-Caveat Lector-

Eagan flight trainer wouldn't let unease about
Moussaoui rest
Greg Gordon
Star Tribune


Published Dec 21 2001

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When a Twin Cities flight
instructor phoned the FBI last August to alert the
agency that a terrorist might be taking lessons to fly
a jumbo jet, he did it in a dramatic way:

"Do you realize how serious this is?" the instructor
asked an FBI agent. "This man wants training on a 747.
A 747 fully loaded with fuel could be used as a

The aviation student he was talking about was Zacarias
Moussaoui, who was arrested the following day and last
week was charged in a federal indictment with
conspiring with Osama bin Laden and others to carry
out the Sept. 11 attacks.

New details of how Moussaoui raised suspicions at the
Pan Am International Flight Academy in Eagan -- and
the company's eerily prescient tip -- are emerging
from the briefings the school recently gave to
congressional offices.

The still-unidentified flight instructor became wary
of Moussaoui immediately, according to Minnesota Rep.
Jim Oberstar and others with direct knowledge of the

Moussaoui first raised eyebrows when, during a simple
introductory exchange, he said he was from France, but
then didn't seem to understand when the instructor
spoke French to him.

Moussaoui then became belligerent and evasive about
his background, Oberstar and other sources said. In
addition, he seemed inept in basic flying procedures,
while seeking expensive training on an advanced
commercial jet simulator.

Besides alerting the FBI about Moussaoui, the school's
Phoenix office called the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) early this year about another
student -- Hani Hanjour, who was believed to be the
pilot of the plane that flew into the Pentagon on
Sept. 11. The school had raised questions about
Hanjour's limited ability to speak English, the
universal language of aviation.

An FAA representative sat in on a class to observe
Hanjour, who was from Saudi Arabia, and discussed with
school officials finding an Arabic-speaking person to
help him with his English, said Oberstar and others
with direct knowledge of the school's briefings.

Oberstar and Minnesota Rep. Martin Sabo, who also was
briefed by the school, praised Pan Am for its efforts
to safeguard the skies and for passing federal
authorities clues to possible terrorist activities
before Sept. 11.

They said that, with the benefit of hindsight, it
appears that the FBI and the FAA could have responded
more vigorously.

"From what I've heard, the school was clearly more
alert than federal officials," Sabo said.

Oberstar said "alarm bells" should have gone off at
the FAA when Pan Am reported Hanjour's limited English
skills -- as least as far as his pilot's training
went. He also said he had no major complaints about
the FBI's Minneapolis office. But he added that the
office's response to the Eagan flight instructor's
calls was so "bureaucratic" that a less-determined
tipster might have stopped calling.

Sabo, who chairs a House appropriations transportation
subcommittee, declined to discuss specifics of his
briefing from Pan Am. But he said he would give the
school "an A-plus for ... seeing a problem, reporting
it and continuing to pursue it."

Oberstar, the ranking Democrat on the House
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, said Pan
Am "acted in the public interest" with both Moussaoui
and Hanjour.

Pan Am Vice President Marilyn Ladner said, "We are
pleased that our tip to the FBI turned out to be
helpful. We'd prefer not to comment any further on the
ongoing investigation."

A Pan Am representative first contacted Sabo's office
a couple of weeks after the attacks. The firm sought
help in prodding the Red Cross to provide grief
counseling for shocked employees at its Eagan
facility, where Moussaoui had sought training.

The employees had "a terrible case of the what-ifs,"
wondering what they could have done differently to
avoid the disaster, said a source familiar with those
conversations. Sabo's office got the Red Cross to
dispatch counselors.

About three weeks ago, Pan Am representatives briefed
Sabo, Oberstar and Rep. Ed Pastor, D-Ariz.,
individually on the encounters with Moussaoui and
Hanjour. The representatives appealed for better
federal guidelines on when to report suspicious
activities so they don't have to worry about
discrimination suits.

Oberstar went further. In recently enacted airline
security legislation, he included a provision that
bars flight schools from teaching any foreigner how to
fly a commercial passenger plane without approval of
the U.S. attorney general.

$19,000 course

Pan Am's flight instructor didn't worry about
repercussions when he phoned the FBI about Moussaoui,

He had come to Pan Am five months after entering the
country with at least $35,000 in cash, according to
his indictment. He had promptly enrolled in a flying
course at the Airman Flight School in Norman, Okla.,
but quit after three months without qualifying for a
private pilot's license.

In July, the indictment says, Moussaoui made credit
card payments toward Pan Am's $19,000 course in
piloting a Boeing 747. Between Aug. 1 and Aug. 3, it
says, he received a $14,000 wire transfer from the
same figure in Germany alleged to have sent money to
the hijackers. Arriving at the Eagan school on Aug.
10, Moussaoui gave a school official $6,300 in cash.

