Fingerprints, face scans, retina scans, DNA, etc. are useless in the face of cloning technology.

What is needed instead is idenfication of the soul essence, or lack thereof, of each individual.

Those without soul would be clones or other forms of duplicated entities and thus killing them would be no loss to the universe.

  "Samantha L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

A family member was watching a Sunday Morning ABC program (with Cokie
Roberts, Sam Donaldson, etc.) and heard George Will discuss the need for
cameras and facial scans in public places throughout the country. (I am
reminded of such software recently being tested in Tampa, Fl.) George
Stephanopolous commented that it would be inadvisable to do that because of
the potential for racial and immigrant profiling.

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