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  (c) 9/14/01 Ian Williams Goddard

  Yesterday (9/13/01) a Reuters report stated that the FBI
  cannot rule out that hijacked Flight 93 was shot down by
  a US fighter jet before it crashed in Pennsylvania. [1]
  Citing indications of a shoot down, the report states:

     "Pennsylvania state police officials said on
     Thursday debris from the plane had been found
     up to 8 miles away [from the crash site] in a
     residential community where local media have
     quoted residents as speaking of a second plane
     in the area and burning debris falling from the sky."

  Finding debris miles from the crash site indicates that the
  aircraft was disintegrating well before it hit the ground,
  as would be the case if the other plane witnesses saw shot
  it down. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the debris
  found miles from the crash site included "clothing, books,
  papers and what appeared to be human remains." [2] The
  secretary of defense says Flight 93 was not shot down.[3]

  While major media have widely reported that a frantic 911
  call was made from Flight 93 stating "We are being hijacked,
  We are being hijacked," a local Pennsylvania paper reports
  that the passenger also reported hearing an explosion and
  seeing smoke coming from the plane, consistent with a shoot
  down. As the Somerest, PA paper The Daily American states:

     "[A] passenger locked in a bathroom aboard United
     Flight 93 called the 911 ... 'We are being hijacked,
     we are being hijacked!' dispatch supervisor Glenn
     Cramer from Westmoreland County quoted the man from
     a transcript of the call. The man told dispatchers
     the plane 'was going down. He heard some sort of
     explosion and saw white smoke coming from the
     plane and we lost contact with him,' Cramer said." [4]

  So we have (1) witness accounts of a second plane in the
  area, (2) burning debris falling, (3) debris falling up to
  8 miles from the crash site, (4) human remains falling miles
  from the crash site, and (5) reports from a passenger that
  an explosion was heard near the plane and white smoke was
  coming from the plane. Do these facts support early reports
  that Flight 93 was shot down by a US fighter jet? Could the
  the terrorists have smuggled in and detonated a bomb? At the
  least these facts appear to be inconsistent with the leading
  scenario being played in the media that the plane crashed as
  a result of a struggle for control on board the doomed flight.

  Assuming the aircraft was shot down, under the circumstances
  -- other hijackers reasonably connected to the hijackers on
  Flight 93 using other jets to cause massive casualties on the
  ground -- it would be difficult to define the act unethical.
  Indeed, it would have arguably been an heroic act. However,
  the wrong would be lying to the public about what happened.

  [1] Reuters: FBI Cannot Rule Out Shootdown of Penn.
  Plane. By David Morgan. September 13, 2001.

  [2] Pittsburg Post-Gazette: Investigators locate 'black box'
  from Flight 93; widen search area in Somerset crash. By T.
  Gibb, J. O'Toole, C. Lash. September 13, 2001.

  [3] Pittsburg Post-Gazette: Somerset crash scene searched;
  'hero' may have aborted terror mission. By T. Gibb, C. Lash
  J. O'Toole. September 12, 2001. Can't reaquire URL via search.

  [4] Daily American: International terror touches
  Somerset County. By Sandra Lepley.

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