-Caveat Lector-


THE MILITIA MOVEMENT: Enemy or Pawn of the State?

Since the cataclysmic April 19 blast at the Oklahoma
City federal building, which left over 150 dead, the
news media have finally started to focus on the
rapidly_ growing Militia movement. Now organizing in
some 20 states around the country, this homespun
paramilitary movement apparently stands for local
political autonomy and thinks the federal government
is the pawn of a United Nations conspiracy to take
over America. But in this era of "free trade" and
radical industry deregulation, the Militia agenda
actually reflects much of the rhetoric and political
program which is issuing from Washington.

Lines are being drawn and the American political
spectrum metamorphoses in paradoxical ways.
Conservative Republicans play to populism, while
liberal Democrats call for draconian police powers.
Where does this strange new political atmosphere leave
activists fighting for human rights, ecology, personal
freedom and social justice? Are we between the Scylla
and Charbdis of terrorism and martial law?
Forgotten Facts and Unanswered Questions

For starters, as Malcolm X said about the JFK
assassination, the bombing in Oklahoma City was a case
of the chickens coming home to roost. No government
can perpetrate as much violence around the world as
the US has, especially since World War II, without
expecting to reap violence at home. Most obviously,
Oklahoma City was the chickens coming home to roost
for the FBI/ATF raid on the Branch Davidian compound
at Waco, TX, which left scores dead, including many of
the children the raid was ostensibly aimed at saving.
It was after Waco that the Militia movement exploded
across the country, with many in middle America coming
to see the federal government as the enemy of their
cherished gun and property rights. Less obviously,
Oklahoma City was chickens coming home to roost for
Operation Desert Storm and the reign of terror
instrumented by the Pentagon and CIA in Central
America throughout the 1980s. Accused Oklahoma City
bomber Tim McVeigh is a veteran of Desert Storm. He
participated in the incident in which Iraqi troops in
Kuwait were buried alive en masse by US military
vehicles. McVeigh was also trained at the US Army's
School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, GA, notorious
in Latin America for training such masterminds of
massacre and torture as El Salvador's late death squad
boss Roberto D'Aubisson, Guatemala's General Hector
Gramajo, and Haiti's Emmanuel Constant. If McVeigh is
guilty, we owe his monstrous insensitivity to human
life to none other than Uncle Sam. McVeigh reportedly
aspired to join Special Forces, the Army's elite
"Green Beret" troops who work most closely with the
CIA and death squad regimes such as those in Guatemala
and El Salvador. He was reportedly bitterly
disappointed when he failed to make Green Beret.

In the immediate aftermath of the bombing, before
McVeigh was arrested, right_wing media pundits almost
uniformly assumed that the explosion was the work of
Arab terrorists. The house of an Iraqi immigrant
family in Oklahoma City was violently attacked by a
racist mob. A pregnant woman inside was injured, and
suffered a miscarriage as a result. The incident went
largely unreported in the media.

Federal investigators also detained a Jordanian
American and two Pakistani cab drivers from Queens in
the immediate aftermath of the bombing_and then
released them for lack of evidence.

They immediately assumed Middle East connection was
dropped with the arrest of Timothy McVeigh, who was
picked up for driving without license plates as he
fled Oklahoma City. Refusing to use plates even in a
getaway situation in which a police stop could_and
did_prove fatal, is the mark of a truly fanatical
right_wing anarchist.

In the ensuing days it came to light that McViegh and
his presumed co_conspirator Terry Nichols had
connections to the Michigan Militia. Founded in 1994,
the Michigan Militia is among the largest and most
prominent in the country. The group's political guru,
"Mark from Michigan", aka Mark Koernke, a janitor who
calls himself an "intelligence analyst" and claims to
be a veteran of Army Intelligence, is a favorite on
the far_right video, shortwave and lecture circuit.
The group's leaders denied knowing anything about
McVeigh or Nichols. Federal investigators alleged
McVeigh and Nichols were involved in illegal gun
dealing to the Michigan Militia.

On April 24, NY Newsday reported Mark Koernke had sent
a fax to Rep. Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican who
is on Newt Gingrich's Firearms Task Force, about an
hour after the explosion. "Bomb threat received last
week," the note read. "Perpetrator unknown at this
time." The word "Oklahoma" was underlined below.
Stockman said his staff threw out the note, then
fished it out of the trash after learning of the

The National Rifle Association said it received a copy
of the fax from Stockman later that day. "We want to
know what was Koernke's source of information," a
federal investigator said. "Also, we want to know from
the congressman what he's doing sharing it with the
NRA rather than an investigative agency." But the
investigator denied initial press accounts that the
fax had actually arrived minutes before the bombing.

