-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

22 February 2002
Federalist Edition #02-08
Friday Digest

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The Foundation
Federalist Perspective


"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of
Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and
humbly to implore his protection and favor." --George Washington


Top of the fold...

President George W. Bush traveled to Asia this week, visiting Japan,
South Korea, and Red China, and noting, "All three governments are
lending their support in our war against terror. ...[And I] thank them
on behalf of a grateful nation, for their steady and strong support as
this nation leads a coalition to defend freedom." Japan may be
experiencing mere economic discomforts and dislocations, but freedom
is still threatened in large areas of that region.

At his last stop on the tour, Mr. Bush chose to concentrate on areas
of agreement with the Chinese Communists and his best hopes for
further agreements, saying, "I encourage China to be a force for peace
among its neighbors. My government hopes that China will strongly
oppose the proliferation of missile and other deadly technologies."
Mr. Bush reminded that no nation is "exempt from the demands of human
dignity," and he pointedly included mention of where freedom is
lacking for the Chinese people, who "should be free to choose how they
live, how they worship and how they work."

Mr. Bush added: "For centuries, this country had a tradition of
religious tolerance. My prayer is that all persecution will end, so
that all in China are free to gather and worship as they wish. Faith
points to a moral law beyond man's law and calls us to duties higher
than material gain. Freedom of religion is not something to be feared,
it's to be welcomed, because faith gives us a moral core and teaches
us to hold ourselves to high standards, to love and to serve others,
and to live responsible lives. America is a nation guided by faith."

And President Bush peered into one dark hole of the "axis of evil"
across the demilitarized zone separating our ally South Korea from
Communist North Korea, saying similarly that "no nation should be a
prison for its own people." Repeating his characterization of North
Korea as "evil," Mr. Bush commented on its museum holding axes used to
murder non-Communists, and its disordered priorities: " Korean
grandparents should be free to spend their final years with those they
love. Korean children should never starve while a massive army is

In the second black hole of the "axis of evil," Iran has continued
meddling across the border in Afghanistan, attempting to destabilize
the interim government before it can truly free the Afghan people.
Intelligence reports count "scores" of infiltrators, including agents
from the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, the Iranian spy
service, and Iranian special forces troops from the Revolutionary
Guards Corps. One U.S. official described them thus: "They are armed
to the teeth, and they have lots of money to buy people off." Expect
this dangerous situation to persist, as Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal
Kharazi disingenuously said, "We are determined to remain in
Afghanistan as long as the government and the people want us to do
so." No wonder suspended bombing runs had to recommence over
Afghanistan last weekend to protect our fighters! And little surprise,
then, that interim Afghan leader Hamid Karzai now asserts that the
tourism minister murdered last week, Dr. Abdul Rahman, was in reality
assassinated by opponents mingling with hajjis en route to Muslim
pilgrim sites!

Similar destabilization moves have been undertaken against Pakistan,
of course. We note with sadness confirmation that Wall Street Journal
reporter Daniel Pearl has been murdered by his kidnappers -- as part
of such actions. Pearl's abductors have stated they killed him because
he was a Jew and was pro-Israel. Our prayers go out to his wife,
child, family and friends.

And rounding out the trio of the "axis of evil," Saddam is next up.
Asked Thursday about plans to "take out" any identified weapons of
mass destruction facilities in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
replied, "We certainly wouldn't discuss it in a press conference." As
reported in The Federalist last week, and in the rest of the national
media this week, "The Pentagon and CIA are currently filling in final
mobilization details for an assault on Iraq using 225,000 U.S. troops.
Battle orders could be issued within 60 days."

Memo to Saddam: Since 1991, the "bunker busters" have gotten better
and the "smart weapons" have gotten wiser -- by several orders of

Visiting the Olympics to encourage troops serving on the home front,
Mr. Rumsfeld said, "I would not think that the Winter Olympics in Salt
Lake City would be characterized as the ending of having to invest in
security, homeland security, or in the war on terrorism. This is an
important world event. And you're right, we have more people in Utah
participating in this Joint Task Force Olympics and various aspects of
it than we do in Afghanistan. And we have that because it's such an
important event and because we want to make sure it's a safe event for
the world."

