In a message dated 1/1/02 12:42:52 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Regarding Davie is not true that those who describe the same enemy
as     you see are on the same side as you are.  Icke gets individuals to
identify with him by giving some truths but adding his slant.

Let's say you are a newbie to conspiracy theory.  You see something that
doesn't fit with what is being expounded on in the media.  In your mind there
is discord.  So you begin to look for a source that sees what you see.  "Ah,
that person knows what I know.  What else can he tell me."  Welcome to the
world of disinformation, the world of David Icke.

What a load of crap!!!!!!!!

Let's simply say that Mr Icke says things that you tend to agree with but adds a dash or two of truths that you don't like...truths that may either belittle or besmirch your little religion...because of that, because you can't handle the TRUTH, you go on the offensive...a knee-jerk reaction really...and a clear demonstration of your inability to see through anything but rose-colored glasses.

Wake up!!!!!!!!
You've been so decieved that you're clueless!!


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