Koernke, wanted for questioning, disappeared into the
woods of Michigan. A federal manhunt and possible
crackdown on the Michigan Militia loomed. Also quickly
forgotten were initial media reports that Oklahoma
state seismologists had detected not one, but two
blasts at the Federal Building_the first at four
seconds past 9.02, then another of "equal magnitude"
at 14 seconds after 9.02. Federal investigators now
deny that there was a second explosion. The North
Point Tactical Team, a North Carolina Militia group,
has produced propaganda seizing upon the "two_blast"
theory as evidence that McViegh is an "Oswald" (that
is, a fall guy), and that the blast was an "inside
job"_a government trick to justify martial law, a
crackdown on the Militias and disarming the populace.
The March edition of Taking Aim, the newsletter of the
Militia of Montana, issued a call to arms for April
19, the day of the Oklahoma blast:

"If this day does not ring a bell for you then maybe
this will jog your memory.
1. April 19, 1775: Lexington burned.
2. April 19, 1943: Warsaw burned.
3. April 19, 1992: The feds attempted to raid Randy
4. April 19, 1993: The Branch Davidians burned.
5. April 19, 1995: Richard Snell will be
executed_unless we act now!!!"

Randy Weaver is the Idaho white separatist wanted on
federal gun charges who got into an armed stand_off
with the FBI and ATF. The stand_off climaxed in August
of 1992 with the deaths of Weaver's wife and young son
as well as a US marshall.
Richard Snell was the white separatist who was on
death row in Arkansas for the murders of a Texarkana
pawnbroker (who he apparently thought was Jewish) and
a black state trooper who had stopped him for a
traffic violation.

After the Oklahoma blast, the US was on the brink. A
federal crackdown on the Militias seemed imminent. But
the feds backed down, and Tim McVeigh's connections to
the Militia movement have since been de_emphasized
both by federal investigators and the media. The
Militias themselves have made certain concessions. The
Michigan Militia, which makes an effort to distance
itself from open racism in its propaganda, has since
officially disavowed Mark Koernke. The Michigan
Militia has also reshuffled its leadership, after its
spokesmen publicly alleged that the Oklahoma blast had
been carried out by the Japanese in retribution for
the gas attacks on the Tokyo subway (apparently
believed to be the work of US agents). Why did the
Justice Department change course? Were 11th_hour deals
cut between the federal government and Militia

Nazis in the Shadows

In 1988, ten white separatist leaders across the
country were arrested by federal authorities for their
role in an alleged 1983 conspiracy to overthrow the
United States government by force. The defendants

*Richard Snell, who was already on death row in
Arkansas *Richard Butler, chief of the central Aryan
Nations compound at Hayden Lake, Idaho *Louis Beam,
the veteran Texas Klansman who is considered the Aryan
Nations' "ambassador at large" to the white
supremacist movement in Europe
The Aryan Nations is at the forefront of the so_called
Northwest Territorial Initiative, which calls for the
formation of a secessionist "White Bastion" homeland
in what is now the states of Montana, Idaho,
Washington and Oregon. The Aryan Nations coat_of_arms,
proudly displayed at the Hayden Lake compound, is
lifted from the insignia of a Nazi tank division.
Federal prosecutors in the '88 trial claimed that the
'83 plot_which included counterfeiting, armed
robberies and plans to assassinate federal judges and
the Arkansas FBI chief_was to begin with the
detonation of a truck bomb at the Oklahoma City
Federal Building. All of the defendants were
acquitted. But that very same building would be blown
up by a truck bomb on the very day of Richard Snell's
execution. Snell died knowing of the explosion. His
last words were a warning to Arkansas Governor Guy
Tucker: "Look over your shoulder, justice is on the
way..." Snell remained an important figure in the
radical right network even from his death row cell,
publishing a periodic newsletter called The Seekers,
in which he claimed to be a POW in a "war to establish
Federal prosecutors in the '88 case based their claim
on the testimony of James Ellison, founder of an
Arkansas radical right group called The Covenant, the
Sword & the Arm of the Lord. Ellison told of
travelling to Oklahoma City with Snell to case the
Federal Building in preparation for the bombing.
Ellison agreed to become a government witness because
he himself was facing 20 years on racketeering
charges. Before his capture in 1985, he had barricaded
himself against 200 heavily armed state and federal
agents at his northern Arkansas compound. The day of
the stand_off was April 19_ten years to the day before
the Oklahoma blast.

Ellison was persuaded to surrender by his friend and
spiritual mentor Robert G. Millar, leader of an
apocalyptic white separatist sect called Elohim City,
with its own armed compound in Oklahoma. After the
Oklahoma blast, Newsweek, siting unnamed sources,
claimed that McVeigh was suspected by federal
investigators of having visited Elohim City and that
he had called the compound on April 5, two weeks
before the bombing. Millar denied to the press that he
had ever heard of McVeigh.

