-Caveat Lector-


The Gemstone File of Bruce Roberts
Onassis, Howard Hughes, JFK, RFK, MLK, Teddy, Jackie, Dickie, Nader, Mary Jo,
and the CIA/Mafia/Big Business
Take-over of the U.S.A. in 1963

20th Century History for Grown-Ups
A searing description of U.S. history from the 1920's to 1975
-Stephanie Caruana, Editor


3 Killers and a Patsy
Johnny Roselli: got paid $250,000
Eugene Brading: got paid ???
Jimmy Fratianno: got paid $250,000
Lee Harvey Oswald: got shot immediately

This History-making Assassination brought to you by that Past Master of Human
....that Monster of Murder and Money-Making....
Aristotle Onassis

Carlos Marcello, Mafia ruler of Louisiana, helped supply the shooters.....
Roberts: "A Mafia dictum: If a guy welches on a deal, kill him, and take his
gun and his girl. In this case, Jackie and the Pentagon."
Robert A. Maheu, Onassis's "contractor", a/k/a/ "IBM" for Iron Bob Maheu,
still thriving in Las Vegas. He's somebody's grandfather, too!

Contents of
Book of Excerpts
Brading at Dallas
Skeleton Key Updated
Part 1
Skeleton Key Updated
Part 2

Masterpiece of Chaos painting: Mathias Grunewald, detail: Temptation of St.
All contents Copyright (c) 2001,2002 by Stephanie Caruana

Gemstone on:
Eugene Brading at Dallas and Elsewhere

[A monthly feature:
Quotes from Gemstone papers
and the Skeleton Key]

Quotes from Roberts' Gemstone papers:

[Antonio Iglesias was one of the CIA-Cuban mob involved in the Bay of Pigs
Operation. Bruce Roberts told me he was also present at the JFK assassination
in Dealey Plaza, with a camera, taking photos. Some of the photos were of
Eugene Brading; one showed him stuffing his rifle under his coat after
shooting at JFK. I have included one photo here showing Brading in his
X-marked leather sombrero. The larger photo of which this picture is a small
part, shows in the top left-hand corner the right-hand corner of the pergola,
so it is possible that Brading had just emerged from the pergola, after
ditching his gun with his back-up man, before his stroll up to the Dal-Tex

Roberts, talking about the double-stamping of 400 dimes at the Denver Mint,
at the moment Kennedy was shot, by a Denver Mint die operator:

Two, from his Denver—Brading and Fratianno, from the Denver Smaldones Mafia
family—had just blown Kennedy's brains out. Brading was photographed at the
scene with a gun. Roselli, from Cohen, was the third shooter. Oswald hit his

Albert Harris, of the California State Crime Commission, was one of those
watching those 1963 events. Including those coins, and my father. A year
after Dallas, all watched Alioto pay off Fratianno, from his San Francisco
First National Bank, for Fratianno's Dallas shot. (The reason for the "Alioto
Mafia Web" story in "Look" was to cover up the purpose of Fratianno's
$100,000 pay-off.)

They watched Onassis, via Maheu, pay off Johnny Roselli: a $250,000 "finder's
fee" for bringing "Hughes" to Las Vegas. They watched Brading become a
courier for Lansky's gambling skim money, from Onassis-"Hughes's" Las Vegas
casinos to Onassis's Swiss banks. From there, the money came back, cleansed,
to purchase government via the "Hughes tax-free Medical Foundation Mafia
Money Funnel," set up by Nixon in 1957. This was just before the
Hughes-Rector kidnap-and-switch, and the Mafia meeting at Appalachin where
Onassis announced it all.

Harris and the CIA Group of 40 covered up the Alioto hit-and-run on my car on
September 16, 1968—as Fratianno, Brading, and Lanza muscled this writer on
behalf of Alioto and Onassis.

