Two FBI agents have recently given stories to the BBC LONDON SERVICE.
            They MAINTAIN that BUSH ordered the FBI to stop following BIN-LADEN
            Three months prior to 911.   I personally got this information off of
             ALEX JONE'S RADIO SHOW.   5.085 Megahertz Shortwave.  ALEX
             also DOWNSTREAMS AUDIO on the WEB from
             JONES has recently had GUESTS on his show who state that BUSH
             was ALREADY on CIPRO at the time of 911.
             And the NEW YORK DIRECTOR of FEMA stated in a BUNGLED MANNER
             that the FEMA BOYS were ALREADY IN NEW YORK CITY as of 9.10.01
             and were the FIRST to MAKE IT TO GROUND ZERO.   I wonder how the
             FEMA BOYS knew  on SEPTEMBER the 10th what was going to happen
             on the ELEVENTH.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nakano Nakamura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 3:29 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Can Anyone on This List Answer a Couple of Questrions About 911?

Does anyone on this List have answers for any of the following questions?

On September 11th, the United States suffered the worst and most damaging attacks on American soil in modern times.  Thousands of people were killed. Billions of dollars of damage was inflicted. The Bush Administration released statements to the effect that our Intelligence Services and Military  were caught offguard by surprise. The U.S. Military was unable to defend American airspace, even over our nation's capitol.  Not a single fighter plane or missile got off the ground to defend this country.

To my knowledge, not a single government or military official has been held accountable for this total and catastrophic failure.  Nobody got fired.  Nobody got reprimanded or demoted. Congress has not conducted any official investigations as to how and why this occurred.

G.W. Bush is the CEO of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Military.  The American People have not held him accountable for anything.  According to the Opinion Polls, We the People are now giving Bush Jr. the highest approval ratings of any president in history!

I wonder if I am missing something.....that I just don't understand what everyone else does.  Abraham Lincoln fired several Union Generals who were ineffective.  Roosevelt (wrongly) fired the military commanders of Pearl Harbor after the Japanese attack.  John Kennedy fire the top three people at the CIA, including CIA Director Allen Dulles after the disasterous "Bay of Pigs" failure.

911 was much worse than the Bay of Pigs.....but no one was held accountable.

If anyone has any information about any firings or other disciplinary actions by Bush or the Congress, I hope you will reply to this post.

Regards   Nakano


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