The Militia of Montana (MOM), which put out the call
for action on April 19, is at the vanguard of the
Miltia movement. MOM runs a mail_order clearing house
for militia propaganda and how_to videos. MOM is a
focal point from which the network is growing. MOM
conspicuously avoids neo_Nazi rhetoric. While the
Aryan Nations call the feds the Zionist Occupation
Government (ZOG), MOM speaks of UN conspiracies and a
New World Order. Aryan Nations calls for a
racially_pure white homeland; MOM talks of defending
the Constitution. Despite these style differences,
there are connections...

The elder statesman of the MOM is John Trochman, whose
young nephew Randy Trochman provides the group's
para_military leadership. The elder Trochman has been
a guest at the Aryan Nations' Hayden Lake compound on
several occasions, including once in 1990 when he was
a guest speaker at an Aryan Nations congress. In 1992,
John Trochman co_founded United Citizens for Justice
to support Randy Weaver after his surrender. The other
co_founders were Aryan Nations "ambassador" Louis Beam
and Chris Temple, a follower of the racist Christian
Identity cult, which holds that non_whites are
sub_human offspring of Satan.

Chris Temple was also the Montana organizer for the
presidential campaign of Ret. Lt. Col. James "Bo"
Gritz, a prominent survivalist leader who came in to
mediate during the siege of Weaver's home. The
charismatic Gritz called for "patriots" (read: white
separatists) from around the country to converge on
the town of Ruby Ridge to defend Weaver. Police
battled armed skinheads who answered the call.

In October 1992, two months after the Weaver
surrender, Pete Peters, a Christian Identity minister
in Colorado, called a meeting of some 175 radical
right leaders. Among those in attendance were Aryan
Nations ambassador Louis Beam and his lawyer, Kirk
Lyons of North Carolina. Also in attendance was former
Virginia legislator and Gun Owners of America leader
Larry Pratt, who advocated "armed militia units" like
those in Central America. Beam presented a paper to
the meeting called "Leaderless Resistance", which
called for small autonomous cells united by ideology
but acting independently.

This became the model for the Militia movement_and
perhaps for Timothy McVeigh and his co_conspirators.
It may also be the model for the anti_abortion
terrorist underground which has escalated since 1992.
In 1985, the Aryan Nations released a statement
decrying that America's "sheep" are manipulated by the
"Jew media" into "killing their own children." The
statement closed: "We the enlightened minority must
show the docile mass why these murders are
happening... Periodic disruption of these murder
parlors can only slow down the real holocaust!!!"

After Oklahoma City, Bo Gritz was quoted in the media
as saying the blast was "a Rembrandt_a masterpiece of
science and art put together." Gritz recently founded
a "Christian Patriot" community called Almost Heaven
in the mountains of Idaho, where he is an advisor to
the local Militia. Idaho Militia leader Samuel
Sherwood was recently quoted by AP as telling his
followers: "Go up and look legislators in the face,
because some day you may have to blow it off."

Bo Gritz's political connections lead straight into
the ugly underbelly of red_white_and_blue fascism. A
veteran of the Green Berets who boasts of having
partaken in blood_drinking rituals with his Cambodian
mercenaries, Gritz was the real_life inspiration for
Rambo. His expeditions to Indochina to seek out POWs
were underwritten by H. Ross Perot, who also offered
to send him down to Latin America to off drug
kingpins. His claims to inside knowledge about CIA
complicity in the Southeast Asian heroin trade have
won him admirers on the left_including an interview in
High Times magazine. In 1988, Bo Gritz was running
mate with "former" Louisiana Klansman David Duke on
the presidential ticket of the Populist Party. The
Populist Party is a creation of Willis Carto,
mastermind of the Liberty Lobby. Carto, a veteran of
the John Birch Society and a disciple of late American
Nazi Party leader John Lincoln Rockwell, also
publishes the weekly radical_right tabloid, The
Spotlight. He also founded The Institute for
Historical Review, which publishes material "proving"
that the Nazi Holocaust was a "Jewish hoax."

In the 1980s, Carto attempted to go mainstream. The
swastikas and confederate flags disappeared from the
pages of The Spotlight, replaced by articles harshly
condemning gun_control, NAFTA and government
preparations for martial law. Similarly, David Duke
replaced his Klan regalia with a suit to run with the
Populist Party. When the press started making an issue
of Duke's "past", Gritz dropped out, and the Populist
Party split. Duke went further into the mainstream.
Joining the Republicans, he won a seat in the
Louisiana legislature, and then ran for governor. In
1992, Gritz ran for president with the Populist Party,
calling for the left and right to "unite as

The Populist Party ostensibly broke with Carto over
the Duke affair. The Institute for Historical Review
is also in a court battle with its founder for control
of the organization. Carto maintains his fiefdom over
The Spotlight and Liberty Lobby. Videos from MOM, the
Michigan Militia and Mark Koernke are available
through The Spotlight.

