-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Sun, 30 Dec 2001 02:08:07 -0700
From:                   Anna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                IUFO NEWS:  Laden looks haggard,  at last!
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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I remain, sir, Haggard of the Hindu Kush

Never mind the needless deaths, we've only succeeded in making bin Laden a shadow of 
his former self

War on Terrorism: Observer special
War in Afghanistan: Observer special

Terry Jones
Sunday December 30, 2001
The Observer

Osama bin Laden is looking 'haggard'. A videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera
TV showed the Most Wanted Man in the Known World looking haggard. And
in case we didn't notice how haggard he was looking, the Western media
have been pounding us with the word ever since the pictures were released.

So I would like to congratulate George Bush and Tony Blair on the first
concrete evidence that their 'War on Terrorism' is finally achieving some of its
policy objectives.

Of course, they've done terribly well in bringing chaos to Afghanistan, but I
don't remember that as being one of the policy objectives. When those
planes smashed into the World Trade Centre with the loss of 2,500 innocent
lives, I don't think anybody's first reaction was: 'Well, the sooner we get the
mujahideen and the warlords to take over Kabul the better!' No, as I

President Bush laid out the policy objectives of his 'War on Terrorism' in
measured terms: 'We must catch the evil perpetrators of this cowardly act
and bring them to justice.'

Bringing to justice the people who actually perpetrated the crime was out of
the question since they were already dead. They'd killed themselves in a
typically cowardly fashion. So, as I remember it, President Bush pretty quickly
said he would get whoever egged them on to do it and then he would make
them pay for it.

Well, many months later, who has paid for it? US taxpayers have stumped up
billions of dollars. They've paid for it. So have the British taxpayers, for some
reason which hasn't yet been explained to us. Uncounted thousands of
innocent Afghan citizens have paid for it too - with their lives. I say 'uncounted'
because nobody in the West seems to have been particularly interested in
counting them. It's pretty certain more innocent people have died and are still
dying in the bombing of Afghanistan than on 11 September, but the New York
Times doesn't run daily biographies of them so they don't count. Oh, I nearly
forgot - we've all paid a considerable amount in terms of those precious civil
liberties and freedoms that make our way of life in the Free World so much
better than everyone else's. Bit of a conundrum that.

We are all also paying a huge price, all the time, every day, in terms of our
daily anxiety quota. We daren't fly in planes or, if we do, we do so in fear and
dread. We are constantly fearful of some nameless retribution being visited
on us. And it's no good Mr Blair saying this is the terrorists' fault. Of course it
is, but then if we hadn't joined the Americans in bombing Afghanistan we
wouldn't all be so scared.

If the objectives of the 'War on Terrorism' were to catch the perpetrators of
the 11 September attacks, bring them to justice and make the world a safer
place, so far the score - on all three objectives - has been nil. We're all
jumping around scared shitless that something similar is going to happen at
any moment. No perpetrators have been caught; no perpetrators have been
brought to justice.

Mark you, this last is not really surprising. Just think: if the police were setting
out to catch a particularly clever and evil murderer, would they go around with
loud-hailers announcing where they were going to look for him, pinpoint the
areas they intended to search and give him a count of 100 to get away?
That's what you do if you're playing hide and seek, not if you want to catch a
criminal. I rather imagine the police would have gone to work covertly and
tried to find out where he was without his even knowing they were looking for
him. But I realise that's not a very American way of going about things.

However, finally the 'War on Terrorism' is achieving its policy objectives.
Osama bin Laden is looking haggard. We may not have caught him or
brought him to justice but, at the cost of thousands of innocent Afghan lives,
billions of dollars of US citizens' money and the civil liberties of the Free
World, we have got him looking haggard.

It's a sensational and ground-breaking moment that justifies all the news
coverage it's been getting. If Osama bin Laden is looking haggard, that
means he's scared - or tired or eaten something that disagrees with him - but
at least it means he's not enjoying himself as he was in his previous video.

This is a considerable triumph for the US forces, for the brave bomber pilots
who release their bombs from such considerable and dangerous heights
above the ground, and for Tony Blair, who has so fearlessly led his entire
nation into the position of being terrorist targets for no good reason that any
of us can think of.

So keep up the good work, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, let's
see if we can continue in this vein and perhaps - at the cost of only another
few billion dollars, a lot more innocent lives, many more civil rights, and the
stability of the Middle East, India and Pakistan, and perhaps a Third World
War, we might even be able to make Osama bin Laden frown.

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"In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes."


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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