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Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 16:38:06 EST
Subject: SNET: Taxpayers Seek Assembly Help in Exiting UN

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 P. O. BOX 663

 -  25  years  in  the  cause  of  freedom  -

FROM:   Kenneth White, President
        (Residence) 93 Shields Gap Rd.                  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
        Roseland, VA 22967                                      11/20/01
        Tel./FAX No.:  434  277-5255
        E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                                    TAXPAYERS SEEK
                                    ASSEMBLY HELP
                                    IN EXITING UN

The Virginia Taxpayers Association said today the upcoming General Assembly
"must help push United States withdrawal from the United Nations to stop
irreversible advance of global taxation next March."

A high level Panel on Financing for Development will present a document at a
world conference in Monterey, Mexico at that time, which will pave the way
for the UN to impose its own tax.  A new Global Taxing Authority and Economic
Security Council also are to be created.

Rep. Ron Paul, (R-Tex.) has already introduced the American Sovereignty
Restoration Act of 2001 (HR 1146), to end U. S. membership in the UN.  The
VTA wants a Virginia General Assembly joint resolution in January calling on
Congress to pass Paul's bill.

The state taxpayer organization pointed out "Once a UN tax is in place, the
world government body will have all the money to do anything it wants,
regardless of what the U. S. contributes or says.  Documents have already
been circulated to end the U. S. veto in the Security Council.

"The UN has done nothing to help the United States win the war in
Afghanistan. All that has been won to date has been done by a small coalition
created and directed by the U. S. itself, acting independently.  After the
apparent rout of the Taliban, it has been the U. S. that is effectively
seeking to assemble an Islamic government in Afghanistan.  And the UN
certainly will not stop terrorism against Americans by the international bin
Laden organization and others in other countries.

"Further, the power-hungry UN is actively pushing forward the Kyoto 'global
warming' protocol threatening the U. S. energy supply, despite Bush's
withdrawal from the treaty.  The treaty will become international law when
it's ratified by 50 nations -- with or without the U. S. That may be before
the Rio+10 celebration in Johannesburg, South Africa next summer."

The VTA added that UN-related treaties increasingly affect operations of
state and local governments.  "Our agencies are expected to follow UN
guidelines in land use, family matters and treatment of prisoners," the VTA
said. "Yet our state legislators have no input in these international
agreements designed to change our Virginia laws.  The only way to keep our
representative government is to get out of this one-world dictatorship."

The VTA noted that its widely distributed criticism of Gov. Jim Gilmore for
declaring Oct. 24 United Nations Day in Virginia in 2000 "was followed by
Gilmore's canceling such an unpopular  proclamation this year."

The association blasted Virginia's Republican delegation in Congress for
"voting us into a police state by passing the frightful USA 'PATRIOT'
anti-terrorism bill (HR 3162).  This terrible act totally trashes the Fourth
Amendment against illegal searches and seizures.  It allows government agents
to search a person's home in absence of the owner, without any notification
whatever, and seize whatever they want.

"The bill's definition of 'terrorism' is so broad that it allows all kinds of
domestic organizations to be designated as 'terrorist', and leads to
large-scale investigations of American citizens for 'intelligence' purposes.
Thus it threatens First Amendment rights of all citizens who criticize the
government.  And almost all House members who hastily voted for the bill
hadn't even read it, since copies deliberately were not made available."

In another action, the VTA warned state senators and delegates against quick
passage of a Model State Emergency Health Powers Act now being processed by
state governors.  "This act, after unilateral gubernatorial declaration of a
public health emergency by executive order, would grant overwhelming,
unlimited powers to a 'Public Health Authority.'  Such an authority would
have police powers to force vaccinations, take over hospitals and confiscate
private stockpiles of drugs.  Those who refuse to be vaccinated or receive
medical treatment would be charged with a misdemeanor and imprisoned until
the state of emergency was declared over.

"A comprehensive plan required under the act would give a commission of
appointees powers not spelled out in the act itself and not reviewable by
state legislators.  There are no detailed criteria for what constitutes an
'emergency', and one case of smallpox is likely to be considered an epidemic.
 Experience with other similar executive agencies shows they often ride
roughshod over inherent rights of the people."

President Bush's about-face on immigration control since Sept. 11 "signals
that the VTA has been right all along in opposing invasion of this country by
illegal aliens across the Mexican border," the VTA said.  "But the
administration's plans to interview 5,000 aliens in this country are totally
inadequate against terrorism in the face of several million illegals already

"Moreover, the U. S. is wide open to terrorist containers coming in to this
country on railroads and into our ports.  Meanwhile patriotic Americans are
subjected to long delays at airports by baggage inspectors who are often
uninvestigated aliens themselves."

The VTA also pointed out that its strong opposition to patrolling of American
skies by foreigners in NATO AWACS planes has been notably echoed by public
opinion.  "After we issued a press release Oct. 8 blasting this further
expansion of one-world government over us, an
Oct. 12 poll in the solidly pro-administration Mike Reagan web site showed
that 90 percent of the 3,672 respondents agreed with us," the VTA said.