Gritz's 1992 presidential bid climaxed with the Weaver
episode at Ruby Ridge. He settled in Idaho after the
incident, launching a paramilitary training program
called SPIKE_Specially Prepared Individuals for Key
Events. Gritz's strange beliefs about the US
Constitution shed a sinister light on the
innocent_sounding Militia rhetoric about upholding the
Bill of Rights. Gritz's presidential platform called
for making the United States a "Christian nation", and
called the Constitution a "divinely inspired"

The founding fathers would not have appreciated such
flattery. Slave_owning aristocrats though they were,
they were firm believers in separation of church and
state, and it clearly says so in the document. But
Christian Patriot worldview has a racist and
theocratic view of the Constitution. Only the original
document is "divinely" conceived, so those who had
rights under that document_i.e. white males_are
considered "organic sovereigns." Those whose rights
were recognized by later amendments_e.g. African
Americans after the Civil War_are considered "wards of
the State." Those later amendments were added by a
government no longer "divine", but increasingly in the
sway of corrupt conspiracies. Today the federal
government is the Jewish_controlled ZOG, bent on
destroying the white race.

Less mainstream figures such as Aryan Nations leader
Richard Butler use these theocratic terms more openly
than Gritz. Tracing Butler's past also leads to
interesting connections. Butler was an early follower
of the Christian Identity cult in California in the
1960s. Another member of that seminal Christian
Identity congregation was William Potter Gale, who had
been a staff aide to Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur in World
War II. Gale's spiritual mentor was MacArthur's
intelligence chief, Gen. Charles Willoughby (real
name: Adolf Tscheppe_Weidenbach), who MacArthur
affectionately called "my little fascist." Willoughby
was an open fascist sympathizer who was deeply
involved in intelligence intrigues with the Axis. He
later arranged for the Texas billionaire Hunt family
(who hired Willoughby for a private intelligence probe
into the JFK assassination) to fund Gale's
paramilitary group, the California Rangers.

Gale, in turn, was spiritual mentor to Tom Metzger,
the leader of White Aryan Resistance (WAR), which
organized a skinhead "Aryan Woodstock" in California
in 1989. WAR was successfully sued by the Southern
Poverty Law Center for complicity in the skinhead
beating death of an Ethiopian exchange student in
Portland, OR. Shortly after the Oklahoma blast, Gritz
travelled to the hills of North Carolina, where he met
with Kirk Lyons, the lawyer who represented Butler and
Beam in the '88 conspiracy case, about his plans to
sue ABC over their coverage of his "Rembrandt"
statement. In light of these connections, the MOM
propaganda evoking the April 19, 1943 burning of the
Warsaw ghetto can be read a number of ways. The ghetto
was burned to crush a Jewish uprising launched as a
desperate last stand against deportation to the death
camps. Deportation was escalating because the Nazi
administrators of Warsaw wanted the city to be
judenrein_Jew free_as a birthday present to the
Fuehrer. With the burning of the ghetto and
extermination of the last resistance fighters, it was.
Adolf Hilter's birthday is April 20, and is annually
celebrated with a barbecue by David Duke and friends.

Federal authorities have also issued a warrant for a
member of the far_right Arizona Patriots said to have
been an associate of McVeigh. Members of the Arizona
Patriots are currently doing time for plotting to blow
up the Phoenix Federal Building, a synagogue and
nearby power plants.

Michigan Militia leader Norm Olson_one of those who
stepped down after claiming the Japanese were
responsible for the Oklahoma blast_says he plans a
multi_million dollar lawsuit against the Southern
Poverty Law Center, which claimed in its newsletter
Klanwatch that Olson is in contact with Bobby Norton,
the veteran Tennessee Klansman who is the Aryan
Nations' regional director for the Southeast and who
served five years in prison on charges of plotting to
bomb a synagogue.

More terrorism may be in the works. On May 16,
self_proclaimed white separatist Larry W. Harris of
Ohio was arrested for buying $300 worth of the
bacteria which causes bubonic plague through the lab
where he worked.

Corporate Power in the Shadows

None of this is to imply that the rank_and_file of the
Militia movement is monolithically neo_Nazi. Indeed,
the Militia leaders could not have been as successful
organizers as they have been if they hadn't played
down the fascist rhetoric. With banks foreclosing on
farms and federal marshalls evicting farm families,
with jobs heading south of the border under the NAFTA
trans_national economic regime, and with police forces
routinely trampling the Bill of Rights to enforce
unjust drug and gun laws, Americans have legitimate
reasons to be angry at their government.

