-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

How America's immigration policy welcomes terror, cultural revolution



© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

America has thrown open its national doors and laid out the welcome mat for
murderers, revolutionaries and terrorist sleeper agents, according to the new
edition of Whistleblower magazine, WorldNetDaily's highly popular monthly
print magazine.

Titled "INVASION USA!" the blockbuster February issue (subtitled, "How
America's disastrous immigration policy has welcomed terror and cultural
revolution") unearths and documents a stunning but undeniable reality:
Terrorists are flocking to the United States because of the nation's
phenomenally lax – many say suicidal – border and immigration policies.

"In the past four months, since Sept. 11," said Joseph Farah, editor of
WorldNetDaily and Whistleblower, "most Americans have become aware for the
first time that our nation's borders are a sieve. Terrorists and their
supporters, if they want to get into America, can do so. In fact, it's easy.
This issue of Whistleblower is the most comprehensive, hardest-hitting
journalistic exposé yet on this immense problem."

High points of the issue include:

Farah's clarion call to "Seal our borders";

Reporter J. Zane Walley's stunning on-scene report from the U.S.-Mexico
border documenting how Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into the
U.S. from Mexico (with exclusive photos);

Rebecca Hagelin's exposé – featuring interviews with federal whistleblowers
– on how corruption at the U.S. Customs Service has opened a major door for
terrorists to attack America;

Clinton impeachment prosecutor David P. Schippers' outrageous but true story
of how Bill Clinton and Al Gore pressured the Immigration and Naturalization
Service to naturalize literally thousands of criminals as America citizens –
all so they could vote for Clinton and Gore;

Veteran Mideast expert Daniel Pipes' insightful and principled plan for
effectively fighting militant Islam in America, while safeguarding the rights
of law-abiding Muslims;

Terror expert and investigative reporter Steven Emerson's look at Canada, and
how the United States' northern border – like the one it shares with Mexico
– is a key terrorist entry point into the U.S.;

Joseph Farah and Art Moore's eye-opening report on "America's 'Palestinians,"
documenting how unchecked immigration is fueling a growing secessionist
movement in the American southwest.
February's Whistleblower also features a special piece by former White House
FBI agent and federal whistleblower Gary Aldrich, as well as a powerful,
extended excerpt from Patrick J. Buchanan's explosive new book, "The Death of
the West," in which the author points out a much larger – and in many ways,
even more troubling – immigration-related problem than America's opening up
its national doors to terrorists:

"America has undergone a cultural and social revolution," writes Buchanan.
"We are not the same country that we were in 1970 or even 1980. We are not
the same people. …

"While the awful events of September 11 created a national unity unseen since
Pearl Harbor … they also exposed a new divide," he writes. "This chasm in our
country is not one of income, ideology, or faith, but of ethnicity and
loyalty. Suddenly, we awoke to the realization that among our millions of
foreign-born, a third are here illegally, tens of thousands are loyal to
regimes with which we could be at war, and some are trained terrorists sent
here to murder Americans. ...

"Uncontrolled immigration threatens to deconstruct the nation we grew up in
and convert America into a conglomeration of peoples with almost nothing in
common – not history, heroes, language, culture, faith, or ancestors.
Balkanization beckons."

If you want to understand America's mind-boggling immigration problem – and
find out what steps the U.S. government can and must take to end
out-of-control immigration – read the February edition of Whistleblower.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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