That said, we do seem to be doing well in rolling up incipient Jihadi
terror plots in concert with our allies! Sources reported late
Wednesday the Liberty Bell has been targeted, although
"nonspecifically," and moving terrorist cells were arrested in both
Rome and Turkey this week -- before they could hit.

But Team Bush conflicts, frictions between diplo-babblers favoring
increased international security force arrangements in Afghanistan and
warriors leaning more toward training up a real Afghan army, persist.
Regarding the infighting between the Bush administration and Secretary
of State Colin Powell, a few naïfs on your Editorial Board were
hopeful the initial "disagreements" were part of a "good-cop/bad-cop"
strategy. But Powell's erupting embarrassments to the team, and
especially his general failure to fall in line behind the
Commander-in-Chief, now fall into the category of insubordination.
Alas, your Editorial Board's cynics were right in holding fast those
"conservative ideas" Powell long ago forgot, including healthy
skepticism about working with Leftists!

Quote of the week...

"The long-awaited 'campaign finance reform' vote finally took place
last week, with the House ultimately passing the measure. The debate
was full of hypocritical high-minded talk about cleaning up
corruption, all by the very politicians of both parties who dole out
BILLIONS in corporate subsidies and welfare pork. It was quite a
spectacle watching the big-spending, perennially-incumbent politicians
argue that new laws were needed to protect them from themselves!" --
Rep. Ron Paul

Ah, yes, "campaign finance reform" -- for politicos the functional
equivalent of condoms!

On cross-examination...

"With their suffocating insularity, the media almost never allow a
second for the concept that opposition to squashing campaign speech is
based on idealism. Nor when it comes to their side, seldom do they
mention the possibility that supporting 'reform' could be a scheme for
Democratic advantage. ...The target is conservatism. Liberals believe
they can pass liberal legislation much more easily if they don't have
conservative and business lobbies making an end-around the liberal
media, giving their perspective to the American public -- even if they
have to pay to do so. ...To the liberal media, a victory for
conservatism just cannot be 'in the interests of voters.' They can't
possibly believe voters would find it in their interest to oppose
liberalism. Conservatives now muzzled, they can hope voters never
learn what is in their best interest other than what liberals say is
in their best interest." --Brent Bozell

Open Query...

"There is evil in the world, and it coagulates, it gathers force, and
if it bursts its bounds endangers everybody. 'Axis of evil'? Yes,
there can be such things. How could we ever have doubted it? What
dream were we living in, what sort of mist, what fog?" --Michael Novak

The BIG lie...

"We're for traditional values. In many ways, the ACLU is the nation's
most conservative organization. Our job is to conserve America's
original civic values -- the Constitution and the Bill of Rights --
and defend the rights of every man, woman and child in this country."
--ACLU declaring itself "conservative" on their website.

News from the Swamp...

Reactions continued to last week's passage of so-called campaign
finance reform in the House of Representatives. The gas now floating
around the Swamp is that Mr. Bush, while knowing portions of
Shays-Meehan are unconstitutional, will still sign the measure if it
reaches his desk, counting on the Supremes to strike down at least
some of its most noxious parts. Team Bush political machinators, too
smart by half, are advocating this course, arguing that the high court
is likely to remove a few provisions most slanted against Republicans,
that Mr. Bush's 2004 presidential campaign will not be much affected
anyway, and that he will gain Leftmedia kudos for signing it and
cannot take the heat were he to veto it.

While all the campaign finance reform (AKA "incumbent protection")
pontificators issue polemics on the evils of money, and are joined in
that chorus by their Leftmedia sycophants, the worst inherent danger
of the current legislation has not really been aired. It is not as
much that the current legislation favors the voice of unions and other
sources of Leftist payola while silencing many other "special
interests," as that it leaves the power to make kings almost entirely
in the hands of the Leftmedia.

As The Federalist reiterated last week, the congressional majority
passing this excrescence ignored their oaths to "support" the
Constitution, and Mr. Bush's oath is even more serious -- to
"preserve, protect and defend the Constitution."  As friend of The
Federalist Cal Thomas noted, "Lest we forget (and a majority of the
House last week apparently did when it passed its version of a
campaign finance reform bill), the Constitution says in the First
Amendment: 'Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of
speech...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of grievances'." Signing a bill
he knows to be contrary to that oath would be such an abdication of
his official duties that National Review deems it "a betrayal."