But powerful economic interests are poised to exploit
this groundswell of anger. The very trans_national
corporations which are the architects of NAFTA are now
aiming for a radical reversal of the modest gains made
in environmental protection over the last generation.
The advance gaurd in this struggle for the complete
unshackling of corporate power from public oversight
are the industry lobbyists who wrote NAFTA and
Contract With America. The rear guard are the "County
Rule" and "Wise Use" movements_a new Sagebrush
Rebellion of ranchers and corporate interests in
revolt against federal jurisdiction over lands across
the West. These movements are increasingly armed, and
interlock with the Militias. The very idea of federal
power is currently up for grabs on a level not seen
since the civil rights movement, and perhaps not since
the Civil War. Arguably, a new civil war has already

Rep. Helen Chenoweth (R_Idaho) is sponsoring a bill
that would require approval from local law enforcement
officials before feds could use weapons or make an
arrest. MOM sells a videotape of a speech by
Chenoweth. The feds have filed suit against Nevada's
Nye County for unilaterally claiming jurisdiction over
areas of the Toiyabe National Forest, and for
threatening National Forest Service officials. Last
July, there was a tense stand_off with federal forest
rangers when County Commissioner Dick Carver, backed
up by an armed posse, bulldozed open a washed_out road
in the Toiyabe, in defiance of orders to stop. The
Forest Service has backed down while the case is
pending, and ceded control of the road, citing
"concern about the safety of the lives of the crews."

Carver, a local rancher, is a prominent spokesman for
the fast_growing County Rule movement. Some 100
counties throughout the West have unilaterally claimed
jurisdiction over federal lands, and threatened to
arrest federal agents who get in the way of plans by
local ranchers and miners to use the public lands.
Litigation with feds over such county claims is
pending in Idaho, Washington and other western states.
The Forest Service has issued official warnings to
rangers throughout the west, along with protocol on
how to behave if confronted or arrested by county
authorities. The FBI has been alerted.

Three weeks before the Oklahoma blast, a bomb blew a
hole through the wall of a National Forest Service
office Carson City, NV, reducing a computer to rubble.
Hours later, three pipe bombs destroyed a Forest
Service outhouse in Elko County. A few days later a
threatening phone message left at the Toiyabe NFS
office said, "You're next."

On Halloween night 1993, someone tossed a bomb on the
roof of the Bureau of Land Management's state
headquarters in Reno. Much BLM land is leased out to
local ranchers for grazing, while NFS lands are made
available to big timber companies for logging.
Environmentalists see wanton plunder of the public
trust, and decry "welfare ranching" and "welfare
logging." But the ranchers and loggers want federal
limits on their activities overturned altogether. New
Mexico's Catron County has joined Nevada's Nye at the
forefront of the County Rule movement. County attorney
James Catron (whose ancestors gave the county its
name) has drawn up ordinances barring the feds from
regulating its own lands in the county. To help write
the ordinances, Catron called in Karen Budd, a
longtime foe of environmental regulation who formerly
worked in the Reagan Interior Department under
Secretary James Watt. She also worked in Watt's own
anti_environmental organization, the Coors beer_funded
Mountain States Legal Foundation, which defends
corporations and developers.

The Catron sheriff has threatened to arrest NFS
personnel, and has formed an armed posse of local
ranchers to back him up. The October 1994 newsletter
of the Utah_based National Federal Lands Conference,
mouthpiece of the County Rule movement, featured a
lead article calling for the formation of Militias,
and reprinting Militia start_up info provided by MOM.
NFS personnel in Catron were threatened with arrest
last June for attempting to run a water quality test
at a gold mill owned by a local rancher on public
land. The County Rule movement interlocks with the
Wise Use property_rights movement, which is
underwritten by real estate, ranching, agribusiness,
mining and timber interests as well as private
utilities and energy conglomerates. Giant corporations
like Georgia_Pacific and DuPont are harnessing the
anger of small property owners_who often really are
struggling under costly and labyrinthine federal
regulations_to push through the political changes they
need to further plunder the continent's land, water
and forests in the global Free Trade order.

Western Republican leaders such as Sen. Larry Craig of
Idaho and Gov. Fife Symington of Arizona have attended
Wise Use meetings this year. Republican Gov. Mike
Leavitt of Utah unveiled his "Conference of the
States" plan to end federal usurping of local
authority at the Western States Summit in Phoenix last
spring. Nye County's Dick Carver has been a featured
speaker at both Wise Use and Christian Identity
events. County sheriffs are also deputizing local
posses in the name of good old American racist
law_'n'_order. In Phoenix, Sheriff Joe Arpaio has
deputized local suburban weekend warriors_and
outfitted them with guns and uniforms_to help him
round up Mexican migrants and other undesirables for
the desert jail camps he is building with barbed wire
fences and Korean war surplus army tents.

In March, US Fish & Wildlife agents investigating the
shooting of a wolf under the Endangered Species Act in
Idaho's Lemhi County beat a hasty retreat after
Sheriff Brett Baraslou threatened to "go to Plan B." A
local rancher explained to the agents that means
calling up the Militia. Cal Greenup, a paramilitary
buff arrested for threatening officials in Montana in
March, and now a fugitive, told authorities: "There
cannot be cleansing without shedding blood."