Albert Harris's California State Crime files surfaced again. Fratianno and
Brading had been back in town—with Mafia Romano, at Alioto's Sunol. Their
only known profession is Mafia murder—listed in those State Crime files from
a Dun and Bradstreet Credit Report in early 1964, just after Dallas, stating
just that—with the note: "Bad Credit Risk. Mafia." Which did not deter Banker
Alioto's subsequent "loans" to Fratianno.

On November 26, 1974, Harris covered the meeting of the "100 cancer" invited
to Enrico's Restaurant. They included Fratianno, Brading and Leland,
Snedaker, Mummert from the San Francisco Coin Club—for free rubies, free
silver dollars, free gemstone papers. Harris, sick and pressured, picked up
his copies at the Nigerian consulate the next day—for on that day the entire
matter was turned over to the United Nations, publicly. Harris read, and
moaned about "Dallas" over the week-end. Then he "heart-attacked" on the
following Wednesday.

And, on Friday, Kissinger and Scali declared that the U.S. would dismantle
the United Nations—where the gemstone papers were then known to be, publicly.
Harris's boss, Evelle Younger, rushed a State law through banning any further
mention of any State Crime file records—by anyone, anywhere, including
you—and naming specifically the files on Brading, Fratianno, and Romano. It
became law on January 1, a few weeks ago. It is illegal. Our Constitution
states that any law passed in fraud is illegal—including fraudulent
presidential pardon, of murder....

Quotes from the Skeleton Key:

[Robert A.] Maheu [Onassis's assassinations "contractor"] reassigned the [CIA
Castro assassination] team to the murder of JFK. Shooters included Johnny
Roselli and Jimmy Fratianno. To these he added Eugene Brading, a hitman from
the Denver Mafia Smaldones "family." Brading, on parole after a series of
crimes in California, applied for a new driver's license, explaining to the
California DMV that he had decided to change his name—to "Jim Braden."
Brading got his parole officer's permission for two trips to Dallas, in
November, on "oil business": the first time, to look over the planned
assassination spot at Dealey Plaza, and the second time, when JFK was
scheduled for his Dallas trip.

Lee Harvey Oswald, CIA, with carefully planned and planted links to both the
ultra right and to the Communists, was the designated patsy. According to
Roberts, Oswald was supposed to shoot Governor Connally, and he did–twice.

Each of the four shooters, Oswald, Brading, Fratianno and Roselli, had a
timer and a back-up man. Back-up men were supposed to pick up the spent
shells and get rid of the guns. Timers would give the signal to shoot. Hunt
and McCord were there to help. Frank Sturgis was with David Ferrie, ready to
fly some of the team members out of town.

Kennedy was looking up, smiling and waving to the crowd.

Fratianno shot from a second story window in the Dal-Tex building, diagonally
across the street from the Texas School Book Depository. He used a handgun;
he was an excellent shot with a pistol. His first shot hit Kennedy in the
back. Kennedy slumped forward, and Jackie reached for him. He fell back
against the back of the seat.

Johnny Roselli shot from the Overpass, in front of the car. His first shot
may have missed, but his second shot took Kennedy under the chin, traveled
upwards and blew his brains out, splattering with blood the cop riding on the
motorcycle following immediately behind the Presidential car.

Brading shot from the pergola on the right side of Kennedy on Elm Street. His
first shot hit the curb and ricocheted off.

Brading's and Fratianno's second shots both missed, because Roselli's shot
had just hit Kennedy in the head and blown his brains out.

Fratianno and his back-up man were "arrested", driven away from the Dal-Tex
building in a police car, and released (without being booked). (The Dallas
Police office is in the Dal-Tex building.)

The third point of the triangulated ambush was supplied by Eugene Brading
shooting from Kennedy's right, from a small pergola at Dealey Plaza, near the
grassy knoll.

Brading was photographed on the scene stuffing his gun under his coat, a few
seconds after the shooting, by Antonio Iglesias, CIA.

Brading wore a big leather hat, its hatband marked with large conspicuous
X's. (Dallas Police had been instructed to let anyone with an X-marked
hatband, wearing a cross, or who made the sign of the cross, through the
police lines. Some may have been told that these men were Secret Service;
others knew they were the murder team).