But we have a better idea -- a "conservative" idea best not forgotten!

When the Senate debated campaign finance reform last year, Team Bush
listed the simple "reform principles" the President favors -- almost
none of which are in Shays-Meehan. Mr. Bush wanted to "maintain strong
political parties" -- not in there. He requested "paycheck protection"
banning use of union due for politics without explicit worker consent
-- not there. And he requested protection of "the rights of citizen
group to engage in issue advocacy" -- not there -- and in fact so
burdensome on individuals' First Amendment advocacy rights that even
some Shays-Meehan supporters agreed the Supreme Court could strike
them down.

Memo to W: Two wrongs don't make a right ... nor do they make an
excuse. And they certainly don't make a "smart" political move! Call a
press conference at the National Archives, read the First Amendment to
our Constitution and then ceremoniously dispose of this "Incumbent
Protection Act" -- as you promised you would do last January!

Memo to John McCain: "Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe."
--Theodore Roosevelt

And from the House of Lords, Demo Sen. Teddy Kennedy was invited to an
event this week trumpeting passage of President Bush's "No Child Left
Behind" education bill, but Kennedy used the platform to denigrate
vouchers. "I'm strongly opposed to the $4 billion in terms of the tax
provisions that will provide for vouchers," said Kennedy, chairman of
the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. You will
recall that Kennedy and Mr. Bush became best buddies while Kennedy
"assisted" with the passage of this Leftist legislative abomination.

Memo to all not skeptical about working with Leftists: If you lie down
with dogs, expect to scratch a lot from fleabites!

Judicial Benchmarks...

In the halls of justice on the right, speaking of vouchers, the
Supreme Court Wednesday heard arguments defending a Cleveland, Ohio,
program for school vouchers for disadvantaged children to escape
failing schools -- under their parents' choice and discretion. The
final decision is expected to be close, but why should that be, for as
friend of The Federalist Linda Bowles properly asks, "It is time to
return to parents control over the education and 'upbringing' of their
own children. When and by what authority did the government take
charge of the children? Whose children are they, anyway, and why, in
the land of the free and the brave, has it become necessary to ask
such a question?"

And regarding children, another patriot friend of The Federalist,
Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court, affirmed a lower
court ruling that denied child custody rights to a woman because she
is a lesbian. Judge Moore wrote in the court's opinion, "Homosexual
conduct is, and has been, considered abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a
crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature and of
nature's God upon which this Nation and our laws are predicated. Such
conduct violates both the criminal and civil laws of this State and is
destructive to a basic building block of society -- the family."

>From the Left...

All those Demos making hay of Enron are now on the run. Turns out that
Enron was on the Clintonistas' "A list" of corporate courtiers, and
most of the Enron principals were at Gore headquarters for election
night last November. Oh, and now we know that Global Crossing not only
provided a huge cash-out for Democrat National Committee Chairman
Terry McAuliffe ... but it also anted up far more to Democrats than
Republicans.... Sshhhh ... don't let the Leftmedia get hold of that

And we especially like this comment from Sen. Peter G. Fitzgerald to
former Enron chairman Kenneth L. Lay: "You're perhaps the most
accomplished confidence man since Charles Ponzi. I'd say you were a
carnival barker, except that wouldn't be fair to carnival barkers."

>From the "Race Bait" Files, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
this week denounced the war on terrorism, suggesting that President
Bush should be tried for war crimes. Farrakhan was joined at a
conference in Inglewood, California by fellow bait masters Maxine
Waters and Al Sharpton -- Je$$e Ja¢k$on was regrettably absent while
in search of more Enron victims to exploit.

The Commissars...

