsoever. Bush armed Saddam
and told him to invade Kuwait, and then when he did, killed
300,000 young Iraqi men immediately, and many more in the years
after. This was done to raise the price of oil for Bush's pals,
and to provide a great enemy to justify weapons profiteering for
years to come (the USSR having resigned).
The U.S. killed some 4,000,000 people in Southeast Asia, and
60,000 Americans, all to keep the Vietnamese from overwhelmingly
electing Ho Chi Minh and having democratic socialism (as Eisenhower
Bush just said he's going to eradicate Hamas and anyone who
supports it, with a budget of tens of billions of dollars for
weaponry. I think the Republicans and the Israelis are about
to exterminate the Palestinians -- the Final Solution.
And I wouldn't put it past either of the two fascist governments
to have instigated and financed (through intermediaries) a gang
of Islamic loonies to blow up the WTC. The Mossad did exactly
that in the Achille Lauro hijacking (see below).
One thing that doesn't smell right is the incredible speed with
which the FBI was able to identify the perpetrators, who
apparently made no attempt to destroy evidence, formulate getaway
plans, etc. This made sure that it was blamed on Islamics,
without any doubts about militia/Nazis like McVeigh.
There's evidence of a deep connection between the Republican and
Israeli fascists. Monica Lewinsky refused to cooperate with any
investigation of Clinton for many months, during which time she
had a gentle lawyer, William Ginsburg, who gave an interview to
an Israeli newspaper thusly:
``We are fans of President Clinton and admire his positions and
policies concerning Israel. Clinton is very positive toward
Israel and the Jews, and Monica and I are Jews,''
That sounds like a clear warning to Clinton to support Israeli
policy, or else.
Then Hillary Clinton said publicly that the Palestinians should
have their own independent state. Only _three days_ later,
Lewinsky dropped Ginsburg, and hired Plato Cacheris and Jacob
Stein, two Nixon mob lawyers who had defended major players
in Watergate, etc. She immediately offered to cooperate with
the Republican investigations of Clinton, who was then impeached.
Both the U.S. and Israel have slaughtered a whole lot more than
6,000 people in previous operations. The Republicans have trashed
the voting system, i.e., democracy, wrecked the Supreme Court,
and seized power. But they've not been able to shut up the
opposition, here and in the rest of the world. Now they have the
excuse to do it. The attack was done by only about 50 men,
but the Republicans have declared war on much of the Third World,
and on us.
Why have they done all this, when they were making plenty of money
already? Maybe they predicted that, because they can't censor the
Internet like they've done the mass media, American voters would
become informed and move toward social democracy, and that _would_
cut into the oligarchy's profits.
All through the 20th century, the U.S. style of kinder, gentler,
fascism was working just fine for them. There must be some reason
why they've decided to move toward an explicit police state now.
Almost certainly we'll never know if people in either or both
governments set up the attack on the World Trade Center. We do
know they've both done even worse things in the past.
What's important is their subsequent actions. The Palestinians
are penned up in a small area, and can't escape. When Bush and
the Israelis start slaughtering them, and lots of Afghans as well,
there are going to be big protests here. That's when they'll
start in on us, for violating "emergency laws" or "public order",
or "giving aid and comfort to the Enemy". That's when they'll
call us "terrorists". And kill us.
"The hi-jacking of the Italian cruise
ship Achille Lauro by "Palestinian terrorists" was later reliably
reported by former IDF arms dealer Ari Ben-Menashe in his 1992 book,
Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, to have
been ordered and funded by Mossad. Ben-Menashe revealed that Israeli
intelligence organizations regularly engaged in "black operations,"
espionage activity designed to portray Palestinians and others in the
worst possible light. "An example," wrote Ben-Menashe, "is the case of
the 'Palestinian' attack on the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985. That
was, in fact, an Israeli 'black' propaganda operation to show what a
deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians were." According to
Ben-Menashe, Israeli spymasters arranged the attack through "Abu'l
Abbas, who, to follow such orders was receiving millions from Israeli
intelligence officers posing as Sicilian dons. Abbas . . . gathered a
team to attack the cruise ship. The team was told to make it bad, to
show the world what lay in store for other unsuspecting citizens if
Palestinian demands were not met. As the world knows, the group picked
on an elderly American Jewish man in a wheelchair, killed him, and
threw his body overboard." -- Michael Gillespie
Details of U.S. murder for profit, and destruction of democracy,
in some 50 nations:
It's an interesting coincidence that Barbara Olson was killed on
one of the planes, and Dorothy Hunt, wife of Watergate burglar
E. Howard Hunt, was killed by crashing the airliner she was on
by futzing with the approach beacons. She was apparently black-
mailing Nixon and threatening to go public about Watergate or
the JFK assassination. Might Olson have been killed for some
similar reason?
"If I can not dance, I want no part in your revolution." Emma Goldman
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