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In a message dated 1/5/02 11:47:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>All right, Kris, what do you think?
>Is it bullshit? or what.
>What's the guy saying? The elite deviants practice garmonbozia? Reads
>like an outtake from Eyes Wide Shut.
>Has anybody been able to identify where this guy worked? Who did he
>know? etc.
>Anyway, it looks like his warning dates missed completely. Where was
What we are dealing with is multi-generational cult of "necromancers?"

 As to the veracity of the tape, you know as much as me. If true, the dates
could be 2002, I don't know how long this has been on the web or how long was
sat on.

There are some folks, I know,  that are looking at S&B lists and trying to
ascertain what's what. There are lists at
http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/index.shtml  He could be say from the 50's up
to the 70's(aging is different for different folks, stresses, etc). The list
at the site were the best that I had at the time. I have been putting
together a database based upon the Orders own material [when done will post]
and have been finding some errors in dates and quite a few more members that
was unaware of, mostly older. But let me tell you the sheer "raw" reach of
the org is absolutely astounding. There are NO public records available of
the membership since 1970, this being such items as announcements by the
group or reporting by Yale in their annuals and various college pubs. There
has been a recent break there by the printing of some members by the Yale
tabloid Rumpus. Antony Sutton published some names from the 80's derived from
leaked Order materials and then somewhere someone, I believe in Texan
Christian circles developed a list of up to 1984, Where those came from I do
not know, and has I stated early, I havent found anywhere to "publicly"
confirm.  Peggy Adler-Robham-sp? in CT says she has list of all SEVEN of the
Senior year secret societies up to the late 80's, but she, at least on the
phone, would have no "truck" with me because I felt that , YES, they are a
nefariuos influence on our republic and the world. She would have none of
that kind of talk. Knowing that she is a member of an ex-spook club, I
thought either she is afraid to talk on the phone or she was some sort of
"backstop," 'cuz anyone looking into Bones is going to talk to her at some
point in time.  (How's that for a long sentence.'-)

As far as what can be gleaned from research and interviews with people, not
knowing completely of the veracity of all the stories, the picture that does
emerge form deduction that what one is dealing with is what has been the
underlying thread og conspiracy theory throught the ages. What we are dealing
with is multi-generational cult of "necromancers" basically meaning that
"they" use magic mixed with death as a cover for their evil. Magic is a very
interesing subject with about as many dodges, cut-outs and what-nots as an
intel op.

Look at the  "chant" Boners say at their initiations:
"The hangman equals death"
"The devil equals death"
"Death equals death"

Do you  remember the only person that "Hanging" George didn't kill as Govenor
of Texas was Henry Lee Lucas, a confessed serial killer. A man who had killed
for a "cult."

Take a trip to New Haven. The ritualistc placement of buildings is right out
in the open.  New Haven is built on Nine "sacred" squares.  The street names
of the orginal squares are George, Chapel, Elm and Grove going one way and
State, Church, College and York. The Middle square is the green, On the green
there are three old churches and graves. Yale surrounds one side of the
green, New Haven public and business the other. Since the squares are rather
large many of the "alleys" have developed into streets,  these are Wall,
Court and Crown and then Orange, Temple, and High.

High street is where The "Tomb" has sat since 1856, it was enlarged in 1903.

>From the corner of Chapel and High one walks under a substanial Gothic
archway and to one's left sits the Tomb. One may not go complete around it ,
nor view their secret courtyard from public areas. The archetecture of nearby
Weir Hall is also quite interesting.

So if one proceeds up High Street, one enters Yale U and it's gothic wonder
for several blocks till one gets to Grove Street the boundary street of the
nine squares and what does one find, well a  massive Egyptian type gate
(1845) designed by the same guy that did the Tomb, with a winged disk,
complete with serpents and underneath the inscription  "THE DEAD SHALL BE
RAISED." Pass through that  gate an one is in the Grove Street Cemetary, 12
acres of prime real estate in bones.  In this ossuary are many of the elite
themselves. Grove Street, "owned corporately, divided in to family plots, and
laid out and planted, and maintained as a 'garden for the dead,' Grove Street
as far as has yet been ascertained was the first such cemetery in America,
indeed perhaps anywhere."

But let us not stop our tour, what does one find on the corners of High and
Grove Street across the street from this "garden for the dead?" Well on the
Skull and Bones side of the street one finds Sterling Law School, a veritable
gothic cathederal and on the other side of the street one finds a two story
white marble Greecian Temple-looking-like-tomb-structure with no windows,
four big columns and a big black door, the building is completely surrounded
by a iron fence with the post consisting of twisted serpents. This is the
home to the senior secret society Book and Snake. Bob Woodward and Nicholas
Brady were members, among others.

There are five other senior secret societies with Tomblike structures. Wolf's
Head is a bit different, looks more like a rectory with a chapel.

Ok, back to the question at hand.

Look at the "shock" that Al Carone saw somewhere on a trip south of the

The cult will do things like have a ritual that will include actual or
simulated acts of human sacrifice and will "invite" other cultists to these
unawares, so has to blackmail or otherwise get a hold on them. Some times
they are complete innoncents or were doing other forms of  ritual "magic. "

I mean, what's one to do is "they" have photos, videos of you particpating in
some blood ritual of death, Does one embrace, recoil, or . . .

It busts-up the "competion" and really scares folks into . . .

Just think if you were taking to some large gathering in Mexico or elswhere
and the "cult" did some huge blood sacrifice involving many people, what
would that do to you?

There are more ways to meet the devil than going to Yale and there are many
more orgs involved.

Secret Societies are an anethema to our republic

What we are dealing with is multi-generational cult of "necromancers."


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