Oberstar said the flight instructor, a retired
military pilot, grew suspicious after he began
speaking French to Moussaoui. Oberstar said Moussaoui
seemed not to understand, said he wasn't fluent in
French, didn't live in France long and added: "I'm
from the Middle East."

The instructor found it odd that Moussaoui said he was
from the Middle East, rather than identifying a
country, Oberstar said. When the instructor inquired
further, Moussaoui grew belligerent, several sources

It was not clear whether Moussaoui, who was born in
France and attended French schools as a youth, did not
understand French or merely chose not to speak it.

Over the next three days, Moussaoui seemed to his
instructor to be uncoordinated and showed little
ability to follow the lessons, several sources said.
The instructor "tried to tell him he was wasting his
money," one source said, but Moussaoui persisted.

A person familiar with the briefings said Pan Am
denies the most widely reported remark attributed to
Moussaoui: that he wanted only to learn to operate the
aircraft in flight, and did not need takeoff or
landing instructions.

After his arrest, Pan Am learned that Moussaoui had
flown 57 hours in a Cessna 152 in Oklahoma but never
soloed, an accomplishment usually achieved after 20

In the meantime, Oberstar said, the instructor voiced
his suspicions about Moussaoui to colleagues, one of
whom offered the number of an FBI friend who could
advise whether the information should be reported.
When the instructor phoned, the FBI agent strongly
urged him to pursue the matter but gave him the wrong
agent to call, the sources said. The instructor made
three more calls before reaching the right agent on
Aug. 15, the sources said. Moussaoui was arrested the
next day and held on an immigration violation.

The FBI then checked Moussaoui's name with foreign
intelligence agencies, and was warned by the French
intelligence service that he may have terrorist
connections. But the Minneapolis agents were unable to
persuade FBI lawyers in Washington, D.C., to seek a
warrant to search his possessions under the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act, which requires evidence
that the suspect is an agent of a foreign power or a
terrorist group.

Frustrated local FBI agents visited the school a
couple of times before Sept. 11, trying to obtain
enough evidence for a warrant, a source said.

Asked about this account, Paul McCabe, a supervisory
special agent in the FBI's Minneapolis office, said he
could not comment on a pending investigation. FBI
Director Robert Mueller said last week that he was
comfortable that bureau lawyers made the right
decision at the time on the warrant request.

Oberstar, however, expressed dismay that FBI
headquarters did not approve seeking search warrants
sooner. He called the Minnesota flight instructor "a
hero" who "kept pursuing it until what he saw as a
dangerous situation was addressed."

When FBI agents in Minneapolis finally obtained a
warrant after the Sept. 11 attacks, they found
voluminous information on crop-dusting planes on
Moussaoui's computer hard drive, similar to material
gathered by the hijackers' ringleader, Mohamed Atta,
the indictment said.

Hanjour's English

While Moussaoui behaved oddly, Pan Am representatives
never suspected that Hanjour, whom they found to be
amiable, was a terrorist, the sources said. By the
time he enrolled at Pan Am's school in Phoenix last
January, Hanjour had attended English language school,
bounced around several western flight schools for a
few years and obtained a commercial pilot's license.

Beginning in April 1996, Hanjour studied English for
more than four months at Holy Names College in
Oakland, Calif., and reached level five of the
school's 12 levels of English proficiency, said school
spokesman Mike Palm. That was sufficient to "survive
very well in the English language," Palm said.

When Hanjour enrolled in January at Pan Am's Phoenix
facility, Oberstar said, his instructor made a more
critical assessment of his English.

The FAA began clamping down on U.S. flight schools in
recent years to ensure that no one who cannot speak
conversational English receives a flight certificate.

Oberstar and others said the Pan Am instructor
questioned how Hanjour got a flight certificate with
his English, felt it was inadequate to complete the
firm's course and phoned the FAA. Oberstar said the
instructor asked: "What do we do about this? We don't
think we should continue a person in flight training
whose English is so inadequate."

Pan Am officials were dissatisfied by the FAA
inspector's response: suggesting he might know of an
Arabic-speaking person who could assist him with his
English, Oberstar and others said. That approach
apparently didn't work. Hanjour "flunked out" in
March, a company executive told legislators.

Oberstar said the FAA representative had no reason to
believe that Hanjour was a terrorist. But, recalling
that he held a subcommittee hearing a few years ago
into a New York plane crash caused by the pilot's
failure to understand instructions in English from air
traffic controllers, he said Hanjour's language
problem should have sounded "alarm bells" with the

Jerry Snyder, an FAA spokesman in Los Angeles, said he
could not comment because the matter is under

Pan Am also came in contact with a third Sept. 11
figure: Atta. The company's Miami office recently
discovered it had received an inquiry from Atta early
last year, one source said. The school sent him
information, but he chose instead to attend a flight
school in Venice, Fla., the source said.

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