-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The 'Wright' Way to Cancel the Tax HearingMr. Schulz,

With all due respect to you and my fellow believers, I do not think we will
ever get the federal government to release us from the income tax bondage.
If such an event should miraculously occur, I suspect it would be short-lived
or replaced with another form or taxation equally restricting our liberties
and freedoms.

Our founding fathers fought and toiled equally over negotiations with King
George.  They finally realized there was a time to cease talking and to
put-up or shut-up, drawing a line in the sand, if you will.

Today, history repeats itself.  King George will not surrender the power
derived from an aggressive and abusive taxation laid on the backs of the
Sovereign People.  King George and his alliance as well as his predecessors
have outwardly made a mockery of the Constitution and Bill Of Rights.  The
tuff decisions once made by our Founding Fathers must now be made by the
Sovereign People.  God's Law and the law of the Constitution and Bill of
Rights are un-yielding, as this is the guilt we have for allowing ourselves
to be subjective to tyrants and "want-to-be lords".  For we know no man or
government nor law should deny or take away our God given rights or freedoms.

As George Washington once said and the same should be said today for history
has repeated itself:
"The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans
are to be free men or slaves, whether they are to have any property they can
call their own, whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and
destroyed and themselves confined to a state of wretchedness from which no
human efforts will deliver them.  The fate of unborn millions will now
depend, under God, on the courage of this army.  Our cruel and unrelenting
enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject
submission.  We have, therefore, to resolve to resolve to conquer or die." -
George Washington

Now is the time for all good men/women to come to the aid of their country.
Now, not six days, six months, or six years from now.  If our Founding
Fathers and relatives were alive today, make no mistake about what they would
do.  They would start impeachment proceeding today, going night and day,
until the President and every member of Congress was either impeached, ran
out of town, or hung for treason.  Some may think that is a radical.  But I
will tell you what's radical!  The crimes involving heavy and continuous
taxation, turning our monetary system over to the Federal Reserve, applying
Executive Orders to rule the Sovereign People, War Powers, Fuel Taxes,
Employment Taxes, Property Taxes, the Social Security hoax, creating a
federal police force, plus a thousand other socialist schemes against the
Sovereign People.  That's radical!  The radical's are the elected and
appointed officials including all others who have participated in their
cover-up turning their backs on the Constitution and Bill Of Rights.  They
are a den of thieves!

The President of the United States can make no law.  Congress is the only
branch of government with the power to make law.  And  remember this: "No
powers can be exercised by the Congress which are prohibited by the
Constitution or which are contrary to its spirit."  - Justice McLean - The
Congressional Record, House, Feb. 26, 1900, page 2290.

Yes, the Sovereign People of America needs a leader.  And you will not find
that leader leading the Republican nor Democratic Party.  To rebel against
the power elite may be considered a death march, but who among us had rather
march the road to slavery than to freedom?  To join today's Freedom March
does not require your signature, in fact, quite the opposite.  No signature
or filing is required.  The only people who need to file or owe Federal
Income Tax are those who are employed by the Federal Government, live in a 10
mile radius of Washington D.C., or live in Guam, the American Samoa Islands,
Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands.  The majority of the Sovereign People
residing in one of the Sovereign States of the Union do not owe Federal
Income Tax, and are not required by the Constitution to file a Federal Income
Tax.  I believe 132 million in-slaved Taxpayers CAN tell 435 Congressman, 100
Senators and 1 President WHAT TO DO!  This is not about overthrowing our
Government, it's about taking our government back.  Establishing a government
responsible to God, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The National Taxpayer's Union says that taxes have gone up 175,000% in the
last 83 years (1918-2001).  And what are we doing about it?  Talk is cheap!
Actions speak louder than words.

"Our federal tax system is, in short, utterly impossible, utterly unjust and
completely counterproductive [it] reeks with injustice and is fundamentally
un-American...it has earned a rebellion and it's time we rebelled." -
President Ronald Reagan, May 1983, Williamsburg, VA

"If no information or return is filed, [the] Internal Revenue Service cannot
assess you." - Gary Makovski, Special IRS Agent, testifying under oath in US
v. Lloyd.

"I don't like the income tax.  Every time we talk about these taxes we get
around to the idea of 'from each according to his capacity and to each
according to his needs'.  That's socialism.  It's written into the Communist
Manifesto.  Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return
receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what's
happening to him." - T. Coleman Andrews, Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
May 25, 1956 in US. News & World Report.

"In a recent conversation with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I
was amazed when he told me that 'If the taxpayers of this country ever
discover that the IRS operates on 90% bluff the entire system will
collapse'." - Henry Bellmon, Senator (1969)

"Our tax system is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon
distraint." - United States Supreme Court, in Flora v. United States

"Our tax system is based on individual self-assessment and voluntary
compliance." - Mortimer Caplin, Internal Revenue Audit Manual (1975)

"The United States has a system of taxation by confession." - Hugo Black,
Supreme Court Justice, in U.S.A Kahriger.

"Only the rare taxpayer would be likely to know that he could refuse to
produce his records to IRS agents...Who would believe the ironic truth that
the cooperative taxpayer fares much worse than the individual who relies upon
his constitutional rights." - Judge Cummings, U.S. Federal Judge, in US. v.
Dickerson (7th Circuit 1969

"Let me point this out now.  Your income tax is 100 percent voluntary tax,
and your liquor tax is 100 percent enforced tax.  Now, the situation is as
different as night and day.  Consequently, your same rules just will not
apply..." - Dwight E. Avis, former head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax
Division of the IRS, testifying before a House Ways and Means subcommittee in

Mr. Schulz, I respectfully submit that there's been enough committee meetings
and hearings on the Constitutionality of applying income tax to the masses.
They will not relinquish the fear over the uninformed.  Perhaps this is
another reason the Federal Government finds it so important to control the
public education system.  Mind control fueled by fear.  Only fear will keep
the masses marching to the drum beat.

The road to freedom is a road seldom traveled.

Beaver Cole

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Bob Schulz
  To: Edgar L. Cole
  Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 8:10 AM
  Subject: The time has come for us to stand together

  If you can't read this, visit

              An Appeal to Every Organization That Stands For Liberty

              The Time Has Come For Us to Stand Together


              I am writing this letter to ask for your help.

              As you may know, We The People Foundation For Constitutional
Education, Inc. has been working diligently for years to expose the grave
danger that bloated, wasteful and out-of-control government poses to our
unalienable rights as Americans. This appeal is being sent to the leaders of
every major organization that is fighting to defend our Constitution and Bill
of Rights, and ultimately, the very survival of our Republic.

              Robert Schulz
              We The People Foundation
                for Constitutional Education, Inc.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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