The goal of the New World Order is to unite the world under one government and, some say, one religion.

According to some theorists, the events of last week were carefully planned and designed to facilitate implementation of the New World Order.

And yet, nationalism in the U.S.A. increased perhaps ten-fold as a result of the destruction and plane crashes. Were the planners stupid enough to think they would get an opposite reaction? If they are that stupid, are they still smart enough to plan such an operation? If they did know nationalism would be stronger, how do they plan to use that to enable the New World Order?

I do not know the answers to these questions. I suspect nationalism is just one more form of religion or belief system that must be torn down before humans can peacefully coexist on Earth. Given the strength of religious beliefs and nationalism in the people of Earth, it is difficult to see how a global government can be established without eliminating a large majority of the planet's population.

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