Federal Spooks in the Shadows

The Militias say that martial law is about to be
declared in the USA, as a part of the UN conspiracy to
take over the country. The US has held hegemonic sway
over the UN since Operation Desert Storm in 1991, so
the fear of Pakistani and Nepalese UN peacekeepers
poised in the National Forests waiting to take
Americans' guns away appears to be mere xenophobic
paranoia. Militia units near the US border in
Washington and Arizona have more than once scrambled
for their guns, believing that rumors of military
activity indicated an imminent UN invasion_only to
find that it was the just the Border Patrol on joint
maneuvers with the DEA.

However, federal plans for martial law are quite real.
In 1984, National Security Council aide Lt. Col.
Oliver North drew up a plan with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) to suspend the US
Constitution and seize draconian powers in the event
of a US invasion of Central America. Under the
scenario, thousands of Central American refugees were
expected to flood through the US_Mexico border, and
anti_war protests would erupt throughout the country.
FEMA would establish detainment camps on ten
pre_designated military bases across the country to
round up thousands of refugees and protestors.

A "readiness exercise" dubbed REX 84 ALPHA was carried
out by FEMA in coordination with the INS and other
related agencies. Mandated by an executive order
signed by President Ronald Reagan, REX 84 ALPHA was
carried out in secret. However, word leaked out during
the Congressional hearings on Contragate in 1988, and
a few articles on the scheme briefly appeared in the
press. Interestingly, one of the first papers to break
the story was The Spotlight. There is reason to
believe that the radical right would be privy to
inside information on the FEMA martial law plan.

Among the groups participating in REX 84 ALPHA were
the little_known State Defense Forces. Under the
martial law plan, these groups were to be armed and
"deputized" by FEMA in the event of national
emergency. The State Defense Forces are a revival of
the defense militias which existed in the US during
World War II. In the 1980s, they were created by state
legislation at federal behest in 24 states across the
country. During this period, National Guard troops
were being sent down to Honduras and elsewhere in
Central America at federal command to back up US
military efforts in the region. The US appeared to be
escalating towards an invasion. If National Guard
troops were mobilized to Central America, it was
reasoned, an auxiliary force would be needed to take
their place at home_especially to back up police in
quelling "civil disorder".

The State Defense Forces sought recruits by placing
ads in para_military and survivalist magazines.
Consequently, many radical right elements were drawn
to the SDFs. This soon resulted in a backlash. In
1987, Governor Norm Bangerter purged the Utah State
Guard of all but 30 officers out of a force of 400
after investigators found that members of the Aryan
Nations had infiltrated the group. The Salt Lake
Tribune reported that Utah State Guard officers were
training at the Hayden Lake compound in Idaho and
conducting commando exercises in the Utah desert with
live ammo and explosives. The FBI opened an
investigation into weapons thefts from a Utah's Tooele
Army Depot, where Utah State Guard officers were
suspected of diverting arms to the Aryan Nations at
Hayden Lake. Also in 1987, the Texas State Guard came
under investigation. One Texas State Guard battalion
led by Robert Holloway, a former Vietnam Green Beret
who had served as a mercenary for the white
supremacist regime in Rhodesia, was disbanded for
being too "gung_ho"_abandoning the standard green
uniform for camouflage fatigues and engaging in
search_and_destroy training, outside the group's
formal regulations. Ironically, the unit's activities
came to light after it was praised in an article in
Soldier of Fortune magazine.

In 1990, a similar scandal erupted in Virginia,
resulting in several hundred officers of the Virginia
Defense Force getting the sack. An investigation by
the state legislature revealed that units were
engaging in similar "gung_ho" activities, including
training for drug raids and planning to purchase a
tank. Nonetheless, the following year, SDFs in
Virginia, Georgia and other states were mobilized to
help keep order at home as army reserve troops_which
overlap with the National Guard_were mobilized to
Saudi Arabia for Operation Desert Storm. The biggest
scandal was in California, where an investigation by
Assemblywoman Maxine Waters revealed that the State
Military Reserve had drawn up a contingency plan in
the event that the California National Guard was
mobilized overseas. The plan entailed arming the force
with M_14 rifles from the National Guard's Camp San
Luis Obispo and called for the force to open
"counterintelligence investigative files." It was also
revealed that a Soldier of Fortune editor was training
State Military Reserve units in desert warfare.
However, bills to disband the State Military Reserve
were consistently voted down in Sacramento. The New
York Civil Liberties Union sued to get Albany to
release the secret mobilization plan for the New York
Guard, but NYG Commander Maj. Gen. Vincent Lanna
argued that disclosure would jeopardize
counterintelligence procedures and that the public had
no right to see the plan. A judge ruled in favor of
disclosure, but the document remains secret while the
state appeals the case. Meanwhile, the 18,000_strong
New York Guard regularly meets at armories around the
state. Numerous federal bills, introduced by the likes
of South Carolina's Sen. Strom Thurmond and Ohio's
Rep. James Traficant, to provide federal arms and
training for the State Defense Forces have also been
voted down. But under the REX 84 ALPHA scenario (in
which Congress is out of the loop because
constitutional government is suspended), the SDFs
would indeed be federalized. Some researchers alleged
that some of the arms distributed to the SDFs in REX
84 ALPHA were never in fact returned to army
stockpiles, but were diverted to the Nicaraguan
Contras. Others may have been diverted to the rightist
para_military groups linked to the SDFs. Oliver North
was at that time working closely with many such
groups, especially those under the umbrella of the
quasi_fascist World Anti_Communist League (WACL), in
his efforts to secure private funding for the Contras.
WACL chief Gen. John K. Singlaub, former commander of
US forces in South Korea, was deeply involved in the
illegal Contra resupply operation led by North. In the
1970s, Singlaub had been groomed by his friends in the
ultra_right Lyndon LaRouche cult to lead a military
coup d'etat against President Jimmy Carter.