After his shots, Brading ditched his gun with his back-up man and walked up
the street toward the Dal-Tex building, where he was photographed again.
Roger Craig, a deputy sheriff, rushed up to Brading, assuming he was Secret
Service, and told him he had just seen a man come out of the Book Depository
and jump into a Rambler station wagon. Brading was uninterested. Brading
walked into the Dal-Tex building to "make a phone call". There he was
arrested by a deputy sheriff, showed his "Jim Braden" driver's license, and
was released without being booked. He departed unmolested. Piece of cake.

A photo of Brading [unidentified], with the caption: Who Is This Man?"],
taken at Dealey Plaza, wearing his broad-brimmed leather hat with its hatband
marked with big white X's, appeared in a paperback book, Legacy of Doubt, by
Peter Noyes.

Eugene Brading was questioned by the FBI two months after his arrest—and
release—at Dallas, and then released again, as part of the Warren
Commission's determination to "leave no stone unturned" in its quest for the
truth about the JKF assassination. In spite of the fact that Brading was a
known criminal with an arrest record dating back about twenty years, the FBI
reported that Brading knew nothing whatsoever about the assassination.

Brading later became a charter member of the La Costa Country Club, Mafia
heaven down near Nixon's Paradise in San Clemente. He also became a runner
for the skim money from the Onassis-"Hughes's" Las Vegas casinos to Onassis's
Swiss Banks.

. After the JFK murder, the time came for the Denver Smaldones family to ask
for their return favor. They had Representative "Gerald Ford" put on the
Warren Commission. His assignment: Hide the role of Eugene Brading and the
rest of the Denver Smaldones Mafia family at Dallas. Gerry Ford did it.

Jim Garrison, New Orleans D.A., who tried to get Eugene Brading out of L.A.
for questioning (but used one of Brading's other aliases, Eugene Bradley, by
mistake), had his witnesses shot out from under him, and was framed on
charges of bribery and extortion.

FBI officers "confiscated" photos of Brading taken on the scene, and hid them
away. But one photo escaped.

The next evening [I'm not sure of this date; maybe 1968, after the
"hit-and-run"?—sc] Brading and Fratianno showed up in the Black Magic Bar.
Brading was wearing his big X-marked hat from Dallas to see whether Roberts
recognized it, and them, and how much he knew. Brading and Fratianno took the
bar stools on each side of Roberts, while another killer stood behind him.
Brading handed Roberts the hat, and asked him what he thought about it.
Roberts took the hat and studied it.

"It's a good hat; that's all I can say for it. But if you wore a beanie,
you'd look just like Pope Montini," he said.

Brading laughed. "Better not let my Rabbi—Rabbi Magnin—hear you say that."

[Note: Rabbi Cyril Magnin was a prominent, wealthy, and politically
well-connected (to the "Democratic" Mafia Mob) San Francisco Rabbi—and Mae
Magnin Brussell's uncle. Her father, Rabbi Edward Magnin, was connected to
the "Republican" side. Her grandfather was the founder of I. Magnin's, and
the family was quite wealthy. I have asked myself whether what begins to look
like Mae's resolute suppression of the contents of the Gemstone File for many
years was due to her family connections; and perhaps whether she got away
with her research, writing and radio programs as long as she did because of
her family's protection. Of course there were other possible reasons as well.
See 1977: Mae Brussell's Dialogue Conspiracy programs on Gemstone, and my
comments on them.—sc]

An MP from the Presidio posted at the end of the bar piped up, "I heard they
let everyone with an X-marked hatband through the police lines at Dallas".

Roberts didn't say a word. He was not in a position to say anything.

He had seen the hat before—in a photo of Brading, taken at Dealey Plaza,
stuffing a rifle under his coat, in the pergola on Elm Street, just after his
shot at JFK. The photo was taken by Antonio Iglesias, CIA—whose sister,
Marina, had been married to Roberts' brother, Dayle Roberts.

