-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 13:09:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trotskyite Regime turns to "The Final Solution" to the Muslim

The US Puppet Government seems inclined to obey its Trotskyite masters
once again. The Holocaust of 66,000,000 in Christian Russia and
surrounding countries post 1917 by the Schiff-Trotsky Cabal from New York
was a trial run for "Operation Final Solution". With Christendom now
destroyed in the West and whores running Protestant and Roman
"churches" they now turn to The Final Solution to the Muslim Problem.

There will be a DOMINO EFFECT after Afghanistan as the Trotskyites move
against the Muslim countries in a vice-grip between Israel and
Afghanistan. Syria, Iran and Iraq are obvious targets for carpet bombing,
genocide and enslavement. The political instability in Saudi Arabia could
lead to a change of regime as quickly as the Shah's regime changed in
Iran. So Saudi Arabia too will be targeted for genocide and ethnocide.

WASHINGTON (UPI)- Former Secretary of State Gen. Alexander M. Haig Jr. said Monday 
that Syria, not Iraq, should be the next target in the war against international 

His comments came in an exclusive interview with United Press International's editor 
at large, Arnaud de Borchgrave.

Here is the transcript of the interview:

Q (de Borchgrave): What did the United States do right in Afghanistan and what did it 
do wrong? And what lessons have we learned for the future?

A (Haig): We didn't do anything wrong, but among the lessons learned, given the 
magnitude of the problems we now face in Afghanistan, a major U.S. force on the ground 
would convince the world we were in for the long-haul recovery of a country devastated 
by 21 years of warfare.

We lost interest in Afghanistan and left it in the lurch after the Soviets pulled out 
in 1989, and paid a terrible price for our shortsightedness, witness the emergence of 
Taliban and its alliance with al Qaida. If we are to thwart another round of 
warlordism and tribal warfare, such as what followed the Soviet withdrawal, and 
encourage the Afghans to get on with rebuilding their own nation, U.S. assistance, 
diplomacy and a muscular military presence will be required.

In Desert Storm, we had too many troops, in Afghanistan probably not enough for the 
major commitment we have made. President Bush and his team did a superb job winning 
the war, and we need to remember how he achieved maximum success despite a number of 
formidable restraints. The United States first had to negotiate with Pakistan, 
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan for basing rights to bridge enormous distances to a 
land-locked Afghanistan.

Q: Is a lack of an institutional memory and a sense of history to blame for the crises 
that seem to hit us with tedious regularity in that part of the world?

'Clinton's Woefully Inadequate and Weak Iraqi Policy'

A: You have to look at the history of the Middle East in particular. It has been one 
of failure and frustration, of feudalism and tribalism, of Pan Arabism under Egypt's 
[Gamal Abdel] Nasser and its flirtation with the Soviet Union, then a flirtation with 
the Western world which led to more frustration when our great victory over the Iraqi 
aggressor left Saddam Hussein in power who then became a hero to the Arab masses 
because of Clinton's woefully inadequate and weak Iraqi policy.

Then you look at Iran, which became the crucible of fundamentalism coupled with 
terrorism, a situation we totally misread. Prior to his takeover of Iran, Ayatollah 
Khomeini was camping near Paris, giving daily news conferences to a fawning 
international press corps without a murmur of complaint to France from the United 
States about the disaster it was coddling in the incredibly naïve liberal belief that 
this extremist cleric would be an improvement over the Shah.

Stabbing the Shah in the Back

For years we leaned on the Shah for land reform, which led to the expropriation of the 
massive land holdings of the clergy, which, in turn, triggered the clergy's revolution 
against the monarchy. And when the Shah found himself in trouble, we quite literally 
stabbed him in the back.

It didn't take long for the world to realize that the Shah was an enlightened liberal 
next to the bloody reactionary regime that followed, and which executed more people in 
three months than the Shah had done in 30 years.

Then came the hostage crisis during which Carter did nothing to rattle the ayatollahs 
who hung tough until Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, when they suddenly backed down. 
After that we saw the killing of 241 U.S. Marines and 58 French soldiers in Beirut on 
Oct. 23, 1983. But the two culprits - Syria and Iran - got away scot-free.

Q: You mean the United States and its allies never understood that terrorism was a 
transnational terrorism?

A: Exactly right. We contributed to its attractiveness among people who were 
frustrated and disenfranchised.