North, his convictions of lying to Congress overturned
on a technicality, never served a day of prison time.
He has become a multi_millionaire from book royalties
and lecture fees. Last year he was narrowly defeated
in his run for the US Senate in Virginia on an
ultra_conservative pro_gun platform. Do the Militias
intersect with or infiltrate the SDFs? Is the Militia
movement, for all of its apparent hatred of the
federal government, really a pawn in an internecine
intrigue among the Washington elites? The Clinton
gang, despite their support for NAFTA, prison
expansion and the death penalty, is perceived as a
bunch of hippie peaceniks by the old gung_ho Cold
Warrior faction of the Washington elite which held
power during the Reagan years.

As noted, the SDFs were formed in the Reagan years as
state National Guards were mobilized to Honduras and
elsewhere in Central America. Many state governors
objected to their men being sent down as a rearguard
for Reagan's undeclared war against Nicaragua. Some
actually refused to cooperate, claiming the federal
government had no right to assume command of National
Guard troops without the governors' consent. Governor
Rudy Perpich of Minnesota actually launched federal
litigation to keep his National Guard from going to
Central America. The case went all the way to the
Supreme Court, which decided in favor of the federal
government. Another governor who declined to cooperate
with Washington when his National Guard troops were
called for Central America duty was Arizona's Bruce
Babbit_today Interior Secretary in the Clinton

Clinton is now the first and only president to have
been jeered and booed by the cadets when he addressed
the graduation ceremonies at West Point. This kind of
open alienation of military troops from their
commander_in_chief is the necessary prerequisite for a
classical coup d'etat of the sort which conventional
wisdom maintains "can't happen here." There are
elements in the Pentagon who are clearly sympathetic
to the Militias. After the Oklahoma blast, a
newsletter called The Resister: The Official
Publication of the Special Forces Underground was
discovered in the library at Ft. Bragg, NC, the Army
base where Green Berets are trained, and where Tim
McVeigh was posted. Filled with bitter diatribes
against Clinton and the Waco siege, The Resister is
apparently produced by active_duty Green Berets, and
circulated among both Green Berets and "civilian"
Militias across the country. One recent issue included
an open letter to the Militia movement warning that an
armed confrontation with the federal government would
be premature. "Should the federal government decide to
act against the Militia groups and the Militia groups
stand and fight, they will not in their current
configuration last one month," the issue read. It then
went on to offer training in spycraft, special
operations and clandestine communications for Militias
to prepare for the coming showdown. Green Berets are
specially trained in these elite military skills.

New York's Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney is
introducing legislation to halt the Army Civilian
Marksmanship Program, which sponsors local shooting
clubs and sells surplus arms and ammunition through
the state National Guards. In the wake of the Oklahoma
City bombing, Michigan Militia members were expelled
from the program at the state's Camp Grayling armory,
but Maloney alleges that "40 million rounds of
ammunition have fallen into the hands of extremists."
Given these connections, the Militias' paranoia about
FEMA and martial law plans may be based on inside
information (even if the paranoia about the UN
takeover s based only on kneejerk xenophobia).

Why did the conspiracy which was born in 1983 (the
year before REX 84 ALPHA) and came into violent
fruition on April 19, 1995 target the federal building
in Oklahoma City? If it was simply revenge for Waco, a
Texas federal building would be a more likely target.
Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the
New World Order by Jim Keith, a Militia propaganda
potboiler published last year, may offer a clue. The
book includes maps of the USA marking the ten military
bases designated as detainment camps under the FEMA
plan. The book is also filled with specious rumors of
Nepalese and Russian UN troops training in the
National Forests and bizarre cattle mutilations across
the USA. But the the bases marked on the map
correspond to those which were actually designated by
FEMA in 1984. One of these bases, Camp Krome, FLA, was
already being used to house Haitian refugees. Now_NYC
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was then the man at the US
Justice Department resposible for running the Camp
Krome detainment camp. Louis Freeh, an attorney who
cut his teeth working for Giuliani when he was federal
prosecutor in New York City is now head if the FBI.

