Date  : Mon, 24 Dec 2001 10:12:54 -0600 (CST)
Subject  : Private for Pam

Part: 2.1

Pam, Not knowing what you already have received, here is a note I posted near the middle of November.

Part: 2.2

Date  : Tue, 13 Nov 2001 20:51:41 -0600 (CST)
Subject  : Beginnings

Men in my profession make few assumptions.

1.) I assume anything I send you will be monitored.

2.) I never reveal my sources, or give details that could lead back to my sources.

3.) I am more than willing to share intelligence I come across using the above criteria.Some were surprised when I made reference to Russian troops on American streets. I didn't make the statement frivolously or without a lot of forethought.

What I look for in matters of this sort are:

1.) Logistics: Russian war doctrine calls for the prepositioning of equipment and supplies

2.) Advance Party: Any Russian military exercise would be preceded by an advance party to learn the infrastructure of both the civilian economy and military.

3.) Evidence,: Since 1973, I have been a Criminal Investigator, Private Detective, Trial Assistant and Legal Assistant.  

To me, evidence is something I can put a courtroom evidence sticker on and have admitted in a court of law as evidence. Not rumors, not 3rd party stories, not articles from non-reputable publications. First person eyewitness, statements, Photographs, Videotapes, Audio recordings, reputable open source articles, leaked or researched  government documents, these are what I call evidence.

I have acquired what I consider substantial evidence that the Russian and Chinese governments are planning to militarily occupy the U.S.A.  

In the article that caught some's attention I mentioned my privately acquired intelligence. I alluded to open source material, without going into any detail.


1.) Commencing in 1994, 100's ( we don't know how many 100's) of Russian armored vehicles were both video taped and photographed being transported on American railroads and flat-bed trucks. Russian armor is in America. Maybe I need to yell a little: RUSSIAN ARMOR IS IN AMERICA!

This is not a theory or fantasy. It is highly likely that it is here for a purpose.  How many guesses dowe need to figure out this one?

2.) COM-BLOC DECONTAMINATION TRUCKS About the same time, dozens (estimates vary from 100to 200 or more)Com- bloc decontamination trucks were imported by a retired American field grade officer to a private depot in Louisiana, not far from Ft. Polk.

The people at the depot told inquiring persons that they had been imported into the U.S. to be painted.

The obvious conclusion is that there are no paint shops in Europe. Anyway, the army green trucks wereall painted a nice bright U.N. white. The people at the depot further stated that the final destination for the trucks was South America. I have yet to follow up on whether any trucks remain at the depot.

Up until 9/11/01 it was rather a mystery asto why anyone would want so many decontamination trucks in the USA.

Now it appears the reason is both simple and logical: They will need them.

Are you all paying attention?
They are here because they will need them! I hate to raise my voice again.

3. The Chinese: The PRC and their front companies have:
a.) Acquired the Long Beach Navel Shipyardb.)  Have, for all practical purposes, takenover the Panama canal.
c.) Have built the world's largest port, to handle shipping containers in the Bahamas, only 70 miles from Florida.
This facility adjoins a world - class airport.
d.) Are, along with Russian, pouring men  and equipment into Cuba.
e.) Top Chinese generals in speeches, meant for internal consumption only,repeatedly make reference to the future war with theU.S.
Both Russia and China are engaged in massive military build ups of manpower, tactical weapons, strategic weapons. They are building new and better weapons in every category of ground, naval and air systems.

We aren't.

Gentlemen, human nature doesn't change.Men may find ways to go faster, communicate across the world instantly, have equipment and infrastructure that was only in science fiction novels a few years ago. But man himself, his wants, hopes, dreams,desires, greed, hatreds, fears, loves, ambitions areunchanged since the days of the Caesars.

The Russians and Chinese fully intend to rule the world. They say so publicly. They say so privately.
They are putting together the necessary infrastructure to accomplish their goal.

The use of both nuclear and biological weapons are in mainstream (Russian and Chinese) military thought and doctrine as being viable tools to be used in total war against the U.S.A. by Russia and China.     

We have been warned by high ranking Russian defectors (Golytsyn, Lunev and Alibekov) yet, we ignore these warnings. Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev, all told us,yet we don't pay heed.

Obviously, much of what has been done has been with the knowledge and consent of high American government officials. Especially those things that have happened inside the U.S. I believe some Americans have sold us out, some have been "useful dupes" and some are just naive,well-meaning, idiots, acting in good faith.

SOLUTIONS;Pray for God's protection, then take action to protect your family and loved ones. There is no civil defense, we're on our own.

John Moore314-965-3007

Private Detective Criminal Investigator

U.S. Military Intelligence Corps 1967-1970(active) Assigned to Psyops and Special Forces

1979-1983 (USAR) Assigned to Psyops and Special Forces

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