Jim Condit Jr.

More 911 Questions, Anthrax Scare, Who’s the Coward?
Wed Oct 24 01:40:51 2001

October 24, 2001 NA (Network America) e-wire

More 911 Questions, Anthrax Scare, Who’s the Coward?

I apologize for the length of this e-wire – but it will save you the 25
hours or more of research it took me to pull it together, and it cover a
lot of the things investigative minds need to thinking about. There is
NO HOPE of any investigation coming from the kept servants who work for
the controlled Big Press. It’s up to you, it’s up to us . . .

Before an analysis of what the Anthrax scare is all about, here is a --

RECAP, for those who didn’t see our first Network America e-wire on 911:

On October 9, 2001 I sent out an e-wire entitled, “Who We Need Fear . .
. and What is Global Hawk?” – it was a hurried compilation of facts and
observations that had emerged since the 9-11 kamikaze attack, and which
needed as wide a circulation as possible. My own urgency came because of
my reading of Big Media clues – which indicated a gushing forth of mind
manipulation from the Big Media against the American public – mind
manipulation which simultaneously was building a hopeless tension and
siege mentality in the collective American mind – and conditioning
Americans for an “inevitable” coming germ / bio warfare attack on a
major US population center. (That original e-wire is posted on, we are behind in updating our website,

That October 9th e-wire contained 35 items – and this e-wire will begin
with item #36 – after --


The real agenda involves getting United States troops permanently into
the Middle East permanently to a) put in puppet Moslem governments and
b) defend the mini-state of Israel. At this hour, I vote for the
position that the 911 attacks were orchestrated by the Ruling Elite of
Shadow Government (Permanent Revolution) using Global Hawk or Home Run
technology. Regardless, if it was done that way or was actually pulled
off by desperate Moslem Kamikazi pilots all by themselves ---
immediately the Ruling Elite and its Big 5 TV networks initiated too
longed for goals: the low-grade World War III scenario, and the scrap
the U.S. Constitution scenario.

While many Moslem governments are backward and retrograde in many ways –
and have horribly stunted the growth of their peoples – that is not what
concerns “our” Ruling Elite – which has helped keep in power incredibly
corrupt Moslem Regimes as long as the chosen Arab Playboys played ball
with oil and non-opposition to Israel. The reason why the Bush/Clinton
gang, and those behind it, are telling us that we are going to have to
jump from Moslem country to Moslem country waging war against
“terrorism” is because the Moslem world need to brought to heel to
accept the Permanent Revolution’s Free Trade program (which will
progressively turn all countries into a province in the New World
Order), and to succumb to the world wide usururious, vultures who run
bankstering systems such as the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank
here in the USA. At the same time, this open ended “war against terror”
can be used to vanquish all of potential nearby enemies of the state of
Israel. (On a note of supreme yet sick irony, the current Prime Minister
of Israel, terrorist Ariel Sharon, killed 17,000 civilians in Lebonan in
1982 with wanton terror bombing; even the state of Israel reproached him
for his – publicly anyway; lawyers in Belgium are now trying to bring
terrorist Ariel Sharon to justice before an international court.)

The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that the 9-11 attack was
just a deadly made for TV Movie. Immediately following the 9-11 plane
attacks on the NYC Twin Towers, -- within 10 minutes on CNN -- the Big
Media had determined that the man hiding in the cave, Bin Laden, had
done it -- and that we now needed an endless war to rout out terror.
Within an hour, Henry Kissinger associate Lawrence Eagleburger was on TV
stating that Americans would have to give up freedoms for more security.

In the big picture --- the Kamikaze Global Hawk attack at the Trade
Towesr and Pentagon provided the excuse to rush American troops over to
Afghanistan – the first country target of choice. (And again, don’t
forget, clangorous voices from all sides are warning that this is the
first of MANY Moslem countries in the Mideast that the US will have to
attack to “stamp out” terrorism. Voices such as Congressman Steve Buyer
of Indiana, Henry Kissinger, Michael Weiner Savage of talk radio – among
others are raising their voices for “tactical” (?) nuclear attacks on
Afghanistan and other middle eastern countries. Now – how are Americans
going to jump started into supporting THAT? Which brings us to --

. . . the well-managed “anthrax scare” – which took center stage right
after the troops got over to Pakistan. (Now that the troops were there
en masse, the Ruling Elite had to keep the propaganda coming through the
5 Big TV Networks and Big Newspapers so that Americans would be kept off
balance and at a fever pitch of emotion --- very susceptible to accept
uncritically the next moves the Ruling Elite will say they have to make.