The government always knows best, right? The Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms announced changes last October for required
government forms associated with background checks that federally
licensed firearms dealers must complete before finalizing gun sales,
including a set of boxes instead of a fill-in line to indicate
purchaser ethnicity, and a specific location for sales at gun shows.
Well, the new forms were never mailed, and that prevented completion
of gun sales nationwide this week! Comments by Dave Anver, President
of Dave's Guns, the largest gun dealer in Colorado, typified events
all over the country: "No one in the entire state could make any sales
without the new form." (Turns out the government's printer could not
get the contracted work done on time.) BATF employees were busily
faxing out copies this week to backlogged gun sellers, but admitted
they did not know when the problem would be corrected. As Ronald
Reagan often reminded, "Giving a bureaucrat a new rule is like handing
a pyromaniac a lighted match in a haymow."

Regarding the redistribution of your income...

This item from Ann Coulter on things funded by you and named for the
"conscience of the Senate": "The Robert C. Byrd Highway; the Robert C.
Byrd Locks and Dam; the Robert C. Byrd Institute; the Robert C. Byrd
Life Long Learning Center; the Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship
Program; the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope; the Robert C. Byrd
Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing; the Robert C. Byrd
Federal Courthouse; the Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center; the
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center; the Robert C. Byrd
United Technical Center; the Robert C. Byrd Federal Building; the
Robert C. Byrd Drive; the Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex; the
Robert C. Byrd Library; the Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center;
the Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center. And then it got late, and I
had to stop
researching. But it appears that every slab of concrete in West
Virginia is named after Bob Byrd.... There may still be a toilet in
West Virginia that is not yet named for Bob Byrd."

>From the department of military readiness...

Rounding out his trip in the West, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
visited the troops at Nevada's Nellis Air Force Base, remarking on
their essential role in the fight against Jihadistan, "If we are to
win the war on terror and prepare for tomorrow, we have to take care
of the most important asset we have, the men and women in uniform."
Evidently, as our armed forces have been promised, "help is on the

>From the department of military correctness...

And Mr. Rumsfeld was queried about news reports this week on possible
missions of the Pentagon's "Office of Strategic Influence," and
whether those might include planting intentional disinformation with
the press. Secretary Rumsfeld distinguished, "The word 'deception' is
an interesting one because it would be wrong to use the word in any
context other than a strategic or tactical deception. ... If they're
getting ready to undertake a direct action against an al Qaeda
stronghold someplace in Afghanistan, and they want to come in from the
west, they may very well do things that will lead the people in that
enclave to think they're coming in from the north instead of from the
west. And that would be characterized as tactical deception. ... So it
seems to me that what people have to understand about this is very
clear: number one, government officials, the Department of Defense,
this secretary and the people that work with me tell the American
people and the people of the world the truth. And to the extent anyone
says anything that at any time proves to have been not accurate, they
correct it at the earliest possible opportunity. And I've read some of
these articles that are floating around, and my advice is to think of
it the way I've just described it: That's the way it works. That's the
way it has worked. That's the way it will work in the future."

>From the states...

Virginia is jumping on the crafty bandwagon set in motion by Arkansas
-- by getting ready to allow Virginians who believe themselves
undertaxed to voluntarily pay more and and get their names posted on
the Department of Taxation Web site. Bravo!

The Alabama Senate has approved state public schools posting the Ten
Commandments and other historical documents. The bill's sponsor, Sen.
George Callahan, said of requiring Alabama's 1,445 public schools to
display the Ten Commandments, Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence
and Bill of Rights, "This bill is to teach our children where our laws
come from."

In Georgia (where the Decalogue is not displayed in schools), a
macabre discovery in Walker County (bordering Chattanooga, Tennessee),
as investigators found that a crematorium owner decided to save
himself a little money by returning potting soil to the family members
of deceased, and dumping hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of bodies in
mass graves around his property. (Several members of The Federalist
Editorial Board have family members who are among the bodies
recovered, or yet to be recovered, at this location.) Ray Marsh, owner
of Tri-State Crematory, and once recognized as the county's "Business
Person of the Year," has been arrested and jailed.

(And a political footnote: Georgia Demo legislator Mike Snow, whose
campaign received significant support from the Marsh family,
introduced a bill in 1992 that would have exempted Tri-State Crematory
from state inspection. That bill did not pass but in 1995, Snow did
get a measure passed giving Marsh a two-year reprieve from regulation.
In trickle-down Clintonista style, Snow has now authored a new bill to
tighten licensing and inspection requirements for crematories, and
another bill to make desecration or abuse of a human corpse a felony.
Somebody get this guy a cell next to Marsh!)

