-Caveat Lector-

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Are We Safe?

HHS Sec. Thompson Says Country Is Ready For Bio-Terrorism
But The Nation Is Not Convinced

Sept. 30, 2001

The country is preparing for a possible bio-terrorist attack.

(CBS) While CBS News, along with other news organizations, have reported on
the frightening possibility of massive casualties from a biological or
chemical attack on this country, the White House has cautioned top officials
to steer clear of saying anything about it -- until now.

The White House authorized Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy
Thompson to talk with 60 Minutes Correspondent Mike Wallace about the
country's preparedness for such an attack.

Thompson insists that we are safer than we'd been led to believe. "We've got
to make sure that people understand that they're safe. And that we're
prepared to take care of any contingency, any consequence that develops from
any kind of bio-terrorism attack," said Thompson. "I have three kids and
tonight, tonight I'm telling them that they are safe. And my granddaughter
who is less than two years old is safe as well."

It is safe, says Thompson, because the federal government has a plan to rush
doctors and supplies to the site of any attack, and they proved the plan
worked after the World Trade Center was destroyed.

Perceived Threat
In a Newsweek poll released Saturday, more than 8 out of 10 people think an
attack with biological or chemical weapons is at least somewhat likely. And
fewer than half think the government is ready to handle one.

"We have eight sites around America and each one of our sites we have
a...package that contains 50 tons of medical supplies -- vaccines,
antibiotics, gas masks and ventilators, says Thompson.

"And we are able to move those push packages, like we did in the city of New
York, within hours."

Trucks arrived in New York loaded with syringes, i.v.'s and antibiotics for a
variety of diseases including anthrax and the plague -- enough supplies to
treat 10,000 people. And when New York didn't need them, the trucks returned
to their secret staging area, to be ready for the next emergency.

"I think that shows you that if it happen, we're ready. We're ready to
perform. We will be able to move in," says Thompson. "We have 7,000 doctors
and medical assistance teams throughout America -- 7,000 medical personnel
that are ready to go."

Thompson's plan relies on a quick federal response, recognizing that local
hospitals have neither the expertise nor the equipment to deal effectively
with a biological attack. A new report by the general accounting office
underscores that local facilities would be overwhelmed.

George Washington Hospital in downtown Washington D.C. is more prepared than
most. "We feel that we're as well prepared as a hospital is likely to be for
these types of situations," says Craig D'Atley, a chemical and bio-hazard
expert at the hospital. "But even at that, we would quickly need help from
the federal government depending on how large the situation rose to."

While Thompson works to improve local preparedness, he told CBS News his
quick federal response could contain any outbreak; and prevent an epidemic.
But Congressman Christopher Shays, R-Conn., isn't so sure.

"Right now, we don't have the ability to respond to a massive number of
patients," says Shays. "But you know the good news is that we are a lot
better off than we were a few years ago."

No one in Congress knows more about the bio-threat than Shays who, as
chairman of a house committee on national security, has held 18 hearings on
bio-terrorism. He says he has knowledge of countries that have biological

"You can be pretty certain that Libya, and Iran and Iraq. Who knows what's in
the Sudan," said Shays.

And the congressman has a dire prediction for the world: "I'm absolutely
certain that terrorists, if they don't have access to biological agents now,
will, and I'm absolutely certain that they'll use them."

"The expertise exists. The potential that it's being shared with the
terrorists is, is almost a no-brainer," he says.

Even Thompson admits it's possible the United States could be the victim of a
biological attack. But he points out such an attack would be difficult to
pull off. "It's not very effective in regards to the dissemination. If it's
anthrax, it'd have to be...someway through the air," he says. "If you're
going to put it through one of these crop dusting planes that's been on the
news lately, a lot of it is going to be dissipated throughout the air and the

But Shays believes the effects could be far worse. "There are a hundred
different ways that you can imagine they can do it," he says. "And the one
thing you're pretty certain of is they certainly won't have the restraint,
and if it's a dangerous activity and they might perish with it, they're
willing to perish with it."

When the FAA learned that at least one of the suicide hijackers had asked
about crop dusters, they grounded all crop dusters briefly. Now they're back
in the air, but are not permitted to fly over heavily populated areas.

While experts may disagree on how difficult it would be to stage a deadly
biological attack, the consensus is: not difficult enough.

Thompson says he does not have a gas mask or believe that one is necessary.
"How would you be able to utilize it? Are you going to have a gas mask with
you 24 hours a day?''

"I don't think the American people should be scared into believing that they
have to have a gas mask," Thompson says.

Thompson has already accelerated his order for smallpox vaccine. He says that
40 million new doses will be ready next year instead of in three years.

"In the meantime, we have 15.4 million doses of vaccines, boxed and prepared
to deliver if there is a smallpox breakout anywhere in the country," says

Last January the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta said this country's
public health infrastructure was, "not adequate to detect and respond to a
bio-terrorist event."

Thompson says the country was caught off guard by the terrorist attacks. "I
think we were unprepared because we never expected anything like September
11. We never expected anything to happen that would affect the continental
United States of America. But since then, we put out an alert to every -
every health department in this country."

While the secretary acknowledges the government should have done more,
sooner, he sys that if they ever do detect a biological attack they can
quickly diagnose exactly what it is.

"We would advise on television, on radio, exactly what to do. What treatments
to do," he says. "That's why it's so important, if there is anything
suspicious, contact the local health department who contacts the state who
contacts the CDC, and we'll have people there within hours to take care of
it; set up an action plan and we will implement it."

"This has been sort of a wake-up for America. And we are moving a lot faster
than we were before Sept.11. But we were prepared before Sept. 11."

While it's clear that America -- on the local level -- is still ill-equipped
to deal with a biological attack, Secretary Thompson assures says he can rush
enough federal help to any area to contain any attack. The general accounting
office reports that many local officials remain skeptical that enough federal
help would arrive in time, but for now we can only hope that Thompson is

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