-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Marilyn Wright wrote:
>I mean, how do they know that there were 19 hijackers?
>How do they know how many were aboard each plane?
>(Did people report this in cell phone calls to relatives?)

Yes, they did...on each plane at least one passenger and/or flight
attendent got a cellphone call out reporting 'x' number of hijackers had
taken over the plane; in addition it was reported that at least on the
first plane that went into the WTC, a flight attendent called out and not
only reported the names of the hijackers, but what seats they had been
sitting in aboard the plane...

>And if terrorists didn't do it, how did whoever did do it convince 19
>people to get on planes and kill themselves--let alone fly into
>targets that would kill thousands of innocent people?

Have you ever read "The Manchurian Candidate", or seen the movie (I
highly recommend reading the book)?

This past week a Panamanian convert to Islam in my area was
arrested...the reason the authorities first arrived on the scene was due
to a 911 hangup call that was traced to this man's house...turns out it
was his mother that called regarding a domestic dispute, this guy flipped
out and started abusing her...

It would have seemed to have been just your everyday, run-of-the-mill
domestic dispute complaint...except the police found drawings of airports
this guy had done, lists of various chemical agents that could be used to
cause the greatest death and mayhem, and various dates in September
crossed off in his personal calendar, including September 11th; somehow
the authorities have determined that all of this was done BEFORE 9/11...

According to the news reports, this guy has never been in trouble with
the law, including for domestic disputes; the mother is at a loss for why
her son suddenly 'went crazy'...according to the police, if this had
happened BEFORE 9/11 this guy would have spent the night in jail and then
released with a date to appear in court, and nothing more would have been
thought about it.  But due to the increased awareness of possible
terrorist cells, the FBI has been brought in and this guy is being held
on $500,000 bond...

Both the local police and the FBI are playing the whole thing down; the
arrested man, they say, has no ties to terrorist organizations; he never
took any flight lessons; he's just gone to school and to work here for

But no one has an explanation for why this formerly law-abiding person
suddenly last month started making drawings of airport runways and
researching how to make chemical weapons and marking off dates in
September, including Tuesday the 11th; no one knows why he suddenly
became so abusive to his mother that she was prompted to call 911,
leading to the discovery of the questionable papers in his possession...

>And why so many hijackers?

You need some to keep the passengers and flight crew at bay (or to kill
them), while two others fly the plane.  Two in the cockpit, at least 2
back in the plane taking care of the passengers and flight crew.  That
would make at least 16 on 4 planes.  In addition we know that on one
plane their were 2 brothers amongst the hijackers, on another 2 of the
hijackers were cousins...so it would seem that perhaps that on a couple
of the planes there were more than the bare minimum of hijackers needed
to successfully carry out the plan, because one presumes that relatives
wanted to die with their loved ones...

>It still seems impossible to believe that 19 people
>were able to simultaneously hijack FOUR major airliners.

Not at all; it just takes incredible discipline, and long-time research,
study, and planning...

And remember, there were probably many more than 4 planes with terrorists
on board, that luckily were grounded before they too could carry out
their mission...

And THAT, I feel, is the REAL terror of all this...any one person or
group of people with that amount of coolness, level-headedness, and
patience to devote YEARS to planning this, to getting the operatives into
place into this country well before the planned event, and who apparently
has access to a significant amount of funds...they wouldn't have planned
just one grand event to occur on one day.  They wouldn't have limited
themselves to just using commercial airliners as flying bombs.

And people with that level of coolness and patience to have waited this
long to make their first strike have the coolness and patience to wait
for the optimal time for a second strike.

I believe that, contrary to some reports, it's highly unlikely that
anything significant will occur this weekend; if anything does, I believe
it will be relatively minor, just enough to keep the U.S. citizenry

The big worry is farther down the road...especially on upcoming

Columbus Day, while it's a federal holiday, is not really a major holday,
so it's unlikely anything would be done then; ditto Veteran's Day,
although something symbolic may be attempted by the terrorists...

But the big target dates would be Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years;
the public will have had enough time elapse from 9/11 plus have the
pressures of the holiday season to prompt them to resume flying
again...and with the holiday rush and crush, it would be easier for
terrorists to get on board a plane; in addition you have huge holiday
traffic jams, so I would look for something to be done to disrupt our
roads in addition to anything involving planes -- look for trucks filled
with explosives and/or chemical or biological agents, bridges and
overpasses destroyed, oil and gas refinery explosions to cut down on
available fuel...

>And that all the while passengers were contacting loved ones by
>cell phone, no one was contacting 911 or central headquarters and
>nothing was being done to deal with the situation.

That's not true; the passenger with the last name of Beamer (whose
wife attended Bush's speech the other night) called 911, and the flight
attendent on the first plane that hit the WTC called her headquarters to
report a hijacking in progress...they asked her to look out the window to
report what she saw, because at that moment she wasn't sure where they
were...she reported seeing water and buildings, and they realized that
they were going to crash into NYC, exclaimed "Oh my God!" and the phone
went dead....

If I found myself in a similar situation, I think I also would call a
loved one instead of directly calling 911...I would ask the loved one to
please call 911 after I got off the phone and report what was happening,
but I'd want to take what may be my last moments on Earth to tell my
loved one how much I love them rather than talking to a 911 operator...

The same thing by-and-large happened with people in both WTC
towers...we're not hearing of a huge number of calls made to 911
regarding the planes crashing into the buildings, but we ARE hearing
about all the calls made to family members and loved ones by people
inside the towers...


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