-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Brent R. Widener III"

 Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

[In another indication of Law Enforcement's ineffectiveness,
The government of Dummy, Rummy & Scummy are now offering to
help aliens with their residency problems if they turn someone
in to the Feds. Wonderful -- that's a GREAT way to get accurate
information, Scummy, almost as unreliable as torture! Turn someone
in and get a visa!

They've coached Ashcroft on how to look more relaxed in a bid
to be "reassuring," perhaps, and they've taught him how to smile.
He's now doing more PR touring around, visiting Muslims for dinner
and talking about how it's all designed to protect innocent
Americans. He keeps his news fixed smile on his face, like a corpse,
and folds his hands together, like an undertaker. He seems to be
quivering less these days. Maybe they have him on drugs.

Thursday November 29 12:26 PM ET (via Yahoo)

U.S. Anti-Terror Bid Dangles Carrot for Foreigners

By Deborah Charles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday launched a
program to lure foreigners into informing on suspected terrorists in
exchange for help with visas and citizenship, following the Sept. 11
attacks on America.

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, who has come under a barrage of
criticism by civil rights groups in recent months, announced the
"Responsible Cooperators Program," promising foreigners that for the
right information they would get help with visas and other
immigration issues.

"It is designed to say to people that if you would like to have an
improved visa status for your own presence in the United States and a
pathway to citizenship, one of the ways you can do that is by
providing reliable and useful information about terrorism," said

While it was important for everyone to "help save American lives,"
visitors might have valuable information because of their language
skills and "things they know from home," Ashcroft told ABC's "Good
Morning America" program.

Ashcroft told NBC's "Today" show, while it was not an amnesty
program, people without proper documentation who come forward should
not fear for their futures.

"We will be interested in the information they have and not
interrogating them and not about their own status," he said.

The United States currently issues a small number of 3-year "S" visas
every year to noncitizens who provide "critical and reliable
information" concerning a terrorist organization.

The criteria to qualify for an "S" visa require the applicant to have
placed his or her life in danger as a result of providing that
information and to be eligible to receive a government reward.

"This is useful program but we want to go beyond this," said a
Justice Department official. Only 50 "S" visas are granted each year.


Ashcroft offered an alternative if a foreigner was not eligible for
an "S" visa but still provided useful information in the fight
against terrorism.

"I am directing the INS, the criminal division and the United States
attorneys in appropriate cases to defer action on placing the alien
into removal proceedings or to grant parole in the public interest to
allow the alien to enter and remain in the United States," his
three-page directive said.

The United States is seeking to find out who was behind the Sept. 11
hijacked plane attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon,
which killed more than 3,900 people.

"With respect to terrorists who are being sought by the United States
or who plan to commit further violent acts against the United States,
there may be aliens who have useful and reliable information as to
their whereabouts, their organizations and their plans, but who may
be reluctant to provide that information to law enforcement
officials," Ashcroft said in the directive.

"The Department of Justice ... has the legal authority to offer
incentives to those aliens, whether living in the United States or
abroad, to provide reliable and useful information about the
terrorists and their plans," he said.

He did not detail what information had to be provided.

Ashcroft has launched an aggressive arrest and detention program
aimed at finding those responsible and preventing another attack from

But he has been criticized by civil rights groups for allowing
hundreds of people to be rounded up. Ashcroft announced this week
that federal criminal or immigration charges have been brought
against more than 650 people since the attacks.

U.S. attorneys have also been ordered to question 5,000 foreign men
living in the United States to see if they have information about the
attacks. The men, who are not suspects, are aged 18 to 33 and entered
the country since January 2000.

The new program is partially aimed at ensuring many of those 5,000
men -- including those who may be in the country illegally -- take
part in the interviews and answer questions.

In an interview with CNN, Ashcroft declined to comment on reports
that investigators had only 12 people among hundreds in custody who
had provided information regarding Saudi-born dissident Osama bin
Laden, the chief suspect for the Sept. 11 attacks.

"I'm not confirming any number. I'm indicating that among the people
that we have we obviously feel that we have individuals related to
terrorism and I don't want to say that we think it's as small as the
number you cited, or try to give a number on that," he said.

Ashcroft said members of bin Laden's al Qaeda movement were in
custody but declined to give any details on who they were or whether
they were leaders of the group.

"We know that when we continue to work hard to make sure that those
associated with terrorists, those who are violators of the law, are
not only questioned and arrested but they're detained, that we reduce
the potential that we have additional attacks," he said.

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