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Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 23:55:28 EST

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Ether Zone


By: Dorothy Anne Seese

They're fighting mad and they have a right to be.

 For anyone who isn't mentally incapacitated by
ABC-CBS-NBC news, or CNN, you should know that
Americans are not a free people and we do not live in
a free nation. Government has separated from the
people and become Planet Washington D.C.

You should also know who is at fault besides the
government ... YOU.

American willingness to believe major media, to want
government "protection" that violates a citizen's
privacy or other freedoms under the Bill of Rights,
and the increasing reliance on government to protect
individual security has given us everything short of
martial law, which appears to be on its way soon.  The
Pentagon wishes to appoint a four-star general in
charge of "homeland defense" and that means farewell
and goodbye to the Posse Comitatus act.

 Many of us, but perhaps not enough of us, can see
that we are no longer a free nation.

If the liberal, or even "impartial" media told the
truth about what has been going on in this nation,
there would have been an uprising after the Waco
conflagration.   There has been much evidence
presented (but not on the six o'clock news) about why
Timothy McVeigh alone could not have brought down the
Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, there had to be
additional explosives involved that he did not
possess.  Yet when he was executed, Americans went
back to sleep, content that the government had seen to
it that "justice" was satisfied.


The cover-up of the bombing of TWA Flight 800, the
confusion being generated over Flight 587 that crashed
in New York, the land grabs out west, the rural
cleansing that is occurring by government backing of
hyper-environmentalism and land-use restrictions,
withholding of water or other essentials to farmers,
and other violations of rights of citizens are each
and every one sufficient for us to recall most of the
members in Congress (both houses) and the present
administration, as well as prosecuting the leadership
of the immediate past administration.

We're a sold-out nation and most Americans do not
realize it, but enough do that they are willing to
fight unless this tyranny is stopped.

Some folks consider me a radical or right-wing
fanatic.  Actually, all I do is work as an analyst of
times, trends and events and write down what to me is
obvious.   Also, I get feedback emails from the
columns that are published, and many of these tell me
just how far our patriotic backbone of America is
willing to take this war against government tyranny.

This nation has been the target of globalism for
decades and the globalists are now closing in with the
last and final attack against America ... that is the
Constitution and Bill of Rights, and along with it,
the Christian church (which is sitting in the corner
worried about its IRS status rather than sounding out
the cry of Paul Revere from the pulpits).

Most Americans now seem to be waking up to the fact
that the "war against terrorism" in Afghanistan was a
military exercise to unseat the Taliban not because
they were terrorists or radicals, but because they
were uncooperative with the global agenda and the
interests of multinational big oil.  How many folks
now are really concerned with Osama bin Laden?  The
interest has waned in government (because they needed
a face of evil) and in the public.

The next step toward complete abrogation of all
American freedom will be preceded by another
"terrorist attack" of some sort, enough to frighten
the public into surrendering the remainder of its
freedom without so much as a whimper.  All Americans,
except those who understand how the agenda works and
what to expect, will panic and surrender.  It will
apparently not affect those whose focus is on the
restoration of a constitutional America. At least,
they are saying it will not.

Most of America's citizens are more concerned about
how Enron's collapse will affect our economy and their

What's destroying our economy is the stranglehold of
the large multinational corporations and government
treaties that are taking American jobs away and
sending them overseas, and at the same time driving
the farmers and independent American landowners off
their land so they cannot produce food and provide for
the nation.  It's a matter of TOTAL government
control.  Ask the Klamath Farmers and dozens of others
who know what the term "rural cleansing" means.  They
know first hand.

Try to start a profitable entrepreneurial business
today and you have a very slight chance of success
with all the government red-tape.

The next in line, after the economy (and we cannot
believe that our leadership wants the economy to
recoup without total global interdependence) is the
last of the Christian churches that will never
"register" to have their message dictated and
controlled by government political correctness.  They
and their congregations will be in grave personal
danger for their faith.

>From what I can observe, the wheat has mostly been
harvested and the tares are taking over the fields.

That means, to me, that this world is not far from the
promised Final Judgment.   Look at the Enron record of
debauchery ... it was all greed, lust, immorality
through and through, a Roman circus of depraved human
behavior.  That isn't true capitalism, that's the mark
of imperialism or oligarchy.  Something went wrong,
they failed, and now they can either go to jail or
kill themselves.  What happens to the little people?
I don't know.  If I had been working in a mess like
that (and I don't think they would have tolerated me
ten minutes nor I them) then running away would have
been my answer.  No job is worth compromising your
character ... if you have any you won't compromise it
or rationalize it away.

We've lived it up in America, at the cost of our
freedom, our self-respect and the virtues espoused by
our founders, and the time has come to pay the piper.

All those nice toys didn't come without a hidden price
tag in addition to what you paid the cashier at the

If our enemies don't nuke us, then we will probably
become a banana republic because there are so many
laws against private citizens trying to rebuild the
America that was, it will be impossible to rebuild it
without first returning to our constitutional base and
the tenets of biblical morality.  Maybe the people
won't have it.  If they won't, they will get the
banana republic they deserve, and America, as it was,
will be history ... rewritten history at that, because
the revisionists are already at work.

However, if my analysis of times, trends and events is
correct, this nation will not go down without a second
American Revolution.

It's brewing now ... the question is, where will the
Tea Party take place?
Dorothy Anne Seese is a freelance political writer for
Patch Work papers and a regular columnist for Ether
Zone. We invite you to visit her website at
Flagship..many interesting articles.
Anne Seese can be reached at <A 
Published in the February 6, 2002 issue of  Ether
Zone. Copyright © 1997 - 2002 Ether Zone.
A Note from The Past..... "... God forbid we should
ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The
people cannot be all,and always, well informed. The
part which is wrong will be discontented, in
proportion to the importance of the facts they
misconceive. If they remain quiet  under such
misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of
death to the public liberty. ... And what country can
preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned
from time to time, that this people preserve the
spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy
is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and
pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a
century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed
from time to time, with the blood of patriots and
tyrants. It is its natural manure." -- Thomas
Jefferson, Nov. 13, 1787, letter to William S. Smith,
see Jefferson On Democracy, 20 (S. Padover ed. 1939).

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