-Caveat Lector-


>>>My comment follows the article<<<


              Is Losing Its Other Germ War
America Loses 14,000 Lives A Year In Its Other Germ War; Over-Use Of
Antibiotics Like Cipro May Induce Plagues; Natural
              Antibiotics May Rescue Mankind
              Bill Sardi
              addendum: side effects of CIPRO-like drugs may be worse
              Anthrax; CIPRO should not be used by rescue, police or
              personnel, nor be approved for nation’s antibiotic
              is losing its other germ war and thousands more lives
are needlessly
              being lost than from the recent anthrax threat.
              public has been gripped by the threat of anthrax in the
past week, and has become familiar with CIPRO (ciprofloxacin-Bayer),
the antibiotic
              that has been widely described as the preferred drug to
treat inhalation
              the same time, Americans have been distracted from
America’s other
              germ war – the over-use of prescription antibiotics
like CIPRO which will only hasten the early demise of millions of
humans worldwide
              as more germs mutate and become resistant to these
drugs, permitting
              bugs like E. coli, Enterococci, Staphylococcus,
Helicobacteri pylori,
              and yes even anthrax, to escape treatment and increase
              and mortality. The ongoing germ war Americans face is
not administered
              by a terrorist but is of one their own doing.
              news story that has been overshadowed by the American anthrax scare
              is that FDA and University of Maryland researchers found 20% of
              meat samples obtained from supermarkets were contaminated with 
              salmonella, a germ that is responsible for 1.4 million cases of
              food poisoning annually. Among the samples of ground beef, chicken
              turkey and pork, 84% of the salmonella was found to be resistant
              to one drug and 53% to three or more antibiotics.1
              many strains of Staph aureus, another pathogenic bacterium, are
              resistant to all antibiotics except Vancomycin, which is considered
              the antibiotic of last resort. Strains of germs like Enterococcus
              faecalis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
              already defy a stockpile of more than 100 antibiotic drugs.
              FDA is rapidly making plans to reduce the use of antibiotics in animals, 
particularly because the drug-resistance in these animals
              can be transferred to humans. Over 40% of the antibiotics produced 
annually (about 20 million pounds) are used in animals.
              an attempt to head off the growing drug-resistance problem, the American 
Medical Association has urged its members not to prescribe CIPRO to patients who are 
merely worried about anthrax exposure and has war
ned physicians to reduce their rate of prescriptions
              for antibiotics overall. Some experts estimate half of the antibiotics
              taken in the US are unnecessary.
              commercial antibiotics have been molecularly altered in the laboratory
              to obtain a patent and to improve potency. The man-made molecules
              are what induce germs to mutate and become resistant to their killing
              properties.2 Drug companies have
              responded to the resistance problem "by producing newer
              antibiotics," most which are just variations or combinations
              of old drugs.3 The FDA says it is doing all it can to speed up 
development and availability of new antibiotic drugs.4 For example, in
              September of 1999 the FDA announced the "approval of a long-needed
              new weapon against the growing threat of drug-resistant bacteria:
              Synercid, the first alternative in 30 years to the antibiotic 
              of last resort." Synercid (Rhone-Poulenc Rorer) is the
              first in a new class of antibiotics called streptogamins, but the
              FDA admitted it only has a 52% effectiveness rating in fighting
              off drug-resistant strains of enterococcal infections and it was
              accompanied by side effects such as rash, vomiting, diarrhea and
              joint pain.5
              the FDA makes no mention of natural, non-patentable antibiotics which do 
not induce resistance, some which exhibit a 100% kill factor for anthrax and a wide 
range of other germs. There are no financial incen
tives for makers of antibiotic foods like garlic, or supplements
              like oil of oregano, to undergo expensive and time-consuming clinical
              trials so they can make a label claim as an antibiotic. This gives
              drug manufacturers complete reign over the prescription antibiotic
              drug market. Most Americans are so ill informed on this issue that
              they just can’t believe natural antibiotics are more potent than
              the drugs their doctor prescribes.