The "Non Compos Mentis" Department...

"What I saw will burn in my mind and heart forever -- the boredom of
the sows in the gestation crates ... all alone except for the flies
that covered them.... [I] promised them that the suffering they
endured would not be in vain. And I would make sure I did what I could
to expose their plight." --Lauren Ornelas, U.S. campaigns director for
Viva! USA, a vegan indoctrination organization.

Court Jesters...

A Manhattan judge reinstated a policeman fired for having sex with a
prostitute in a women's restroom at the Manhattan district attorney's
office. Justice Marcy Friedman said that since it was Officer Troy
Jackson's only offense, "the penalty of dismissal is so
disproportionate to the offense as to be shocking to one's sense of
fairness." Well, we are shocked -- SHOCKED! -- to report this "sense
of fairness" in a jurisprude!

Culture comment...

Making the world a "not safer" place, the Salt Lake Organizing
Committee is providing 12,000 Olympic condoms if athletes request them
from first aid stations. Friend of The Federalist and former Oklahoma
Rep. Tom Coburn, a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist, remarked,
"For decades the federal government has spent hundreds of millions of
dollars to promote an unsubstantiated claim that promiscuity with
condoms can be safe. We now know for a fact that this is a lie."

Faith Matters...

In a speech to the National Religious Broadcasters convention this
week, A.G. John Ashcroft spoke of the war on terrorism, "We are a
nation called to defend freedom -- a freedom that is not the grant of
any government or document, but is our endowment from God." Barry
Lynn, grand potentate of the misnamed "People for the American Way" (a
radically Leftist group that advocates the errant notion of
"separation of church and state" as if that were mandates by our
constitution), criticized Ashcroft, saying, "It seems to increase the
perception that [Ashcroft] cannot separate his religious agenda from
his public office." Perhaps someone ought to remind Barry Lynn of the
words of President George Washington, whose birthday we celebrate
today: "Morality is the necessary spring of popular government.... Let
us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be
maintained without Christianity."

On the frontiers of science...

New research in this month's Archives of General Psychiatry suggests
that a good night's rest may end up "rest in peace" -- as those who
slept eight hours or more nightly were found likelier to die sooner
than those sleeping five to seven hours each night. Sleep and
depression researcher Daniel Kripke, the study's author, cautioned,
"We don't know what the causal factors are. But it's possible that
sleeping too much, like eating too much, is bad for your health. And
it might be true that a little bit of sleep or sleep restriction, like
restricting your diet, could be good for your health." Hmmm, The
Federalist has reported on prior studies indicating naps and rest
during the day are associated with longer life spans. So maybe it's
good if this quandary keeps us up nights but we still sleep at our

Around the world...

Israeli forces blew up Palestinian radio and TV transmission
facilities in Gaza, and Israeli troops entered Gaza City. So much for
results of the much-vaunted "peace process"! Sounds like war to us....

And about how crime fighting works across the big water, Londoners are
now six times likelier to be robbed or assaulted than New Yorkers, as
London street crimes swelled by over 16 percent last year, and if
committed at the same pace will total over 60,000 this year. Wow, look
how well all those British spycams are working!

A Swedish court ruled that a sperm donor cannot get off that lightly,
giving only at the doctor's office, but must behave as a "financial
father" by paying child support for three children after the
separation of lesbian couple rearing his offspring. As the children's
biological father he is obliged to pay $265 monthly after the women's
10-year relationship ended.

And last...

>From the New York Times department of corrections, award-winning
free-lance writer Michael Finkel was excused from any further
assignments after it was discovered that he used "improper narrative
techniques." More specifically, the Times's editor noted its "policies
prohibit falsifying a news account or using fictional devices in
factual material." No word yet from Fox News on Geraldo von
Munchausen's future with their network, after he got caught in one of
his theatrical stunts -- tearfully claiming he was on "hallowed
ground...I said the Lord's prayer," when, in fact, he was hundreds of
miles from where several of our military personnel were killed by
friendly fire.

Memo to our readers: Caveat Emptor!

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