Other facilities are also listed in Black Helicopters
Over America. Appearing on a list of places across the
country where FEMA has supposedly established secret
underground command bunkers is Kingman, AZ_where Tim
McVeigh lived just before the Oklahoma blast. The
caption on the map with the detainment camps informs
us that two federal facilities have been designated as
"central processing sites" for the mass round_ups when
martial law comes. The designated facility for
coordinating mass detention east of the Mississippi,
we are told, has "not been identified at this time."
The center for coordinating round_ups west of the
Mississippi is Oklahoma City.


When the FEMA martial law plan was conceived, the
domestic enemy being targetted was the Central America
solidarity and sanctuary movements, and the plan was
based on earlier ones such as Nixon's Operation Garden
Plot, which targetted the campus anti_war movement and
black militants. However, in 1995, the Clinton
administration is conveniently using the Militia to
justify beefing up the federal police state apparatus.
The administration's Anti_Terrorist Bill, written
before the Oklahoma City blast and mostly aimed at
foreign "terrorist" groups, would unleash warrantless
wiretap capabilities, and create a special FBI
warchest for "counter_terrorism". Written by the
Clinton White House and being plugged by liberal
Democrats such as New York's Rep. Charles Schumer, the
bill would give the president the power to
unilaterally declare any organization "terrorist."
Anyone supporting that organization would be convicted
of a felony and jailed for up to 10 years. Immigrants
accused of "terrorism" would be deported by special
secret courts which would use classified evidence from
secret sources.

Also watch out for the pending Communications Decency
Act and Orwellian_named Electronic Communications
Privacy Act, which would make censorship and
surveillance the rule in cyberspace. The Fair Credit
Reporting Act would grant the government wide access
to credit reports and financial records. All of these
measures have broad bipartisan support.

This is not the first time the US has been poised
between fascist terror and a police state. The history
of Oklahoma offers an interesting example. In 1920,
the Ku Klux Klan reigned supreme in Oklahoma,
completely infiltrating sheriff's departments and
openly maintaining its own Tulsa office building.
Tulsa's African American community was among the
wealthiest in the nation at that time, made up of
mostly of black folks who had already made good
further east. This community was smashed in 1921 as
the Klan, which had actually procured aircraft from
sympathetic elements in the Oklahoma National Guard,
launched a full_scale military attack. The entire
neighborhood was burned to the ground. Blacks
throughout the state were lynched, tortured and
brutally beaten in the subsequent wave of Klan terror.

The situation continued until 1923 when the
left_leaning but corrupt Governor Jack Walton declared
martial law. The state constitution, right of habeus
corpus and civilian courts were all suspended. The
National Guard was sent in to patrol the streets of
Tulsa. When the mayor complained to Washington he was
told it was an internal state affair. Local newspapers
which ran headlining editorials like "Neither
terrorism nor martial law" were subject to censorship.
It didn't last long. Newspapers had been making much
of the corruption investigations Governor Walton was
facing, and many thought the timing of his move
against the Klan was just a little too convenient.
Indeed, a grand jury was scheduled to convene to probe
Walton's financial misdeeds on the very eve of his
suspension of the state court system. When the jurists
attempted to meet, National Guard bayonets and machine
guns barred their way. When the state legislature
attempted to meet to vote on impeaching Walton, they
were also turned away by the troops.

But the trade unionists and other progressives who had
put Walton in power_and had themselves been targets of
Klan terror_accused him of betrayal. With his power
base collapsing, Walton allowed the state legislature
to convene. They promptly voted to impeach. The Klan
subsequently went into a period of decline in
Oklahoma_not as a result of Walton's martial law, but
as a result of blacks and trade unionists organizing
and even arming in self_defense. Public Klan meetings
were met with militant grassroots response until they
actually became impossible. Within a year, the Tulsa
Klan building had been closed. There are some pretty
obvious lessons here. The challenge before progressive
people in America in1995 is to establish a grassroots
network of folks across the country who are opposed to
both fascist violence and police_state measures
(whether they come from Democrats or Republicans)_and
find ways to act before it is too late.

"Neo_Nazis Salute the Anti_Abortion Zealots"
Covert Action Quaterly, Spring 1995

Connolly, Ed
"A Highly Irregular Force:
Scandals of the State Militias"
The Nation, March 18, 1991

Gordon, Diana
"The Politics of Anti_Terrorism"
The Nation, May 22, 1995

Helvarg, David
"Property Rights & Militias:
The Anti_Enviro Connection"
The Nation, May 22, 1995

Junas, Daniel
"Rise of the Citizen Militias:
Angry White Guys with Guns"
Covert Action Quaterly, Spring 1995


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