              could direct their patients to natural antibiotics that don’t induce
              resistance, but they have largely been trained to use prescription 
medications and to look askance at natural remedies as if they are snake oil. This 
problem is already costing many patients with their
              lives as the antibiotic drugs fail to cure pneumonia or other 
hospital-acquired infections. An estimated 14,000 hospitalized patients are believed
              to die from drug-resistant bacteria annually. That’s far more than
              the current anthrax exposure.6
              order to maintain profits of the pharmaceutical companies and physicians,
              the FDA requires the public to play a risky game, to wait for infection
              to occur, then run to the doctor, risk death or chronic health problems,
              receive a broad-spectrum antibiotic while the doctor sends a swab
              sample to the laboratory for culture to see if the prescribed antibiotic
              will defeat that particular kind of germ. There are over 76 million
              cases of foodborne infection annually in the US which produces diarrhea
              and 5000 deaths annually.7 These deaths
              could be prevented if the manufacturers of natural antibiotics like
              garlic and oil of oregano were permitted to inform the public of
              their well-documented germ-killing properties. The public could
              take garlic or oil of oregano as prevention without risk of 
              In a country that prides itself in free speech, even the truth is
              being barred from public dissemination in regards to herbal antibiotics.

              every prescription antibiotic that is consumed is hastening the day when 
all the bug-killers will be rendered useless. Why we continue to solely rely upon 
patentable molecules to kill germs and ignore
              more potent, economical and safe natural antibiotics, which do not
              induce resistance, goes unexplained except for financial greed.

              growing body of scientific evidence confirms that natural herbs
              and spices exhibit antibiotic properties that are equivalent if
              not superior to drugs.
              example, researchers in the Netherlands report that garlic is capable
              to eradicating vancomycin-resistant enterococci bacteria, a germ
              that is a growing cause of mortality in hospitals.8 A broth of 2% garlic 
juice has been shown to completely eradicate
              ampicillin-resistant E. coli.9 E.
              coli infections are widespread, originating from fecal material,
              and a resistant strain of E. coli (clonal group A) is accounting for 
more than half of all the female urinary tract infections. In
              some parts of the country about 20% of these infections now only
              respond to a combination of powerful drugs, drugs that encourage
              even more drug resistant strains.10
              1% solution of garlic from fresh cloves has been shown to have 
              activity against E. coli and antibiotic-resistant (methicillin) Staph 
aureus, Salmonella, a common cause of food poisoning, and Candida albicans, the most 
common yeast infection.11 Researchers at Georgetown
University report that oil of oregano
              (not the kitchen cupboard variety of oregano) was recently tested
              against drug-resistant Staphylococcus bacteria and was found to
              be equally effective as streptomycin, penicillin and vancomycin.12
              herbal antibiotics do not induce germ resistance. The complete lack
              of antibiotic resistance with garlic has been repeatedly shown.13 Garlic 
exhibits strong activity against bacteria, even multi-drug
              resistant strains, as well as against fungi (yeast) and viruses.14 In 
one report, infectious disease specialists concede that garlic
              may be effective in the treatment of middle ear infection given
              that antibiotic drugs are failing.15
              estimated 50% of the US adult population is believed to be infected with 
Helicobacter pylori, the gastric bug that causes ulcers and
              has recently been confirmed as the germ that causes stomach cancer.16 
Antibiotics could virtually eliminate the risk of stomach cancer,
              the 8th leading cause of cancer-related death in the
              US, but their use among non-ulcer infected patients would induce
              more drug-resistant strains of H. pylori. Yet garlic is able to
              kill H. pylori.17 It is unlikely that physicians will begin to advise 
their patients to consume more garlic
              or garlic capsules to prevent stomach cancer. So the public remains
              at risk for a form of cancer that could be virtually eliminated.
