-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Fallout Shelters Fall Short in U.S.
Dave Eberhart, NewsMax.com
Friday, Feb. 15, 2002
Despite intelligence of homespun "dirty nukes” and the inevitable use by
terrorists of nuclear device delivery via cruise missiles, the new federal
Office of Homeland Security is not promoting fallout shelters, according to
spokesman Gordon Johndroe. The reasoning behind the policy has the most to do
with dollars and cents, with a little history and psychology percolating in
the mix.
According to Commander Michael Dobbs, a policy planner on the Joint Staff, an
effective shelter program would cost $60 billion, 30 times the cost of
implementing a crisis relocation strategy in large cities.

"Evacuation is still the primary protective measure in the event of a nuclear
incident,” said Don Jacks of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

'Duck and Cover'

Edwin Lyman, scientific director for Nuclear Control Institute, has evaluated
the state of affairs as nothing less than a return to the primitive Cold War
ritual of "duck and cover.”

"If there were a nuclear explosion of relatively small yield, people who are
maybe tens of miles away would have something like a half an hour to shelter
themselves,” Lyman said. "Does this mean that the U.S. should reactivate a
system of fallout shelters? I don’t know.”

According to Dobbs, civil defense programs have historically been on the
government’s back burner. Annual appropriations for civil defense never
totaled much more than $1 billion (1962) and, from 1952 to 1986, varied
between $200 million and $400 million.

In 1984 per capita federal expenditures for civil defense programs were 75
cents, contrasted with $6 for ballistic missile defense and $1,350 for the
Department of Defense.

In 1957, with a bellicose Soviet Union flexing, President Dwight Eisenhower
refused to initiate a fallout shelter program. Following through with his
campaign promises of "missile gap” catch-up with the Reds, however, President
John Kennedy was an exception to the rule, calling for "a fallout shelter for
everyone as rapidly as possible.”

In 1972 President Richard Nixon followed the lead of his former boss and
refused to augment civil defense programs.

And it is not just the government that’s been slow to get hot and bothered by
the issue.

In a 1953 poll, Americans were asked whether they were likely to build an air
raid shelter within the next year. Fewer than 3 percent said yes. True to the
poll, 10 years later, fewer than one in 50 Americans had built any kind of
shelter. And this was the time of the Cuban missile crisis, when fears of
nuclear holocaust were nearly pandemic.

According to Dobbs, the public apathy toward shelters during the Cold War was
mostly grounded in a mind-set that such preparations were futile in the face
of a large-scale nuclear exchange.

But that mind-set is changing and was well on its way to being recast, even
before September 11.

In a 1999 survey by the Pew Research Center, 64 percent of those polled
stated that they thought a major terrorist attack on the U.S. involving
biological or chemical weapons would happen sometime over the next half

The experts agree. They now see nuclear attacks from terrorists or a rogue
nation as limited in scope and duration, making precautions for a WMD
incident prudent. There is no more exaggerated fear of "nuclear winter.”

The experts also agree that despite all that is being done by the states and
the federal government, self-help will be the rule for many citizens during
the initial hours of a large-scale nuclear incident.

The rub, according to Dobbs: "We are spending billions to train first
responders and local leaders, but very little to train the general public.”
He suggested that FEMA provide citizens with information on how to protect
themselves and their families from attack just as the Home Front Command does
in Israel. Another imperative: tax incentives for Americans who install a
sheltered space in their home.

Dobbs also sees the nation’s stockpiling of antidotes such as the
controversial potassium iodide as a step in the right direction, but of
limited utility for those who have to wait days after an incident until the
medicines can be distributed.

Gimme Shelter

In the meantime, some Americans are voting with their pocketbooks and digging
up their backyards just like the good old days of the Cold War. "They’re
treating me less like a crazy woman than they did before,” Dr. Jane Orient of
Tucson, Ariz., who promotes home shelters as head of Doctors for Disaster
Preparedness, told NewsMax.com.

Fallout shelters are a good defense from radiation but are woefully
inadequate in the U.S. and should become a government priority, she said.

Dr. Orient’s favored example: "If that soot raining down in Brooklyn [from
the World Trade Center] had been radioactive, there would be many thousands,
maybe millions of people dying slow, agonizing deaths from radiation sickness
that could have been prevented had people had access to shelter.”

If she had it her way, the U.S. would be more like the Russians, Chinese or
Swiss. The Moscow subways double as shelters, equipped with blast doors. Much
of the population of Beijing could be evacuated underground in about 10
minutes. And Switzerland has shelter for 110 percent of its population in
private homes and public buildings.

In starkest contrast, companies such as Boeing that have contracts with the
government are proscribed from preparing shelter space for emergency

It all comes full circle and back to the dollars and cents. There are plans
for basement shelters that cost as little as several thousand dollars.
However, for really effective protection against biological, nuclear and
chemical threats, prices jump to $40,000 and higher. The deluxe shelters are
equipped with air filtration systems and hand-pump toilets, allowing people
to hold out from 30 days to several months.

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