-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Netanyahu Says Arafat Must Go
Mon Feb 18, 2:47 PM ET
By KARIN LAUB and DAN PERRY, Associated Press Writers

Exuding confidence that he will return to power, former Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu (news - web sites) said Monday that Israel must remove
Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) and destroy the Palestinian Authority (news
- web sites) — perhaps via military assault — before peace talks can resume.


AP Photo

In an interview with The Associated Press, Netanyahu said he has no qualms
about challenging Ariel Sharon (news - web sites), a sitting prime minister
from his own Likud Party, and that he was gratified by polls showing Israelis
— who sent him packing in a 1999 election — now give him widespread support.

Netanyahu, 52, has been speaking throughout the United States and Israel, and
has criticized Sharon for stopping short of what Netanyahu believes is the
only way to end terror attacks against Israelis — the removal of Arafat.

"The goal is to defeat the terror regime, to effectively bring it down," he
said at his well-appointed office in a modern high-tech complex in Jerusalem.
"And that goal is easily attainable."

Netanyahu said he wasn't suggesting Israel physically harm Arafat. But
instead of restricting Arafat to his compound in the West Bank town of
Ramallah as Sharon has done, the Palestinian leader should be allowed to
leave — but not to return.

"He keeps wanting to go abroad — I think we should not hinder him from doing
so," Netanyahu said. "I would very much like to see him have a happy
retirement with his friends from Tripoli ... with his friends from Baghdad."

Israel also should eliminate the terrorist infrastructure that has been
established in the West Bank and Gaza, which would be "a very simple thing to
do, not very complicated and not very costly," Netanyahu said.

He was evasive about the exact steps he would take, but hinted strongly at a
large-scale military operation: "Israel has not used a fraction of a fraction
of the means that it has available, as you can imagine."

Netanyahu said deterrence would no longer work with the Palestinian
leadership, because "at this point Arafat is already in 'Never-Never-Land.'"

In a meeting Monday with hard-line legislators, Sharon rejected the idea of
destroying the Palestinian Authority. "Do you want to sit in Gaza and run the
civil administration there? I don't want to sit in Gaza," he said. "I hear
such advice from ... self-appointed experts."

Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat condemned Netanyahu's comments.
"It's very irresponsible, very shortsighted and very unacceptable," Erekat
said. "The Palestinian people chose President Arafat.... It just reflects the
danger of the likes of Netanyahu who really, in their attitude, reflect a
lack of concern for human life."

Netanyahu opposed the 1993 interim agreements with Arafat's PLO. As prime
minister from 1996 to 1999, he put the brakes on the land-for-peace process
and had mostly acrimonious relations with the Palestinians. Still, he did
negotiate two interim peace deals and handed over most of the West Bank town
of Hebron.

He also developed a reputation for adventurism that dogged him throughout his
tenure and contributed to his landslide defeat. But in light of almost 17
months of fighting, Netanyahu's hard-line ideas are again in vogue and he
clearly feels vindicated and combative.

The Palestinian Authority is "truly a corrupt, backward, primitive regime
that oppresses the Palestinians, that kneecaps anyone who dares to disagree
with Arafat ... that controls the media, sucks all the money, leaves the
Palestinians in an impoverished state," he maintained.

He said that as prime minister he would only resume peace talks once
terrorism was wiped out, and then offer much less than his successor Ehud
Barak (news - web sites) did a year ago — a Palestinian state in almost all
of the West Bank and Gaza with a foothold in east Jerusalem.

That this "wild" offer was rejected by Arafat proves the Palestinian leader's
true intention remains to destroy the Jewish state, Netanyahu said.

Sharon has said a Palestinian state is inevitable eventually — but Netanyahu
disagreed. A state, Netanyahu said, would mean Palestinian control of borders
and airspace — with the potential of bringing in weapons and making military
pacts with Israel's enemies — and that this Israel could not allow.

At the same time Netanyahu said he strongly opposed expelling masses of
Palestinians, once a fringe idea that is drawing increasing support.

On the wall of Netanyahu's conference room hung a large map of Israel, the
West Bank and Gaza, and an etching of the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
Behind him was a floor plan of the terminal at Uganda's Entebbe Airport —
where Netanyahu's brother Yonathan was killed while leading a 1976 rescue
operation of Israeli hostages; Netanyahu's acceptance in the West as a
counterterrorism expert dates to that raid.

Netanyahu stunned the world when he edged out Nobel Peace laureate Shimon
Peres in a 1996 election. His years in power were marked by bitter divisions
within the public and between Netanyahu and Israel's security, academic and
business elites.

However, polls show that he would stand a good chance of being elected today.

In a survey of right-wing voters published in the Maariv newspaper last
weekend, 48 percent said they preferred Netanyahu to lead Likud into the next
election; in the survey of 509 people, which had a 4.5 percent error margin,
only 33 percent said they backed Sharon.

All current polls show the right wing winning an election today. The next
general election must be held by November 2003, and many expect it sooner.

"I'm very gratified by the fact that both in the general public and in my own
party there's widespread support for me," said the stocky, gray-haired
Netanyahu, adding that he saw nothing wrong with challenging Sharon because
"we do not have a dynastic ruler."

Looking back on his tumultuous years in power, Netanyahu acknowledged making
"quite a few mistakes" but insisted these were primarily in the realm of

"The policies were sound, and many Israelis have had the chance to think
about that again."

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