-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clever Is the Word for a Biased Media
G. Russell Evans
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)
Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002
The professional news readers are very smooth, very clever – so clever, in
fact, that they can slant stories to their liberal bias often without a
ripple of suspicion.
After the terrifying assaults against America's very foundation on Sept. 11,
the media were in the same boat with all of us: frightened, prayerful and
wondering. They quickly sided with patriots and our troops. They wanted to be
saved and, above all, to be on the winning side. They turned out glorious
praise of Americanism and righteousness.

Unabashed Praise

For a while, Big Media were praising President Bush unabashadly for his
leadership and control. They were seeing a real leader come alive and respond
in magnificent style as he lined up an impressive coalition of nations to
help in the war on terrorism and fortify the homeland. His job approval
soared to nearly 90 percent.

Unfortunately, all this wonderful treasure was just too much for the media's
left-wing souls. Within a few days, they were back to business as usual –
nitpicking, sniping and undercutting to slant things back to their agenda.

For example, while the world witnessed four fuel-loaded jetliners hijacked by
militant Muslim madmen used to deliberately murder thousands of innocents,
the Reuters News Agency didn't think this qualified as a "terrorist attack" –
because, said Reuters, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom

Is Reuters on the side of civilization?

It is impossible to believe thart any responsible news agency could be so
stupid and arrogant – their idea of righteousness, perhaps.

Mary McGrory Smears

Then there's the Washington Post's Mary McGrory, critical of Bush for not
flying immediately back to Washington in Air Force One. Elementary prudence
dictated protection for the president at that initial stage of uncertainty.

McCrory wrote: "Bush said the attack was a 'test' for the country. It was one
for him. He flunked. But he says he believes in education, so he has three
years to take a make-up exam in leadership."

Such shameless vitriol against a man who just demonstrated superb management
was both petty and pathetic. It is also an excellent example of inbred
permanent hatred of conservatives.

Fourth Estate to the Fore

For many years, volumes have been turned out to expose blatant media bias.
Unhindered, it goes on and on – from university schools of journalism to the
very top in every field of communications.

The professors taught well the importance of the "Fourth Estate" in reporting
the world as the media see it. Thereby, their left-wing bias pervades the
news – and clever is the word for their handling of the news.

Obviously, our media feel superior to the rest of us – superior in knowledge,
superior in wisdom and wit, superior in value and, definitely, superior at

McNasty Not Needed

The great Peter Jennings of ABC News is a superb example of a clever
manipulator, never using a nasty word but ever so slyly slipping in a slick
smear to fit his own mindset.

For example, he called Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld "feisty" in
defending U.S. handling of "detained" terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. In truth,
the handling has been measured, safe and humanitarian. "Feisty" is a word for
reporters eager to pick holes in U.S. policy.

Earlier, Jennings slipped in a little sneer just moments before Bush, then at
90 percent approval racing, addressed the nation about the war progress. Said
Jennings, "The president ... is having some difficulty managing public
expectations about the war on terror."

This was an outright lie, because at the time, public opinion polls had 84
percent of the people "satisfied" with information from the Bush

George and Diane

George Stephanopoulos, former apologist for President Clinton, on ABC's "Good
Morning America" show that day, also ignored Bush's superlative polls.

Not to be outdone, Diane Sawyer gushed to George her congratulations for his
"nonpartisan covering of the news" – when she had just witnessed his blatant
partisanship against our popular president. Perhaps media dandies are
entitled to take most of us to be simpletons.

The Shaw Doctrine

CNN's Bernard Shaw invented the Shaw Doctrine with his haughty refusal to be
debriefed by the U.S. military after returning from Baghdad during the Gulf
War. He chose to remain "neutral" because he considered that his journalist
status made him a "citizen of the world." Maybe the "world" will protect him
someday when he's roughed up in Shanghai.

Barbara Walters graciously explained why ABC News didn't want reporters to
wear flag lapel pins: "It might confuse viewers." The viewers would be more
confused trying to understand why not!

‘Honest Person Can Lie, Too'

That doozy by Dan Rather is probably the stupidest one this CBS mouthpiece
has ever made, but it highlighted his true character – some might say
"pathological" character, because this man doesn't realize his deceit.

Rather, when asked by Bill O'Reilly of "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News if
he thought Bill Clinton was an honest man, equivocated at first, then said,
"I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things."
This man reports "news" to the U.S.A.?

Dan Rather is one of the stars of CBS News, a substantial portion of the
media and the war. So let us note a mid-November Gallup poll that rated the
media at 43 percent approval in reporting the war on terrorism – with Bush 89
percent, Rumsfeld 80, Congress 77 and the postal service 77 percent. People
are catching on to the warped media.

Snippets of Shame

Herewith are a few snippets about our media manipulators:

Helen Thomas, former UPI reporter, in her gushing introduction of Bill
Clinton, the most disgraced U.S. president in history, for a speech, called
him "the man from Hope, and that is what he always gives us, hope." Earlier,
she badgered a Bush spokesman for withholding top secret information on Osama
bin Laden.

Bryant Gumbel of CBS News, during the Reagan years called our most popular
president "That damn actor in the White House."

David Westin, president of ABC News, told graduate students at Columbia's
School of Journalism, "The Pentagon as a legitimate terrorist target? I don't
have an opinion on that."

Michael Moore, left-wing filmmaker, on the war on terrorism: "Am I angry? My
leaders have taken my money to fund mass murder."

Loren Jenkins of National Public Radio said he would report any American
commando unit's plan to strike terrorists, even if it meant failure of the
raid and deaths of American commandos. He's a journalist first and foremost.

Charles Gibson, suave co-host of ABC's "Good Morning America" and no fan of
President Bush or of home-schooling, bemoans the lack of national standards
for home-schoolers, despite their superior performance on college entrance
tests. He regularly badmouths home-schooling.

Dave Addis of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, compares the Enron collapse to the
scandals of Bill Clinton in his effort to smear President Bush.

Author Jeffrey Toobin called Florida Secretary of State Kathleen Harris a
"wholly owned subsidiary of the Bush campaign."

Many TV networks gave Hillary Clinton a free pass, to avoid interviews and
embarrassing questions, when she ran for senator from New York.
Media Research Center

L. Brent Bozell III of the respected Media Research Center is launching an
all-out assault via talk shows, newspaper articles and mass mailings in order
to save the White House and both houses of Congress from the ultra-liberals
in the 2002 and 2004 elections.

He makes the following charges, which should wake up complacent voters:

"The national news media are the most powerful arm of the political left. And
they're hell-bent to destroy the conservative movement using any means
available while advancing liberalism, regardless of how corrupt its
standard-bearers might be."
In addition, Beruard Goldberg's new book, Bias (available at the NewsMax
store) exposes the ulra-left-wing corporate news culture in breathtaking
details that put journalistic integrity to shame and disgrace.
Goldberg is a former CBS Insider with the embarrassing "inside" on Peter
Jennings, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather, who now call him a "reactionary
right-wing ideologue" but make no effort to disprove the book.

Goldberg's section on "Liberal Hate Speech" chronicles outrageous quotes from
the media big boys, "revealing shameless bias and frequent stupidity."

"The truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)

Capt. Evans' columns are distributed by the Americanism Educational League of
Buena Park, Calif

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