Fundamentalism was the first of two perversions. Nation states converted guerrilla 
warfare into terrorism to conduct asymmetrical warfare against the world's only 

Sun Tzu said 2,500 years ago that successful guerrillas float on the sea of people. 
The Bush administration understood early on that the particular perversion we saw with 
Taliban and al-Qaeda required coalitions to defeat it, but not coalitions for the sake 
of coalitions.

And as Secretary [of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld has stated with great clarity, the 
mission decides the coalition and not the coalition deciding the mission, which is 
what happened in Iraq.

Q: So this should not deter the United States if Iraq is the next target?

A: Or Syria.

Q: So you think Syria's a possibility?

A:- Syria is a terrorist state by any definition and is so classified by the State 
Department. I happen to think Iran is too. Iraq, Iran, Syria, they're all involved.

If al-Qaeda terrorists need a favor, such as safe houses, you can bet your bottom 
dollar that Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad would not hesitate to accommodate them. 
And all these groups are protected by these states which makes them sponsors of state 
terrorism and therefore potential targets in President Bush's global war against 
terrorism, when the footprints, that is, are clearly established.

Q: Where are the footprints clearer - Iraq or Syria?

Evidence 'Clearer in Syria Than in Iraq'

A: It's clearer in Syria than in Iraq. This doesn't mean that Iraq isn't a more venal 
threat. If it's proven that Iraq has provided aid and succor to international 
terrorist groups - and we're not just talking al-Qaeda, which is just another tentacle 
that has enjoyed the most success and was leading the attack against the United 
States, but its defeat in Afghanistan didn't neutralize the venality of other 
tentacles, such as Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Q: And what is the second perversion you mentioned earlier?

A: The first one is guerrilla warfare transformed into terrorism that singles out 
non-combatants, innocent civilians, including women and children. The objective is to 
spread fear to break the morale of the target country.

'Perversion' of Islam

The second perversion is what has been done to Islam, a pacific religion that believes 
in the rule of law and peaceful change.

Q: But radical Islam is at war with the United States. So how does one separate 
fundamentalism from anti-U.S. and anti-Israel radicalism?

A: That's where the perversion comes in. If they analyze the situation as thoroughly 
as they should, Muslims will realize they are the first targets. What are the 
fundamentalists really after? Simply taking over Islam and then turning its back on 

The House of Saud would be the first to go, so the Saudi royal family's policy of 
exporting Wahhabi fundamentalism to buy peace at home is shortsighted in the extreme 
and has now been proved to be tantamount to funding terrorist-prone organizations from 
Indonesia to North Africa.

Q: So what is the Bush administration attempting to do about this kind of extremism?

A: It's an enlightened approach that keeps trying to separate classic Islam from 
radical Islam. What the fundamentalists are doing is a total negation of their own 
faith - encouraging and lionizing suicide bombers and killing women and children, 
hardly in keeping with the teachings of Prophet Mohammed.

Bin Laden's Escape

Q: To what degree has the U.S. campaign against transnational terrorism been hurt by 
the fact that Osama bin Laden and Mullah Mohammad Omar have eluded U.S. forces so far?

A: Anyone who believes that doesn't understand the nature of this war. We went in 
there and in 60 days with unprecedented use of precision weapons we wiped out both 
Taliban and al-Qaeda's extensive infrastructure in that country. To rebuild that in 
another country will be impossible as the most likely candidates are under a U.S. 
magnifying glass.

Unlike Kosovo or Bosnia, we had precise targeting with an on the ground presence of 
Special Forces and anti-Taliban militia, equipped with sat phones and GPS to laser 
paint targets. It was not accompanied by a large ground presence.

Q: Which you think was a mistake?

A: I didn't say that. We did what we were able to do.

Q: In other words, we didn't have the wherewithal for a large ground presence?

A: With all the commitments that were made by the previous [Clinton] administration, 
and a continued reduction in our manpower base in all the services, we should be 
asking ourselves whether or not we have sufficient forces to cope with a global war 
against terrorism that involves several nation states. Sooner or later something had 
to give. But President Bush, faced with the unprecedented affront of 9-11, could not 
wait to take action. So he had to do what we were capable of doing, and he did it 

To be continued: the next U.S. target, the U.S. military's role in Europe, NATO and 
Russia, China and Taiwan, Pakistan.

Copyright 2002 by United Press International.


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