3. "Mrs. Giannini's Bank of American Financed the Murder of JFK at Dallas via
Alioto's Fratianno, Brading and Roselli"

Eugene Brading at Dallas: Why, with all the books and lectures featuring
films and photos from Dallas, does no one show or discuss this one? Eugene
Brading, Mafia hit man, was arrested—and released—by the Dallas police
immediately after the shooting. This is the only photo of Eugene Brading at
Dallas ever published. It appeared in a Pinnacle paperback book called
"Legacy of Doubt", by Peter Noyes. The book quickly disappeared. You can see
the big white X's on the hatband. All of the 28-man JFK kill squad could get
through the police lines with the "Dallas Cross"—either by wearing one, or by
making the sign of the cross....

Quotes from Mae Brussell's 1977-8 Radio Broadcasts on Gemstone,
and my comments on her comments:

Mae Brussell reads from the Skeleton Key: "There were 4 shooters, Lee Harvey
Oswald, Eugene Brading, Jimmy Fratianno and John Roselli. E. Howard Hunt and
James McCord were at Dealey Plaza...."

Mae: It's the other way around. There is no proof that Lee Harvey Oswald shot
any gun on November 22, 1963, so I don't believe that Oswald was one of the
shooters at all....

[I find it astonishing that Mae, after 14 years of concentrated study of the
JFK assassination, never seems to venture a specific guess as to the identity
of the assassins, beyond stating, "It wasn't Oswald." My description of the
Dealey Plaza abattoir has changed somewhat, due to more information, but the
general picture remains the same. Roberts might have been wrong about Oswald.
Oswald might have been an "innocent" patsy, and someone else, possibly an
Oswald double, took the shots at Connally while Oswald was elsewhere. But I
believe that FRatianno, Roselli, and Brading were part of the assassination
team. On the Gemstone File, the JFK assassination, though of course a vital
part of the story, is only a part of a continuing story that began with
Joseph P. Kennedy's involvement with Roosevelt, Onassis, and Churchill back
in the 30's and 40's. In order to understand what Roberts is telling us, I
believe one must step back a bit from the JFK assassination and see it in a
larger historical context.
With regard to Oswald's importance in the story, it is really minimal. An
assassination attempt had been planned to occur in Chicago on November 1, and
a killing team was in Chicago at that time. Since no one has thought about
that very much, we don't know who was on that team. No one that I know of has
sought to learn whether Oswald was a part of that team, and whether he was in
Chicago, and what his role would have been. Tom Vallee, identified by Roberts
as one of the team members in the Chicago attempt, was supposedly a "double"
for Oswald. This should be investigated.

[Seeing Mae's section of the Gemstone File itself [dating from 1970-1972]
after all this time, I can say that I made at least one serious mistake in my
original Skeleton Key account. According to Roberts, Johnny Roselli shot from
the overpass, in front of the limousine, not from the grassy knoll. His shot
took JFK under the chin and blew his brains out, splattering blood on the
motorcycle cop riding directly behind the Presidential car.—sc]

Mae: Again, this is questionable. Nobody saw Johnny Roselli at Dealey Plaza.
He was a well-known Mafia man in 1963. That doesn't mean he wasn't there. But
he says that Fratianno shot one shot from the Dal-Tex Building and Roselli
did the fatal shot. The third point of the fatal triangulation he claims was
supplied by Eugene Brading from that small pergola at Dealey Plaza. Now
Brading is a Mafia member who later went on to join the early La Costa gang
down in San Clemente. Brading was seen in Dealey Plaza, and he was using
aliases, and he did walk over to the Dal-Tex building afterwards to make a
telephone call. He could have left a gun in the bushes that another man
picked up. I know Oswald didn't shoot Connally. I don't know about Fratianno.
Roselli is dead, killed right after he testified before the Senate House
Select Committee. And Eugene Brading has never been called to testify before
any one.


Your choice: Propose a topic or ask a question
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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