              it is apparent that the simultaneous use of antioxidants and herbs
              such as green tea with antibiotic drugs may actually help to prevent
              genetic mutations and suppress the emergence of resistant bacteria
              in the first place.18
              could be given natural antibiotics like garlic and oil of oregano and 
these germ-killers can also be placed in foods to kill off any pathogens and to reduce 
spoilage. Oil of oregano has been shown
              to exhibit the greatest inhibition of bacteria among food spices
              in a recent test against pathogens such as E. Coli, Staph aureus,
              Pseudomonas and others germs.19
              study conducted at Cornell University found that spices such as garlic, 
oil of oregano, onion, and allspice kill every bacterium
              tested, even anthrax.20 A 1977 conducted
              in India reveals that crude garlic extract exhibited greater antibiotic
              action against Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) than tetracycline, 
              streptomycin, ampicillin, erythromycin and other antibiotics.21
              a remarkable study, the Garlic Centre in Essex, England, reports
              that a daily garlic capsule reduced the incidence of the common
              cold by 50 percent during winter months. The common cold affects
              more people than any other type of infection.22 There are nearly 61 
million cases of the common cold annually in
              the US says the National Center for Health Statistics. Garlic has
              been shown to kill Herpes simplex, Parainfluenza, and rhinovirus
              in a laboratory dish.23 Researchers
              at the Weitzmann Institute of Science in Israel report that allicin,
              a component of garlic, effectively kills off multi-drug resistant
              strains of E. coli, fungi such as Candida albicans, protozoan parasites
              such as Giardia lamblia and viruses.24
              only a few hundred Americans were potentially exposed to anthrax
              and given precautionary courses of CIPRO and other antibiotics,
              the demand for CIPRO was reported to rise from less than 10,000
              to over 18,000 pills dispensed daily in the week of October 14-20,
              FDA approved CIPRO for inhalational anthrax on July 28, 2000. However,
              it is not the only drug that works against anthrax. For ethical reasons 
human studies on anthrax cannot be conducted. But animal studies with anthrax were 
performed in 1993. Groups of 10 animals were exposed
 to inhalational anthrax. Each antibiotic tested completely protected the animals 
while on the drug, but upon discontinuance,
              here was the survival rate: penicillin, 7 of 10 survived; ciprofloxacin 
(CIPRO)*, 8 of 9 survived; doxycycline, 8 of 9 survived. (*An additional
              animal was not counted because it succumbed to pneumonia during
              the trial.)25
              director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
              Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, says there is a false impression that CIPRO
              is the only drug that would work against anthrax. CIPRO is in a
              class of drugs called fluoroquinolones would work equally well,
              he says.26 Brand names of other fluoroquinolone
              drugs are Avelox, Floxin, Levaquin, Maxaquin, Noroxin, Penetrex,
              Tequin and Zagam.
              1994 Russian scientists found the protective effects of three 
              drugs, ciprofloxacin (CIPRO), pefloxacin and lomefloxacin, were
              practically the same against anthrax.27 Five other fluoroquinolones have 
been shown to be pharmaceutically
              superior to ciprofloxacin.28 Levofloxacin
              is better absorbed into lung tissue than ciprofloxacin, which is
              where anthrax spores reside.29
              WORSE THAN ANTHRAX
              to a Washington Post report, the use of CIPRO is likely to threaten the 
health of far more people than any anthrax attack.
              The report says 7.3 percent of CIPRO users can expect to experience
              side effects, which includes death following the ingestion of just
              one tablet, seizures, hallucinations, and rash, the latter symptom
              mimicking a sign of anthrax which would unnecessarily frighten a
              CIPRO user.30
              CIPRO has been around since 1987 and over 250 million people have
              taken it, it is fraught with serious side effects, enough to make
              a person wonder why it was approved for use in a biological warfare
              Fluoroquinolone drugs like CIPRO are not recommended for children
              under the age of 18, nor pregnant females.
              Fluoroquinolones may adversely interact with many other drugs. Caffeine,
              warfarin blood thinners (Coumadin), magnesium antacids, and theophylline
              asthma drugs should not be taken with this class of drugs.31
              Ciprofloxacin and all fluoroquinolones are photosensitive medications
              and they can cause skin reactions upon exposure to solar ultraviolet
              radiation and even from low-dose fluorescent lighting.32 Phototoxicity 
is reported with all fluoroquinolones but lomefloxacin’s molecular structure minimizes 
this problem.33 Rescue workers, police or militar
y personnel who receive CIPRO-like
              drugs and who must work outdoors may experience light-induced reactions.
