-Caveat Lector-

Over the past coupla weeks, you've delved into the plight of the
families affected by the events of 9/11/01 and how they've not been
adequately serviced by charities that raised funds for their benefit.

The bragging about the nagging about shagging the ragged do-gooders
is all well and good.  Monies donated for a specific cause should
indeed go to that cause.  There is one thing amiss, though, and that
is educating the donating public on what their expectations should be
when doing their part to aid others in need.  As a long-time donor to
charities, I came to the realisation early on that there were
administrative costs associated with running a charity.  Personnel,
infrastructure, utilities, and the like all cost money and depending
upon how the it is set up, these costs will vary from charity to
charity.  The one with the lowest associated costs is not necessarily
the best; nor is the one with the highest.  Herein lies the problem
with expectations; donors have to do research on who is doing what
with their money.

The thing I object to in your broadcast journalism content provision
is the implied condition these families are in.  The impression is
that without the aid of the charities, these people would be almost
out on the street.  These families include not only the survivors of
the ones lost in the NYC WTC (other cities have WTCs), but the
firefighters and police persons and so on.

We all know that many of those lost were civil servants who have
pension plans and insurance policies.  Many probably had investments
and savings as well.  It tugged at the heartstrings to listen to that
poor woman whose husband worked at Cantor/Fitzgerald who was living
from paycheck to paycheck; tugged until I realised that C/F had
something to do with financial management.  Hmmm ...

I am afraid that you have been attempting to engage your viewing
public in the murk resulting from your "no-spin zone" (the truth
filters may be clogged).  We, of course, do not have any right to pry
into the personal financial affairs of those who would qualify for
the various funds.  However, we need not be blind to all of the
programs in place that are there for their benefit and assistance.

Just how much hand-wringing is for show and just how many people are
close to being forced out on the street?  Is there a reality check?

One who is uncaring might suggest that "a lack of planning on their
part doesn't represent an emergency on others' parts," planning
including investments, savings, insurance and the like.  But as you
pointed out in your continuing diatribe against Jesse the Jackson,
charities can be a scam.  That begs the question as to how well some
may be planning given all the resources available to them.

Let's investigate ... leave the reflex hammers at the doctors'

Red River of the North

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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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