First of all, recall that what caused me to rush out that first e-wire
of 10-9-01 – was that the Big Media began to tell us, based on the words
of Bush administration officials – that there was a 100% chance of an
anthrax or other bio / germ warfare attack on the American people. 100%!

And sure enough, the attacks have begun! While the surprisingly
restrained attacks – just a few letters – have been aimed at the two
segments which most need the sympathy of the white middle class (that
is, major TV networks, major newspapers, and the offices of Democratic
Senators) – we still have the syndrome of the “little guys, gals, and
goy” dying – not the big whigs – just like in the Trade Towers and
Pentagon crash, where apparently not one really important businessman,
politician, government official or media person or other high level
poobah perished. I have been waiting for the media tributes to this or
that “beloved” mover and shaker who perished in the 9-11 attacks.
Nothing so far. Yet thousands of the little guys and gals were caught in
the crush, rush and flames of 9-11. Hmmm . . . .

Either this anthrax push is a shadow government operation – or the
people doing it are the very worst strategists in the history of
warfare. Imagine making an anthrax attack on the US and mailing about 10
envelopes total. Why weren’t tens of thousands mailed to all parts of
the country, if this was really coming from a determined enemy? Because
this is a well managed shadow government operation. Its purpose?

It’s purpose is to begin building pressure on the minds of the American
people. Do you want to live in fear of germ warfare for the rest of your
lives – or do you want to nuke some low-down Moslem countries – and put
an end to the threat?

The instructions put out to the American people about anthrax and other
bio warfare threats are, by my reading, designed to induce a feeling of
hopelessness, vulnerability, and, as they say, cognitive dissonance. HEW
Tommy Thompson says, “We’re ready” – at the same, we are told that there
is no vaccine against anthrax for the public, only for the military –
and that there is no available supply of vaccine for smallpox for now.
--- Anthrax is easily managed with antibiotics – but three people have
dropped dead – we are told with anthrax --with little warning. What are
Americans told to do? New Gestapo Chief, er, excuse me, I mean new
minister of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge – tells the American public to
stay calm, become more aware of your surroundings, and report any
suspicious activity (snitch on your neighbor?). This is a program for
defense against bio / germ warfare ?? The subconscious mind of a normal
person will tell them that we are virtually defenseless if a real
serious and effective bio / germ warfare attack is unleashed. “How do we
get out of this?” wonders the average person. How do we return to life
before 9-11? (And a voice whispers through the Big Media: “Maybe nuclear
weapons will solve the problem.”)

We had to send the troops to Afghanistan, because, we were told
immediately, Bin Laden was responsible 911. But now, the Big Media
tells us the anthrax attack was NOT caused by Bin laden. Have Dan Rather
and Peter Jennings joined the Psychic Friends Network??? How do all
five networks come to these simultaneous conclusions on the basis of no
extant evidence?

Now that the suggestion of the perpetual threat of germ warfare has been
lodged in the collective mind – the Big Media is already moving from
anthrax to smallpox – with suggestions of mustard nerve gas threats, and
even mentions of eboli – the mysterious germ (or whatever it is) that
causes one’s insides to melt within a few days. The smallpox scare was
raised in the Atlantic Constitution and other establishment organs – on
September 12, 2001 – one day after the 911 attacks. That Atlantic
Constitution article suggested that 100,000 to 3 million Americans could
be dead with a few months if a significant smallpox attack were to

*****Based on the subtle Big Media psycho-warfare clues -- I fear that
our own shadow government plans a limited but severe germ / bio attack
on a major US population, a stadium sporting event, or a college campus
- within a month to four months – possibly early next year.

This attack, if they get away with it, will kill 3000 to 50,000 people
in some major US population center. The attack and resultant death toll,
they hope, will be made to congeal the American people behind the use of
nuclear weapons against Moslem countries.