              CIPRO is reported to interfere with collagen formation and induce
              rupture of the Achilles tendon. Tendonitis and tendon ruptures have
              been reported several months following antibiotic treatment even with 
minimal mechanical stress.34 Even rather low doses of CIPRO-like drugs, or a 
              diet, may induce Achilles tendon inflammation or rupture.35 Apparently 
CIPRO either blocks the absorption or the action of magnesium,
              an essential mineral, which then results in weakened joints. The
              provision of supplemental magnesium should be advised to users of
              CIPRO since this may prevent the occurrence of joint ruptures.36 But 
nothing is said about the connection between magnesium shortage
              and joint problems in product literature. Since magnesium impairs
              the absorption of fluoroquinolones, it should be taken in between
              courses of this class of antibiotics.37 CIPRO-like drugs are apparently 
inappropriate for use in a biological
              warfare environment where rescue, police and military personnel
              require antibiotic treatment and yet may suffer joint injuries that
              would impair their performance.
              Bayer AG, the German-based parent company that produces CIPRO, is
              accused of fraud and unethical behavior for not disclosing to surgical
              patients in a clinical study of the potential hazards posed by the use 
of CIPRO when it is taken with preoperative sedatives or tranquilizers.
              Apparently sedatives impair the absorption of CIPRO and then increase
              the risk of infection. Some British surgical patients experienced
              infections and one died in a clinical study that Bayer refuses to
              disclose data on.38 It is reported
              that many people in New York City began taking tranquilizers following
              the attack on the World Trade Center. This would be a contraindication
              for CIPRO-like drugs in a metropolitan biological warfare arena
              where some people may require surgery due to trauma, etc.
              in fact the FDA is proposing to withdraw one of the fluoroquinolone
              drugs used in poultry because is causes the rapid development of
              resistant Campylobacter bacteria that can be transferred to humans.39
              sells CIPRO for $1.83 per table to the US government, less than the 
$4.40 normal price. But the recommended two 500 mg tablets per day for 60 days to 
treat inhalational anthrax exposure would cost
              about $220, compared to around $20 for tetracycline or doxycycline.

              Thompson, secretary of Health & Human Services, is petitioning
              Congress for $643 million to add CIPRO and other drugs to the nation’s
              antibiotic stockpile. This may be ill advised.
White DG, et al, The isolation of antibiotic-resistant salmonella from retail ground 
meats, New England Journal Medicine 345: 1147-54, 2001 and Associated Press, October 
18, 2001.
Levy SB, The challenge of antibiotics resistance, Scientific American, March 1998.
Lavin BS, Antibiotic cycling and marketing into the 21st century: a perspective from 
the pharmaceutical industry, Infection Control Hospital Epidemiology 21: 32-35S, 2000.
Lewis R, The rise of antibiotic-resistant infections, FDA Consumer
                Magazine, Sept. 1995.
FDA approves long-needed new antibiotic, Associated Press, Sept.
                21, 1999.
Ostrom CM, Antibiotics dangerously overused, group warns, Seattle
                Times, October 17, 2001.
Acheson DWK, Foodborne diseases update: current trends in foodborne
                diseases, Medscape Infectious Diseases, 2001]
Jonkers D, Sluimer J, Stobberingh E, Antibacterial effect of garlic
                and omeprazole on Helicobacter pylori, Antimicrobial Agents
                & Chemotherapy 43: 3045-54, 1999.
Unal R, et al, Novel quantitative assays for estimating the antimicrobial
                activity of fresh garlic juice, Journal Food Protection 64: 189-94, 
Gewolb J, New E. coli strain causes trouble, Science Now, October 4, 2001.
Sasaki J, et al, Antibacterial activity of garlic powder against Escherichia coli 
O-157, Journal Nutrition Science Vitaminology 45: 785-90, 1999.
Preuss HG, Oregano oil may protect against drug-resistant bacteria,
                Georgetown Researcher Finds, Science Daily, October 11,
Sivam GP, Protection against Helicobacter pylori and other bacterial
                infections by garlic, Journal Nutrition 131: 1106-08S, 2001.
Ankri S, Mirelman D, Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic, Microbes 
Infection 1: 125-29, 1999.
Klein JO, Management of acute otitis media in an era of increasing
                antibiotic resistance, International Journal Pediatric Otorhinology 5: 
15-17S, 1999.
