-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Fun and Games With Anthrax
Richard Poe
Dec. 1, 2001

What is the purpose of these anthrax attacks? I can't figure it out.

As a weapon of mass destruction, anthrax is a dud. The stuff only seems to
kill occasional senior citizens by accident.

Were the terrorists simply idiots for choosing anthrax? Or does this
operation serve some purpose other than killing?

I suspect the latter. Anthrax has failed dismally to hurt, kill or even
frighten most of its intended victims. But it has proved remarkably effective
in poisoning American unity.

Consider the sequence of events.

After the 9/11 attacks, Americans stood united. The sleeping giant had
awakened. Terrorist leaders from Cairo to Baghdad trembled.

Then the Middle East propaganda mills started grinding. The Sept. 13 edition
of Iran's Tehran Times declared:

"After the bombing in Oklahoma City, the U.S. officials under the influence
of the Zionist lobby immediately pointed their fingers at Muslims and
Palestinians. However, later it was revealed that a U.S. citizen Timothy
McVeigh was behind the bombing. ..."

Homegrown extremists must have carried out the Sept. 11 attacks as well, the
editorial implied. Throughout the Muslim world, journalists, government
officials and terrorist leaders took up the chant.

But Americans wouldn't buy it. The role of radical Islam in the 9/11
atrocities seemed too obvious.

Then came the anthrax offensive. Suddenly, things got hazy.

Harvard University terrorism expert Juliette Kayyem led the way. An
Arab-American and former Clinton political appointee, Kayyem told the New
York Times on Oct. 15 that "right-wing groups in America" were likely behind
the anthrax attacks.

"As soon as I heard the word anthrax, that's what I thought of," she told the
L.A. Weekly.

And what made her jump to that conclusion?

Well, it seems that "right-wing" extremists in America have, on occasion,
scared people with fake anthrax hoaxes.

Saddam Hussein, on the other hand, uses the real stuff.

"Saddam has the anthrax," noted Wall Street Journal editor Robert L. Bartley
on Oct. 29. "After his defeat in the Gulf War, U.N. inspectors found he'd
deployed missiles and artillery shells loaded with anthrax, botulism toxin
and nerve gas. … We know that he's capable of milling anthrax to military
grade. ..."

Government leaks have only muddied the waters, following a kind of Newton's
Law of action and reaction. For every leak blaming Muslim terrorists, an
equal and opposite leak fingers domestic "hate groups."

For instance, "leading U.S. intelligence sources" told the London Observer
that Iraq was the prime anthrax suspect. Two weeks later, anonymous sources
from the "security services and Justice Department" told the same newspaper
that "Aryan militants" were the likeliest culprits.

Such contradictory leaks may signal a dangerous rift in the counterterror

On Oct. 27, NewsMax.com investigative reporter Carl Limbacher exposed serious
mishandling of the anthrax investigation by what he called a "Clintonized
FBI," obsessed with pinning blame on "right-wing" extremists.

"Nothing [about the anthrax attacks] seems to fit with an overseas
terrorist-type operation," one senior FBI official assured the Washington
Post on Oct. 27.

So why was terrorist Mohamed Atta looking at cropdusters in Florida? And why
did a newspaper in Pakistan receive an anthrax envelope?

The "Clintonized" FBI may have similarly whitewashed the 1995 Oklahoma City
bombing. Former KFOR-TV reporter Jayna Davis told Fox News Channel's Bill
O'Reilly in a March 20, 2001, broadcast, that the FBI ignored massive
evidence linking Timothy McVeigh to Osama bin Laden's terror network.

The alleged OKC whitewash has received extensive coverage on Internet news
sites such as WorldNetDaily.com. But mainstream media favor their own
conspiracy theories, in which "right-wing" Americans are the sole villains.

On Nov. 16, for instance, CNBC "Hardball" reporter Dan Abrams proposed that
"some sort of right-wing group" may have sent anthrax to Democratic senators
Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy.

"That's been my theory since the beginning," replied host Chris Matthews, a

On Tuesday, the U.S. military identified over 40 sites in Afghanistan with
possible connections to chemical and biological warfare operations. Stay
tuned for a rash of government leaks debunking this claim.

I don't want to be a bad sport. Disinformation is inevitable in war. Lies and
counter-lies are all part of the game.

But I'm getting worried. Eight years of Clinton appointments seem to have
packed our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the sort of people
who believe the NRA, the Republican Party and the Christian Broadcasting
Network constitute greater threats to our nation than Al-Qaeda.

We are going to have a very hard time winning this war if we can't agree on
who the enemy is.

Richard Poe is editor of FrontPageMagazine.com and SlapHillary.com.

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