Why is the Ruling Elite itching to use nuclear weapons against
Afghanistan and perhaps other Moslem countries? Because the Ruling Elite
experts, especially those focusing on Isreal’s growing problems – know
that it’s only a matter of time before the radical elements of the
Moslem countries -- severely aggrieved by our mid east policy -- get
their hands on nuclear weapons which they can use en masse, and on the
means to inflict massive bio-germ warfare damage on the west. So a
preemptory strike is needed now, in the minds of the Ruling Elite.

And this brings up another problem we now face. Once a Jihad is
declared, a great number of Moslems have no inhibition about killing the
infidel. One well informed reader sent me a long list of documentation
that almost all those massive, shockingly brutal slaughters we vaguely
hear about in Sudan, Ruwanda, etc. – are invariably perpetrated by
Moslem agressors. So --- the nuking of Moslem countries in the Mideast
might unleash a significant portion of the large Moslem population in
Europe and the U.S. to retaliatory atrocities against the native

These large number of Moslems have been absurdly allowed to immigrate to
all the predominantly white, European countries over the last 3 decades
– by immigration “services” almost exclusively under the control of
Ruling Elite Zionist Jews, -- who always seek to weaken the populations
they are trying to exploit and use, while maintaining their own strength
and solidarity. Bringing in large amounts of Moslems into the Christian
countries makes it harder from the native populations to pull themselves
together against the New World Order agenda. So we here in the USA, and
the peoples of Europe, are set up for massive retaliation after the
current Bush WW III scenario CREATES Moslem terrorists because of our
clodhopper bullying of civilian populations in the mideast.

It should interest everyone to know that top Freemason / Illuminati
operative Albert Pike of the USA and Guisseppe Mazzini of Italy
exchanged letters circa 1870 --- projecting three world wars in the 20th
century – for the purpose of overcoming nationalism and gaining
acceptance for world government. The first was to topple the Czar of
Russia to give the Permanent Revolution Ruling Elite its first operating
base. The second world war was to gain predominance over Europe, which
was done via Communism in the eastern territories, and via American
Freemasonry in the western part of Europe. Somewhere along the way,
Israel was to be established in the Mideast, which would provide the
spark for the third world war – to arise out of a conflict of Moslems
and Jews in the mideast.

Pike and Mazzini projected that this third world war would so exhaust
mankind that those remaining would welcome the Illuminati / Luciferian
world government as the solution to world wars. If this projected plan
wasn’t hot from hell, I don’t know what would be. A search on
for “Pike Mazzini World War” -- or something to that effect -- will
locate the web pages with the exact passages from the relevant 1870
letters, which for a long time were on display at the Library of the
Imperial British Museum in London, England according to the late
intelligence agent Wm Guy Carr in his 1955 booklet “The Conspiracy to
destroy all existing Governments and Religions”, and according to
William Still in his 1990 book, “New World Order.”


I hope I am wrong about this whole scenario – but that’s the
orchestrated Media clues (read psycho-warfare) I’m picking up.

I am not part of the Pscyhic Friends Network either. I base my
predictions clues sent out in tandem by all five Big TV networks. Based
on this method for reading overall Big Media clues as to the Ruling
Elite’s real agenda, our Network America e-wire was able to be the only
entity in the world which accurately predicted in writing BEFORE
election eve 2000 that through the magic of computer “counted” elections
--- the American public would not know who won the Presidency when we
woke up on the Wednesday morning after the election. This prediction was
sent out on the morning of the election – and is time stamped on to prove it.

On August 2, 2000 we made the prediction on this e-wire that Bush/Cheney
had been selected to win the Presidency, and based on continuous Big
media clues, we held steadfastly to this all through the 45 days
following the election until it was “resolved” on December 12, 2001.

Further, when we saw the Bush cabinet coming together, especially with
the appointment of Donald Rumsfeld, we predicted in December 2000 that
the US would be at war in the mid east by 2002, and maybe by 2001. This
prediction has also come true.

We’ll return to the current events scenario as developments warrant. One
of the best ways to forestall or avert what I believe is a planned and
coming Ruling Elite germ / bio warfare attack on a major population
center – is to forward this email as far and wide as possible – or to
cut and paste the above relevant paragraphs about “the germ / bio
warfare on America” and “the nuclear attacks on the mideast connection”
– and spread it as wide as possible to opinion makers.

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