To cover the shortfall in the state budget, the VTA called on the General
Assembly to conduct an in-depth examination of the commonwealth's Combined
Annual Financial Report.  Page 36 of the 252-page CAFR for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2000, excluding all local government CAFRs, discloses total
state government assets of 86.7 billion, annual income from which is not
reported.  "No state retiree has ever suffered or had his/her future
threatened by all the 'raids' the government has carried out against the
Virginia State Retirement System," the VTA said.  A national campaign to
disclose extraordinary surpluses in all government coffers is explained in
detail on www.CAFRman.com.

Proposals by state motor vehicle authorities and others for a national
identification card for all citizens via the driver's license were condemned
by the VTA as "obvious steps toward a totalitarian state. In Pennsylvania,
government extremists have even introduced a bill making it a crime for
anyone to be caught out in public without ID papers," the VTA pointed out.

The association called on Congress to reject "an alarming new thought
control" bill to establish a "Department of Peace" (HR 2459) introduced by
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).  "This would not only mix a massive new
federal bureaucracy into domestic family relationships but would constitute a
further unconstitutional gun-grabbing entity," the VTA said.  "It would also
become an additional propagandist for the UN and take over senior
responsibilities of the State Department."

(END of Release)


Washington Times                                                    November
5, 2001

Attack on Bill of Rights
Nat Hentoff

       With most Americans unaware, the Congress of the United States,
yielding to the pressure of the U.S. attorney general and the president, have
passed an anti-terrorism bill in one of the worst breakdowns in the
legislative process in the history of our representative government.

      The fault lies not only with the closed-door perpetrators, but also
with the members of the Senate and the House — fully aware of this hijacking
of representative democracy — which voted for this backroom heist (337-79 in
the House and 96-l in the Senate).

      This is a betrayal of trust by Congress at a time when we are indeed
fighting a vicious enemy hiding in many countries, and among us. What we are
fighting for, as the president has often said, are the freedoms we represent
to a world threatened by fascist terrorists.

      Before the entire House and Senate had voted on this anti-terrorism
bill, the House Judiciary Committee had resisted the attorney general's
demand that his legislation be passed within one week. Insisting on a more
careful response was a remarkably bipartisan coalition — including liberals
Barney Frank and Maxine Waters and conservatives Bob Barr and House Majority
Leader Dick Armey.

      After actual deliberation, the House Judiciary Committee — by a 36-0
vote — had passed a version of Mr. Ashcroft's proposal that restored some
elements of the Bill of Rights. Radical expansion of electronic surveillance
was curbed, and the government was prevented from conducting secret searches
without any timely notice of what was taken.

      But late at night, behind closed doors, House Speaker Dennis Hastert
and other Republican leaders, together with emissaries from the White House,
scuttled the Judiciary Committee's bill. On Oct. 12, without most members
having had time to even read the new 175-page bill, the House passed it
overwhelmingly. David Dreier, chairman of the Committee on Rules, smoothly
said it wasn't the first time a bill had been passed that the members had not
read. He did not tell us this with any note of disapproval.

      Democrat David Obey of Wisconsin, less of a euphemist than Mr. Dreier,
accurately called this slick maneuver "a backroom quick fix." He added: "Why
should we care? It's only the Constitution."

      Mr. Frank was not engaging in hyperbole when he charged that this
subversion of representative government was "the least democratic process for
debating questions fundamental to democracy I have ever seen. A bill drafted
by a handful of people in secret, subject to no committee process, comes
before us immune from amendment."

      But House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner — who had
initially agreed that the House Judiciary Committee had acted responsibly by
curbing the excessive governmental powers demanded by the attorney general —
told the nation that this new, steamrolled bill did not diminish the freedoms
of "innocent citizens."

      Considering the broad definition of terrorism in the bill, there is a
serious question as to whether the presumption of innocence holds. What does
"influence the policy of government by intimidation" mean?

      Also, late at night, behind closed doors, Senate leaders and members of
the administration put together a similar scattershot anti-terrorism bill
that was hastily and obediently passed by a vote of 96-1. The sole dissenter,
defending the Bill of Rights, was Russell Feingold of Wisconsin.

      As Mr. Feingold said while his colleagues marched in lockstep: "It is
crucial that civil liberties in this country be preserved. Otherwise, I'm
afraid terror will win this battle without firing a shot."

      The combined House and Senate bills widen and deepen electronic
surveillance of anyone involved in an investigation; allow the FBI and the
CIA to share information, thereby expanding the CIA's power over Americans at
home; and allow previously secret grand jury proceedings to be shared by law
enforcement and intelligence agencies without a court order. There's more,
including FBI secret searches without timely notice of what was taken, as
I'll indicate in a future column. But the crucial question is: How many
Americans care what is happening to their liberties? Does the Constitution
matter? The new anti-terrorism law, signed by the president, is the worst
attack on the Bill of Rights since World War I.

Nat Hentoff is a columnist for The Washington Times. His column runs on

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