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Sivam GP, Protection against Helicobacter pylori and other bacterial
                infections by garlic, Journal Nutrition 131: 1106-08S, 2001; Sivan
                GP, et al, Helicobacter pylori- in vitro susceptibility to garlic
                (Allium sativum) extract, Nutrition & Cancer 27: 118-21,
Pillai SP, et al, The ability of certain antimutagenic agents
                to prevent development of antibiotic resistance, Mutation Research 
496: 61-75, 2001.
Elgayyar M, et al, Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from plants against 
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                Journal Food Protection, 64: 1019-24, 2001.
Billing J, Sherman PW, Antimicrobial functions of spices, Quarterly
                Review Biology 73: March, 1998.
Sharma VD, et al, Antibacterial property of Allium sativum: in vivo and in vitro 
studies, Indian Journal Experimental Biology 15: 466-68, 1977.
BBC News, October 3, 2001; Josling P, Preventing the common cold
                with a garlic-supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey,
                Advances in Therapy 18: 189-93, 2001.
Weber ND, et al, In vitro virucidal effects of Allium sativum (garlic) extract and 
compounds, Planta Medica 58: 417-23, 1992.
Ankri S, Mirelman D, Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic, Microbes 
Infection 1: 125-29, 1999.
Friedlander AM, et al, Postexposure prophylaxis against experimental
                inhalation anthrax, Journal Infectious Diseases, 167:
Kolata G, Cipro isn’t the only drug that can be prescribed, anthrax
                experts say, New York Times, October 17, 2001.
D’aikov SI, et al, Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness
                of fluoroquinolones in experimental anthrax
infection, Antibiotic Khimioterapy, 39: 15-19, 1994.
Lubasch A, et al, Comparative pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin,
                gatifloxacin, grepafloxacin, levoflaxacin,
trolafloxacin and mixifloxacin
                after single oral administration in healthy
volunteers, Antimicrobial
                Agents Chemotherapy 44: 2600-03, 2000.
Gotfried MH, et al, Steady-state plasma and intrapulmonary
                of levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in healthy adult
subjects, Chest 119: 1114-22, 2001.
Gillis J, Connolly C, Emphasis on Cipro worries officials, Washington

                Post, Oct. 19, 2001, Page A17.
Medline Plus, Micromedex, Inc., 12/18/2000, US National Library
                of Medicine; Ball P, Safety of the new
fluoroquinolones compared
                with ciprofloxacin, Journal Chemotherapy 12: 8-11,
Jaffe A, Bush A, If you can’t stand the rash, get out of the kitchen:

                an unusual advers reaction to ciprofloxacin,
Pediatric Polmonology 28: 449-50, 1999.
Stablmann R, Lode H, Toxicity of quinolones, Drugs 58:
                37-42, 1999 supplement.
Casparian JM, Luchi M, et al, Quinolones and tendon ruptures,
                Southern Medical Journal 93: 488-91, 2000.
Shakibaei M, et al, Biochemical changes in Achilles tendon from
juvenile dogs after treatment with ciprofloxacin or feeding a
magnesium-deficient diet, Archives Toxicology 75: 369-74, 2001.
Egerbacher M, et al, In vitro evidence for effects of magnesium
supplementation on quinolone-treated horse and dog chondrocytes,
                Veterinary Pathology 38: 143-48, 2001.
Fish DN, Chow AT, The clinical pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin,
                Clinical Pharmacokinetics 32: 101-19, 1997.
Drug firm put patients at risk in hospital trials, London Times, May
14, 2000.
FDA/CVM Proposed to withdraw poultry fluoroquinolones approval,
                Food & Drug Administration, October 26, 2000.
              24, 2001
              Sardi [send him mail] is a health
              journalist at www.askbillsardi.com.
              © 2001 by the Bill Sardi Word of Knowledge Agency, San
Dimas, California.
              Not for commercial reproduction without permission of
the author.

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>>>I thought we'd learned this lesson from the experiences of the
residents of the Isle of the Grey Ghosts, all of whom were
quarantined at some time related to the Viet Nam Action after having
acquired certain diseases of the genitalia from certain comfort
ladies of the Far East who self-medicated for once lesser diseases of
the genitalia that eventually became drug-resistant diseases of the
genitalia.  Quarantined because the shit was too nasty to even neuter
against.  A<>E<>R <<<
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